Robyn Henderson-Espinoza | National Civil Rights Museum

Robyn Henderson-Espinoza

"Constellations of Difference:
Rethinking Intersectionality"

WednesDay, September 11, 2019  •  6:00Pm
Free & Open to the Public

Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, PhD has been described in a myriad of ways: a scholar-activist, scholar-leader, thought-leader, teacher, public theologian, ethicist, poet of moral reason, and word artist. Dr. Robyn is also a visionary thinker who has spent two decades working in the borderlands of church, academy, & movements.  They work to not only disrupt, but also dismantle supremacy culture by focusing on new concepts of being & becoming, decolonizing knowledge production, & bridging with radical difference. They thrive in a deep hope of collaborating in these borderland spaces where their work contributes to the ongoing work of collective liberation.  Dr. Robyn is the founder of the Activist Theology Project, a Nashville-based collaborative project that seeks to work with the dominant culture and produces curriculum at the intersection of scholarship and activism.  


Activist Theology Trailer

Activist Theology as a disciplinary off-shoot of liberation theology & Movement idea has been incubating since 2008 with Dr. Robyn and further developed throughout their doctoral program and engagement with Movement leaders.  Dr. Robyn was named 1 of 10 Faith Leaders to watch by the Center for American Progress in 2018.  As a scholar-activist, Dr. Robyn is committed to translating theory to action, so that our work in the borderlands reflect the deep spiritual work of transforming self to transforming the world. Dr. Robyn writes & creates both academic & other valuable resources, including digital resources. Dr. Robyn is a non-binary Transqueer Latinx who calls Nashville, TN home. They are the author of Activist Theology, 2019, published by Fortress Press.

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