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Frequently Asked Questions


Yes, the Annual Integrated Economic Survey (AIES) is a legitimate U.S. Census Bureau survey. AIES will be the U.S. Government’s annual measure of American businesses and the economy.

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Yes. Response is required by law. Title 13, United States Code, Sections, 131 and 182 authorizes the survey and requires businesses and other organizations that receive this questionnaire to answer the questions and return the report to the U.S. Census Bureau. Sections 224 and 225 of Title 13, United States Code specify penalties for firms that fail to report.

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Title 13, United States Code (U.S.C.), Sections 131 and 182 authorizes this collection. Sections 224 and 225 require your response. Section 9 requires that we keep your answers STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Although Title 13 (Section 224) and the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 (18, U.S.C. 3559 and 3571) allow for possible prosecution of responsible officials and penalties up to $5,000 (and still require response), the U.S. Census Bureau prefers to work cooperatively with businesses like yours to ensure we gather and distribute reliable statistics about the U.S. economy. We ask for your help in meeting that goal, recognizing that we are relying on your valuable time and effort to comply with this request.

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Approximately 370,000 companies will receive invitations to complete the 2023 AIES in March 2024.

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The AIES will integrate questions from existing annual collections. Data will be collected on an annual basis covering topics including:

  • Business characteristics, including employment, operating status, organizational change, and ownership information.
  • Business classification, including business activity, type of operation, and tax status.
  • Revenue, including sales, shipments, receipts, and revenue; class of customer; taxes; contributions, gifts, and grants; products; and e-commerce activity.
  • Operating expenses, including purchased services, payroll, benefits, rental payments, utilities, interest, resales, equipment, materials and supplies, research and development, and other detail operating expenses
  • Assets, including capital expenditures, inventories, and depreciable assets.
  • Robotic equipment.
  • Various trade or industry specific content.

Content Summary

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We consolidated seven surveys into one with the goals of minimizing respondent burden, streamlining operations, and offering a more holistic approach of the economy. The U.S. Census Bureau will now gather data for all company operations using a single instrument at one time. Previously, seven annual surveys required separate instruments with unique content, each with distinct mailout and completion dates.

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The U.S. Census Bureau will release data beginning in the summer of 2025.

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No, the U.S. Census Bureau is barred from releasing any information that could identify an individual, business, organization, or institution – and tightly safeguards confidentiality using strong, ever-improving cybersecurity measures.

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The newly added rows, identified by ID numbers starting with 3, represent your company's operations within specific industries. These rows are categorized under groups of establishments classified within the relevant industry and reflect a compilation of activities from those establishments.

You may observe multiple rows pertaining to a KAU/industry for the same industry or NAICS code if your company has operations outside of the 50 states and DC. For instance, if your company has establishments in the 50 states and DC as well as in Puerto Rico under the same NAICS, you will encounter one industry row for the NAICS activity in the 50 states and DC and another industry row for the same NAICS in Puerto Rico.

Rows with ID numbers starting with 2 represent establishments falling under industries designated by NAICS codes for each KAU. These should correspond to the establishments reviewed in Step 1.

You are not required to report for establishments indicated in Steps 1 and 1B as having no activity in 2023. While these establishments won't be visible, their industry rows will still be present even if none of your establishments operating in that industry are currently active. You still need to input a value in the Sales, Shipments, Receipts of Revenue (RCPT_TOT_VAL) column for these rows. If there was no activity in this industry in 2023, you can enter zero and leave other cells blank for this row.

AIES Video 6: Step 3 - Detailed Data Responding by KAU

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No, to ensure your data save properly, please DO NOT use or view multiple instances of the survey in the same browser simultaneously

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Your company was selected for multiple surveys at the same time. Census Bureau Economic Surveys are a key source for official statistics and provide important measures of the American economy.  

  • Monthly and Quarterly surveys are small sample surveys that provide the TIMELIEST data available.
  • Annual surveys have larger samples and provide the most up-to-date TREND data available. 
  • The Annual Business Survey (ABS) provides information on selected economic and demographic characteristics for businesses and business owners.
  • The Economic Census occurs every 5 years and measures all businesses and provides the most COMPREHENSIVE data available at the national, state, and local level. 

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Click the “browser self check” link on portal.census.gov. This check will verify that all settings are correctly configured for accessing the survey. It also provides links to guide respondents through resolving any issues that do not display "Passed" in the "Results" column. The most common issues can be fixed by clearing the internet browser’s cache and cookies or enabling pop-ups.

If you are still unable to sign in, please contact the Census Bureau by calling the customer help line at 1-800-681-3012, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

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The AIES is being conducted concurrently with other economic surveys. Please keep in mind that responses to other surveys are still being processed. We kindly ask that you verify and make any necessary updates (e.g., company contact information, operational status, organizational changes, etc.) even if they have been previously reported.

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Company - an organization that owns/operates one or more establishments nationwide. This includes all entities filed under one or more Employer Identification Numbers (EINs) and located in the United States. Company-level totals are collected for Sales, Shipments, Receipts, or Revenue; Employment; Payroll; First Quarter Payroll; Capital Expenditures; and Depreciable Assets. These figures are the aggregate of industry-level and establishment-level data within a company.

Industry - A specific sector of the economy or business activity that represents a group of establishments providing similar types of products, services, or activities.

Establishment - a single physical location in the United States where business is conducted or where services or industrial operations are performed.

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The AIES is broken out into three steps:

Step 1: A spreadsheet with establishment level operating status - Each row in the spreadsheet is specific to an individual location. Additional rows may need to be added if all establishments are not accounted for on the prepopulated spreadsheet. This step focuses solely on operational status and does not require any financial data.

Step 2: Online survey questions about company level data - This section captures data encompassing all domestic activities for the company. It is not segmented by locations/establishments or industry.

Step 3: A spreadsheet with industry and establishment level data - Rows with IDs beginning in 2 pertain to a specific location/establishment. Rows with IDs beginning in 3 represent an industry, or the aggregate of the company's activity within an industry. Companies with manufacturing activity will also be required to complete the Product Data tab in Step 3.

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Step 1B addresses follow-up inquiries pertinent to specific circumstances. Updates made in Step 1 can influence what appears in Step 1B and whether completion of Step 1B is necessary.

If all your establishments were operational in 2023 and none engaged in activities within a NAICS code with tax-exempt status, you will bypass this step entirely. However, if any establishments had an operational status (OPSTAT_STAT) other than 1, if new establishments were added, and/or if any establishments were involved in activities within a NAICS code with tax-exempt status, Step 1B is required to gather additional information about these specific establishments.

Step 1B will solely display establishments necessitating these follow-up inquiries. Establishments not falling into any of these categories will not be visible in Step 1B.

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While it's not possible to modify the NAICS code for your primary business or activity, you have the option to edit the description write-in field in the adjacent column for prelisted establishments. This adjustment won't alter the NAICS code for the current survey year and won't be reflected in Step 3. However, it will serve as a notification to us after submission that your establishment might require classification under a different NAICS code for future survey years. Activity codes for newly added establishments will be requested in Step 1B.

Respond to the questions to the best of your ability based on the current business activity at your location. Utilize the Description write-in field in Step 1 and the Remarks section to provide any additional information, if needed.

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The AIES requires data to be reported for your entire company. Step 1 asks for establishment-level data, Step 2 asks for company-level data, and Step 3 asks for both establishment-level and industry-level data.

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To view survey questions without entering the survey instrument, you may use the Interactive Question Preview Tool. View this tool and other resources on the Information for Respondents page.

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To view instructions to assist with gathering data for the AIES, you may use the AIES Instruction Manual.  View this tool and other resources on the Information for Respondents page.

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Verify whether the cell you are attempting to input data into is editable. The cells are color-coded as follows:

  • White cells denote mandatory responses.
  • Gray cells signify that a response is not required, and the cell is non-editable.
  • Blue cells contain the question text.

Ensure that you input valid values for the fields. Avoid using decimals or commas. As we request data reported in thousands, the system will automatically add zeros and a comma to indicate the thousands place. Any values entered that are not valid for the field will vanish and will not be stored. For further clarification on what can be entered into a field, click on the "i" icon next to the question/column header in the online spreadsheet sections of the survey.

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Subsequently, simply sign into your account and click on "Report Now" on your survey card in the respondent portal to proceed.

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Page Last Revised - September 24, 2024
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