/* * variable declares */ var error_msg_class_name = "invalid-feedback-msg"; var $chat_m = $('#chat-modal'); var $chat_form = $('#chat-modal #chat-form'); var $email_m = $('#email-modal'); var $email_form = $('#email-modal #email-form'); var gcaptcha_response = ''; var chat_recapcha; var email_recapcha; var onloadCallback = function() { // Renders the HTML element with id 'example1' as a reCAPTCHA widget. // The id of the reCAPTCHA widget is assigned to 'widgetId1'. chat_recapcha = grecaptcha.render('chat_recaptcha', { 'sitekey' : '6LfwCjoUAAAAAHm_ndbHSPAmsLZRGH9TL2A-MOkP', }); // email_recapcha = grecaptcha.render('email_recaptcha', { // 'sitekey' : '6LfwCjoUAAAAAHm_ndbHSPAmsLZRGH9TL2A-MOkP' // }); }; $(document).ready(function() { // document ready /* * form resets */ $chat_m.on('hide.bs.modal', function(){ // reset form validation on modal close $chat_form.validate().resetForm(); $chat_form.find('.form-group .form-control').val(''); $chat_form.find('.'+error_msg_class_name).remove(); }); $email_m.on('hide.bs.modal', function(){ // reset form validation on modal close $email_form.validate().resetForm(); $email_form.find('.form-group .form-control').val(''); $email_form.find('.'+error_msg_class_name).remove(); }); /* * chat form functions */ var options = { height: 400, // sets the height in pixels of the window. width: 750, // sets the width in pixels of the window. toolbar: 0, // determines whether a toolbar (includes the forward and back buttons) is displayed {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. scrollbars: 0, // determines whether scrollbars appear on the window {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. status: 0, // whether a status line appears at the bottom of the window {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. resizable: 1, // whether the window can be resized {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. Can also be overloaded using resizable. left: 0, // left position when the window appears. top: 0, // top position when the window appears. center: 0, // should we center the window? {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. overrides top and left createnew: 0, // should we create a new window for each occurance {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. location: 0, // determines whether the address bar is displayed {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. menubar: 0 // determines whether the menu bar is displayed {1 (YES) or 0 (NO)}. }; var parameters = "location=" + options.location + ",menubar=" + options.menubar + ",height=" + options.height + ",width=" + options.width + ",toolbar=" + options.toolbar + ",scrollbars=" + options.scrollbars + ",status=" + options.status + ",resizable=" + options.resizable + ",left=" + options.left + ",screenX=" + options.left + ",top=" + options.top + ",screenY=" + options.top; $chat_m.find('button.start').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // $chat_form.submit(); if($chat_form.valid()) { window.open($chat_form.attr('action'), $chat_form.attr('target'), parameters); $chat_form.submit(); $chat_m.modal('hide'); } }); $chat_form.validate({ ignore: ".ignore", rules: { user: { required: true }, email: { email: true }, subject: { required: true }, chat_recaptcha: { required: function() { if(grecaptcha.getResponse(chat_recapcha) == '') { return true; } else { return false; } } }, }, errorPlacement: function(error, element) { var markup = '
'; if( element.next().hasClass(error_msg_class_name) ) { // if has error message already, replace it with new message element.next().replaceWith(markup); } else { // new element.after(markup); } }, onfocusout: function(element, event){ return removeMessageOnValid(element, event); }, }); /* * email form functions */ $email_form.find('button.send').click(function(e){ if($email_form.valid()) {$email_form.submit(email_for_submit_handler);} }); $email_form.validate({ ignore: ".ignore", rules: { user: { required: true }, email: { email: true }, subject: { required: true }, email_recaptcha: { required: function() { if(grecaptcha.getResponse(email_recapcha) == '') { return true; } else { return false; } } }, }, errorPlacement: function(error, element) { var markup = '
'; if( element.next().hasClass(error_msg_class_name) ) { // if has error message already, replace it with new message element.next().replaceWith(markup); } else { // new element.after(markup); } }, onfocusout: function(element, event){ return removeMessageOnValid(element, event); }, }); }); /* * on load functions */ removeMessageOnValid = function(element, event) { isValidEle = $(element).valid(); // validate field on blur if(isValidEle) { // remove message if field is valid if ($(element).next().hasClass(error_msg_class_name)) {$(element).next().remove();} } } email_for_submit_handler = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var postData = $(this).serializeArray(); $.ajax({ url: 'https://chat.cityfoneservices.net/email', type: 'POST', data: postData, }) .done(function() { $email_form.find('.modal-body .send-message-body').hide(); // hide form body $email_form.find('.modal-body .send-message-body-sent').show(); // show thank you message $email_form.find('.modal-footer.send-message-buttons').hide(); // hide form buttons $email_form.find('.modal-footer.send-message-buttons-sent').show(); // show close button set_recapcha_response(''); }) .fail(function() {console.log("error");}) .always(function() {console.log("complete");}); } function set_recapcha_response(res) { window.gcaptcha_response = res; }