Parents' Guide to


TikTok Poster Image

Kids Say

age 13+

Based on 799 kid reviews

Kid Reviews

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age 12+


People are ready going overboard. There are some creepy people, but they are outnumbered by the others. Yes, there are sexual songs, but your kid probably listens to the radio. I would advise staying away from certain comment sections if your really worried. There was a girl who's nudes got leaked and some people used them as their pfps.

This title has:

  • Easy to play/use
age 15+


It's the worst app I had ever seen, even more than µTorrent! First of all, it promoted gun violence treats as a challenge, and my entire school was scared for our safety, it promoted theft as a challenge, and also promoted slapping your teacher in their face. Someone died due to a challenge that I may not be able to say in this platform. It also decreases your attention span because they are short, and all you do is mindlessly scroll up. It is addictive, and may decrease your's or your child's grades. I once got exposed to adult content on that app. 100% DO NOT GET THIS APP, it will ruin your child's mind. I'm surprised TikTok themselves didn't shut themselves down. It caused a lot of deaths and it makes me fear for what my future will be.

This title has:

  • Too much violence
  • Too much sex
  • Too much swearing
  • Too much drinking/drugs/smoking
14 people found this helpful.
age 18+

Please do not download, very bad app and bad influence.

Tiktok is not a good app for children under the age of 18. There are sexual references, violent references, many inappropriate things that happen on it. It is no safe site for kids under 18, it may be the equivalent of pornography in some sorts. It trends are also very dangerous. At my school, many kids got in trouble stealing stuff because of tiktok trends. Parents, do you really want your children to ruin their lives over a petty app? Please consider the cons of this app, as they outweigh the pros. This app is dangerous to young children. They should never be exposed to the explicit material that is commonly present on tiktok.

This title has:

  • Too much violence
  • Too much sex
  • Too much swearing
  • Too much drinking/drugs/smoking
13 people found this helpful.
age 18+

Not for kids! Lots of naked adults on this site, predictors everywhere 😖 my friend killed himself because of this app and I will NEVER get him back! Please please! Don’t let your kid get this! They might commit suicide! 😰😰😰

This title has:

  • Too much violence
  • Too much sex
  • Too much swearing
  • Too much drinking/drugs/smoking
9 people found this helpful.
age 9+

oh my lord

it’s just depends what side of tiktok ur on tbh

This title has:

  • Too much sex
  • Too much swearing
  • Too much drinking/drugs/smoking
9 people found this helpful.
age 13+

Oh boy, Tiktok

As a teen, I know most of the kids everywhere use this. Although there is some good content, it’s almost impossible to find. You basically find people shoving beliefs down people’s thoughts, and that’s EVERYONE. Most popular influencers are kinda toxic and just want clout. I was on here for about a month, and I learned that: 1. Don’t visit most of the Middle East if you’re a part of the LGTBQ+ community, and 2. This app might make you feel bad about yourself including body image, thoughts, you know. Not particularly a great thing to someone who already struggles with that. You can download it, but I don’t recommend it. Also, I’m not sure if my family is just paranoid, but if’s from China, and they have some interesting stuff going on over though. Are they tracking you? Likely. Is Google also tracking you. Also likely.

This title has:

  • Easy to play/use
7 people found this helpful.
age 17+


I hate the app, I cant go out in public without some 10 year olds with "pop its" and doing a tik tok dance or saying a song is from tik tok. There is innapropiate content on the app. Overall just a horrible app.

This title has:

  • Too much swearing
7 people found this helpful.
age 14+

Don't bother. Promotes vandalism, swearing, and sexual content

I have to admit that a few months ago I was pretty mad that my parents wouldn't let me get it, but now seeing what it really is, it's existence is honestly just sad. THE BAD STUFF: A 15 year old got ARRESTED for pulling a TikTok promoted Devious Lick of pulling a toilet out of a bathroom stall at his school. There are sexual lyrics, dances, and images, as well as depictions of smoking, vaping, and drugs. The language is INSANE. Kids get addicted, learn terrible lies, and start to feel like they're bodies aren't good enough because they're different than the "pretty girls on TikTok." THE GOOD STUFF: You can learn about cool art trends, food hacks, clothing trends, and other fun skills. People find new hobbies. OTHER STUFF: The dances are cringy and depressing, and it's all anyone talks about. People are posting mindless gaming videos. Overall, just a really disappointing app. Don't bother.

This title has:

  • Easy to play/use
  • Too much violence
  • Too much sex
  • Too much swearing
  • Too much drinking/drugs/smoking
5 people found this helpful.
age 17+


I am 11 years old but i think TikTok is a really bad idea for anyone under 17 years old. It makes you feel uncomfortable and gives you sexul thoughts. Parents, do not lets your kids get this. You can maybe lets a mature 15 or 16 year old, but just avoid it.

This title has:

  • Too much sex
  • Too much swearing
  • Too much drinking/drugs/smoking
5 people found this helpful.
age 10+

its not that bad and you guys are overexaggerating

its a good app and stuff and most of the things i have seen on the reveiws is stuff thats avoidable, if you dont want your child to do a tredn teach them decemcy and sense? im on tik tok really often.

This title has:

  • Educational value
  • Great messages
  • Great role models
  • Easy to play/use
4 people found this helpful.
age 12+

it's fine as long as your kid knows what's okay

Everyone is overreacting- you might get some weird stuff whenever you first download it but once the algorithm learns what you like then all the weird horny stuff goes away, if you find that kinda stuff on your kids FYP then they've been liking similar videos- there will be language- not really any violence and uploading gym content as a minor is a pain but overall if your kid knows what to watch and not watch then its fine. there's stuff for everyone- you can learn a lot

This title has:

  • Educational value
  • Great messages
  • Easy to play/use
  • Too much swearing
4 people found this helpful.

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