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Random Samplings

The U.S. Census Bureau is the leading source of data about the population and economy of the United States. While the Census Bureau is best known for conducting a national headcount once every 10 years, the agency is continually conducting surveys that provide data about a variety of social and economic conditions.

Experts from around the Census Bureau will use Random Samplings to describe the objectives of their work and explain census and survey results. We hope this blog will increase awareness and use of the valuable data collected by the Census Bureau, and make this data more accessible to all users.


Random Samplings Blog
Evolving the Household Pulse Survey
The HPS is a program developed by the Census Bureau to meet data needs for informing emerging policy questions in an exceptionally timely way.

Random Samplings Blog
Understanding the Supplemental DHC File
On Sept. 19, the U.S. Census Bureau will release the Supplemental DHC File, which is the final data product from the 2020 Census.

Random Samplings Blog
Difference Between the Supplemental and Official Poverty Measures
This blog discusses the development of the SPM and differences between the two measures.

Random Samplings Blog
Health Insurance Coverage Measurement in Two Major Surveys
This blog provides an overview of key similarities and differences between CPS ASEC and ACS health insurance coverage measures.

Random Samplings Blog
Understanding the Detailed DHC File B
On August 1, the U.S. Census Bureau will release the 2020 Census Detailed DHC File B, adding to what we know about our nation’s diverse population.

Random Samplings Blog
2020 Census Operational Statistics on the Planning Database
The Census Bureau released the 2023 PDB, the first PDB to include operational statistics from the 2020 Census, including metrics on online self-response.

Random Samplings Blog
Testing Our Innovations
Working toward our goal of counting everyone in the census requires a wide variety of interconnected activities.

Random Samplings Blog
Updates to OMB’s Race/Ethnicity Standards
OMB published the results of its review of SPD 15 and issued updated standards for collecting and reporting race and ethnicity data across federal agencies.

Random Samplings Blog
Integrating Our Business Statistics for an Ever-Changing U.S. Economy
Reimagining the flow of economic business data from data respondents to users.

Random Samplings Blog
2030 Census Planning: What 2024 Brings
As we embark on a new year filled with possibilities, it’s time to share exciting updates and innovations that will shape the 2030 Census.

Random Samplings Blog
2020 PES Coverage Results in the Vintage 2023 Population Estimates
Census Bureau experts have been examining whether to use PES results to improve the annual population estimates.

Random Samplings Blog
2022 Economic Census – End of Data Collection
Serving as the cornerstone of the nation’s economic statistics, the economic census is the most comprehensive measure of our nation’s economic activity.

Random Samplings Blog
New Experimental Products Designed with the AIAN Community in Mind
We’re committed to reflecting an accurate portrait of our nation, and our success depends on delivering statistics that address the needs of all our data users.

Random Samplings Blog
Understanding Hard-to-Count and Historically Undercounted Populations
In a world driven by data, accurate population counts form the foundation for informed decision-making.

Random Samplings Blog
Protecting Your Data, Our Systems and the Public
At the U.S. Census Bureau, protecting your data and privacy is a top priority.

Random Samplings Blog
Data Quality and the Detailed DHC File A
Today the Census Bureau released new statistics about our nation’s communities, providing population counts and sex-by-age statistics.

Random Samplings Blog
What You Should Know About the Upcoming Detailed DHC File A
The upcoming 2020 Census Detailed DHC-A greatly expands what we know about the racial and ethnic composition of the U.S. population.

Random Samplings Blog
Difference Between the Supplemental and Official Poverty Measures
There has been continued debate about the best way to measure poverty in the U.S. since the first official U.S. poverty statistics were published.

Random Samplings Blog
Exploring the Racial and Ethnic Diversity of Various Age Groups
The 2020 Census showed that while the population under 5 years was the nation’s most racially and ethnically diverse age group, variation existed among states.

Random Samplings Blog
Transforming the Census Bureau’s Annual Surveys of Businesses
As part of the Census Bureau’s ongoing commitment to innovation, we are working to reengineer our processes to increase efficiency and improve the data generate

Random Samplings Blog
International Collaboration Helps Us Transform To Build Our Nation’s 21st Century Data Infrastructure
Good data – comprehensive, timely and accurate – are an essential part of the world we live in.

Random Samplings Blog
How the Census Bureau Is Optimizing Its Research and Testing Strategy for the 2030 Census
Today we’re making the first in a series of major announcements about preparations for the 2030 Census.

Random Samplings Blog
The Currency of Our Data: A Critical Input Into Federal Funding
We often describe how the data can benefit people when we encourage them to respond to the census or to a U.S. Census Bureau survey.

Random Samplings Blog
Age Heaping in the 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics File (DHC)
While age heaping is an issue in all decennial census and household survey data, the 2020 Census shows patterns of age heaping that are more pronounced.

Random Samplings Blog
Examining the Racial and Ethnic Diversity of Adults and Children
The 2020 Census shows the overall U.S. population in 2020 was more racially and ethnically diverse than it was a decade earlier.

Random Samplings Blog
Providing Users With Accessible Data
Many people associate the U.S. Census Bureau with the decennial census, the once a decade count of every person living in the United States.

Random Samplings Blog
What to Expect: Disclosure Avoidance and the 2020 Census Demographic and Housing Characteristics File
On May 25, the U.S. Census Bureau is set to release the next wave of data from the 2020 Census providing new details about our nation and communities.

Random Samplings Blog
Looking Back to See the Way Forward: My First Year at the U.S. Census Bureau
It has been an exciting first year for me at the U.S. Census Bureau!

Random Samplings Blog
Census Data for Resiliency: Helping Communities Prepare, Respond and Recover
Whether its statistical data or operational expertise, the U.S. Census Bureau can assist federal and local partners with emergency preparedness.

Random Samplings Blog
2022 Economic Census in The Island Areas
The Economic Census is the official five-year measure of American businesses and the economy.

Random Samplings Blog
Censo Económico del 2022 en las Áreas Insulares
La Oficina del Censo recopila datos del censo económico en Áreas Insulares.

Random Samplings Blog
Changing Small Habits Can Lead to Transformation
It’s up to all of us to build the Census Bureau of the 21st century – one that provides our users the high-quality data they need to thrive in a changing world.

Random Samplings Blog
Redefining Urban Areas following the 2020 Census
“Urban” and “rural” are terms that bring to mind specific kinds of landscapes—densely developed areas in the case of urban, and small towns, farms and open spaces in the case of rural.

Random Samplings Blog
Disclosure Avoidance Protections for the American Community Survey
We've heard from a number of data users lately who have questions about the status of our plans to strengthen confidentiality safeguards for our data products.

Random Samplings Blog
How Inflation Affects the Census Bureau's Income & Earnings Estimates
In the report, Income in the United States: 2021, the Census Bureau will compare estimates of median income and earnings between 2020 and 2021 and present historical income and earnings estimates dating back to 1967.

Random Samplings Blog
The Difference Between the Supplemental and Official Poverty Measures
There has been continued debate about the best way to measure income and poverty in the United States since the first official U.S. poverty statistics were published in the mid-1960s.

Page Last Revised - December 5, 2023
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