Understanding White Privilege | National Civil Rights Museum

Presented by Dr. Diane J. Goodman

diversity and social justice educator, consultant, and author

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Virtual event  •  3:00-4:00pm CDT 


Discussions of racism generally focus on the systemic disadvantage and harm to BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color). This multimedia webinar explores the other side of the dynamic--how white people are systematically advantaged or privileged.  Through historical and contemporary examples, Goodman explains what white privilege is, how it operates, ways it is experienced in everyday life, and how it can be used to create more racial justice.  This webinar particularly invites white people to examine white privilege in order to more effectively engage in dismantling racism.  

Diane J. Goodman, Ed.D. has been an educator, trainer, and consultant on diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice issues for over three decades. Diane has done training and consulting with a wide range of organizations, universities, schools, and community groups, and has been a professor at several universities.  A particular focus of her work is on addressing racism, whiteness, and racial justice, and facilitating anti-racism groups for white people. She is the author of the book Promoting Diversity and Social Justice: Educating People from Privileged Groups (second edition) and co-editor and contributor to Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice (third edition) and other publications.



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