Parents' Guide to


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Parents Say

age 13+

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age 10+

Its fine, everyone is overreacting.

As long as: A: you are a good parent B: you have a good child C: They have good friends D: they use an alias online you are fine. This website uses "servers" which are their version of group chats, and you have to click on an invite link that somebody else sent you to join one. Or, if the server is public (most are), it CANT have any NSFW channels. this can only be bypassed if somebody makes their own server and deliberately adds NSFW marked channels, in which EVERY POST has to censored, and you have to click to uncensor. Also, you cant bypass this if your under 18. Nothing about your kids personal life will be shown to others, unless your kid shows it to others. If your kid is around puberty age, please just accept that they have seen porn and don't take away discord from them, its not discords fault. Your kid was curious and found it online. They had to go searching far and wide to find it anywhere on discord.

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7 people found this helpful.
age 13+


Discord has gotten a lot of hate because of kids meeting preditors and things like that and yes its not good and should not happen but its one not all discords fault. Discord's TOS says that you have to be 13 and up and is I think is good. most 13 year olds have some sense of whats right and whats wrong unlike a 9 year old who most likely wont know what right and wrong. With anything online privacy is important and discord has setting that make it easy. You can chose to disable DM from servers, disable dms from everyone you are not friends with. With adult content or 18+ things you have to know that you kid will not be a Angle and they will eventually find adult content. Ok now with that done what are the good things about it. Discord is really easy to use and straight forward. Discord has servers were you can join and talk about lots of different topics from things like video games to things like photography Discord also makes it so much easier to talk to people and the voice chat is one of the best quality. Ovral I love discord and I hope this made you understand it more

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  • Easy to play/use
6 people found this helpful.
age 10+

Discord is great for connecting with friends.

Although I must admit that discord can sometimes have some inappropriate servers if you block explicit content in the settings and you don't let your children join servers that have people your children don't know discord is 100% safe.

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6 people found this helpful.
age 9+


It's literally just a communtications website. It may have swear words but it's good. My daughter uses it to chat with other people on Roblox and I haven't seen any side effects from it. Its really cool.

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5 people found this helpful.
age 13+

It's straight up awful

Voice chat is constantly being cut out, connections are highly unstable, Links won't appear as they should, files won't send, the 'store' was a massive mistake on their part, features that should be free are locked behind a paywall which is too expensive. Overall, this is garbage. I moved here from Skype because that was bad, and now I'm going back to it. Back in the day, Discord was great, now it's just another version of Skype with some bells and whistles, nothing more. I'd rather use Messenger.

This title has:

  • Too much consumerism
3 people found this helpful.
age 12+

Great, but you might want to read the whole reivew. :)

The application in question is Discord, which offers accessibility via computers, making it accessible to children without smartphones or tablets. If their peers are using it, they can guide navigating the platform and interacting cautiously with others. Discord provides content filtering options to manage displayed content and communications. While Discord is free for basic use, there's an optional premium service called Discord Nitro, priced at approximately $10 per month. This upgrade offers enhanced features such as higher-quality voice channels and larger file upload limits. Regarding safety, Discord provides tools for moderation and content control within servers. However, it's essential for parents to actively supervise their children's usage and engage in discussions about online safety and responsible interaction. In conclusion, Discord can be a valuable platform, especially for gaming and social communities, but parental oversight and guidance are crucial to ensure safe and appropriate usage by children if your child is under 12 or 13 and you do not trust them to make their own decisions.
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age 11+

It's safe. Let your kids communicate!

I know a lot of people complain about inappropriate content, but you guys forget that these are children. Meaning, that if they're under 18 the parents need to monitor the account and discord acknowledges that. You can turn off getting DM's( Messages) from people you don't know and you can't be added to Servers(Discords version of group chats) unless they accept the invite; and if it's not from a friend tht they have then they wont get Invite in the first place. Plus all servers have moderators that block and censor content that is innapropiate before it gets sent so just let your kids hang out with their friends for gods sake.

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2 people found this helpful.
age 10+

Some parents don't let there kids use discord?

Like if you don't join any sketchy server's. It's great my kids use it to talk to there friends!

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  • Easy to play/use
2 people found this helpful.
age 18+

Friendly advice: Do not use on your phone if you have any payment method associated with your google account. I've been charged without ever buying anything from Discord.
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age 18+

Beware! Beware for newbie users out there. The negative toxicity in this app is so high same with Twitter. Interface wise it has a perfect 100 but it does not actually serve its 'friendly' objective for every one.

This title has:

  • Easy to play/use
  • Too much consumerism
2 people found this helpful.

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