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2023 Data Release New and Notable

The New and Notable page highlights important information supporting each of the data releases.  You can also visit the User Notes and Errata Notes pages to learn about issues, errors, and/or corrections impacting the survey.

2023 ACS 1-year Estimates

September 12, 2024
2023 ACS 1-year Estimates Released September 12

2023 ACS 1-year estimates are based on data collected from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023.

2023 ACS 1-year estimates are available in data.census.gov and the API. The Census Bureau recommends using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge when accessing data.census.gov. Learn more about data.census.gov resources, including how-to materials, video tutorials, and more.

2023 ACS 1-year estimates are available for geographic areas with populations of 65,000 or more.

Pre-Release Webinar

View the recorded webinar highlighting important changes for the 2023 ACS 1-year release and tips for comparing geographies and statistics over time.

Comparison Guidance

Guidance on comparing the 2023 ACS 1-year estimates with 2022 ACS 1-year estimates, 2020 Census, and 2010 Census by subject area is now available.

Summary File Data

The 1-year Summary File data on the FTP site are now available. Supporting materials were released on September 5, 2024.

September 5, 2024
New, Modified, and Deleted Tables for the 2023 ACS 1-year Release

Visit 2023 Table and Geography Changes for a list and description of new, modified and deleted tables, as well as information on changes to geography.

Geography & ACS

The Areas PublishedGeography Boundaries by Year, and Reference Materials pages have been updated for 2023.

2023 ACS 1-year Table Shells and Table List

Table shells for the 2023 ACS 1-year tables and profiles are available on the FTP site. The 2023 ACS Table List is also available. It includes information, such as table IDs, titles, and universes, as well as 1-year/5-year availability, in one spreadsheet.

Select Documentation Released

Supporting documentation has been released to help users prepare for the release of the 2023 ACS 1-year estimates. Additional technical documentation will be released on September 12, 2024.

Summary File Materials Released

Supporting documentation for the 2023 ACS 1-year Summary File has been released. The 1-year Summary File on the FTP site will be available on release day. For more information, visit the ACS Summary File page

May 2, 2024
Release Schedule

The 2023 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year estimates are scheduled to be released on September 12, 2024.  These data will be available for the nation, all states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, every congressional district, every metropolitan area, and all counties and places with populations of 65,000 or more.

The 2023 ACS 1-year Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) files and 2023 ACS 1-year Supplemental Estimates are scheduled to be released on October 17, 2024.  For more information on the release schedule, visit 2023 ACS Release Schedule.

Page Last Revised - September 12, 2024
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