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Census Bureau Staff Search
Search the Census Bureau Staff Directory to find employees' contact details. You can enter one or more pieces of information to find who you are looking for.

Enter the last name or email address of the person you are looking for in the Last Name or Email Address field.

Enter the first name of the person you are looking for in the First Name field.

Use a wildcard character '*' if unclear on the spelling of the last name (i.e., "a*son" finds users whose last names start with "a" and end in "son").

Enter the abbreviation for division name you are looking for such as ADSD or GEO in the Organization� field.

To search for a given phone number, enter the last four digits (for people at headquarters).� You can also enter the entire phone number with area code to get offsite people, located at the National Processing Center (NPC), Regional Census Centers (RCC's), or Regional Offices (RO's). Not all entries have a phone number, so it is possible that some people will not be listed this way.

Search the Census Bureau Staff Directory to find employees' contact details. You can enter one or more pieces of information to find who you are looking for.

Use a wildcard character '*' if unclear on the spelling of the last name (i.e., "a*son" finds users whose last names start with "a" and end in "son").

Enter the abbreviation for division name you are looking for such as ADSD or GEO in the Organization field.

To search for a given phone number, enter the last four digits (for people at headquarters). You can also enter the entire phone number with area code to get offsite people, located at the National Processing Center (NPC), or Regional Offices (RO's). Not all entries have a phone number, so it is possible that some people will not be listed this way.

Last Name
First Name
Email Address
A maximum of 500 entries will be returned from this search.
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