About CODE Staffing

About Us

The CODE Group was established in 1993 by Markus Egger. For the past 30 years, the CODE group has grown its service offerings from publishing & distributing one of the longest- running, global software magazines (CODE Magazine), to completing multi-million-dollar projects with our consulting (CODE Consulting) and training (CODE Training) divisions, to now, providing top of the line staffing services. CODE Staffing is the staffing arm of the CODE Group.

CODE provides professional software developers either on-site or remotely to augment your software development team and can help you staff projects of any size. We do not just find people to add to your team, but we’re passionate about developing people and their careers. We train and develop our professionals, and we incorporate them into our team and network, even while they work for you.

Our expertise spans various platforms, such as Windows, Web, Mobile Devices (including iOS and Android), Cloud, Services, Databases, and more. Our experts also specialize in rewriting older software, such as VB, and Visual FoxPro into today's technologies.

How can we do all this? One of the things that sets CODE Staffing apart is our vast range of resources. With CODE Staffing, you not only get the extra resources you need, you get the global CODE Developer Network of professionals available for questions!

Here are some different groups you will get access to when you work with CODE...

  • Our Industry-Wide Contacts
  • Microsoft MVP Network and Regional Directors
  • CODE Magazine Authors
  • Conference Speakers
  • Other CODE consulting and staffing team members

Interested in learning more about CODE Staffing? Check out our Mission and Vision Statement, or fill out the form on our homepage and someone from our team will be in touch soon!

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