Trusted by small & medium brands worldwide

You don’t need the budget of the greatest brands to start operating like one.

Liquid Data Go™ is your fast, hassle-free access to market and consumer insights.
Developed for growing CPG SMEs. Packages start at £833 per month.

Track sales performance across channels and regions

Scalable packages that fit your needs

Category, brand, and competitor data at your fingertips

Online training available

Easy setup – live within 48 hours

Packages start at £833 per month

Gain insights into sales trends, distribution channels, and competitive analysis to identify key growth opportunities.

  • Fast Market Insights.
  • Channel Optimization
  • Strategic Category Exploration

Understand your market position, track key metrics, and leverage actionable insights to outshine the competition.

  • Brand Health Overview
  • Portfolio Strategy
  • Price and promotion monitoring

Easily delve into analytics, identify trends, and confidently make informed decisions.

  • Fast insights
  • Simple to use reporting
  • Comprehensive Data Exploration

Don’t take our word for it.

“Having complete data eliminates opinion and speculation. We get real information for real results. We highly recommend you utilize Liquid Data Go. It’s made a big difference in our company and we think it could do the same for yours.”

Frank Muchel,
CEO Partner Foods Group

The Forrester Wave™: Retail Planning Platforms, Q4 2023

Circana is named a Strong Performer in The Forrester Wave™: Retail Planning Platforms, Q4 2023. Circana was selected as one of the top 13 to be included in this prestigious report. At Circana, we consider this recognition of the direction retail planning is headed and the importance of retailer and supplier collaboration. Circana had the highest possible scores in Deployment Options, Scalability, Aggregate Demand Forecast, Partner Ecosystem and Pricing Flexibility & Transparency.

The Forrester Wave™: Retail Planning Platforms, Q4 2023, George Lawrie, Nov 28, 2023

Liquid Data Go Insights.

Document By Alex Lawrence Senior Strategic Insight Director UK CPG vertical

Webinar By Alex Lawrence Senior Strategic Insight Director UK CPG vertical