
Giovanisì enhances and promotes over 70 opportunities related to the main dimensions of a young person's life. The project is characterised by coordinated communication and information and an integrated and transversal governance model.


NEETs up to 40 years of age, resident or domiciled in Tuscany, are the beneficiaries of the project. Stakeholders in the area, such as families, Tuscan companies, schools, youth associations, trade associations, universities, technical and professional institutes, and training agencies, can also benefit from the project.


Level of implementation / Scope

Since 2011.

Aims of policy/initiative

The main objective of Giovanisì is to foster the transition process of young people towards autonomy in the following ways:

  • strengthening and promoting the right to study and training;
  • supporting pathways for young people into the world of work; and
  • facilitating the establishment of start-ups. 

With the Giovanisì project, the Region of Tuscany wishes to activate and promote innovative models and interventions, capable of making young people become 'community builders': talking to young people, actively involving them, making them responsible and helping them in their growth is undoubtedly the most farsighted action that a public administration can carry out. Such interventions bring benefit to the young people involved, but also, and above all, to the entire community.
In Tuscany, young people are and will increasingly be at the centre of the policies, interventions and commitments of the regional public administration.

Features and types of activities implemented

The opportunities promoted by the Tuscany Region in the framework of the Giovanisì project concern seven areas of intervention:

  1. Traineeships (periodic calls promoting the entry of young people under 33 into the world of work by favouring, through regional co-financing, the activation of various types of traineeships).
  2. Housing (periodically the Tuscany Region promotes calls aimed at supporting the housing emancipation of young people).
  3. Civil service (8- or 12-month voluntary and active citizenship training experiences for young people aged between 18 and 29).
  4. Doing business (support for youth entrepreneurship through regulatory tools and calls, activated periodically and aimed at the under 40s, which promote the establishment of youth start-ups, support entrepreneurial projects for innovation and internationalisation, reward young people who intend to set up an agricultural business and facilitate the start-up of new activities by young professionals).
  5. Employment (promotion and support of employment for young people under 40 through various instruments, activated periodically, such as training vouchers; specific measures to encourage job placement, such as grants for professional mobility in Europe and incentives for hiring young graduates and/or PhDs; promotion of the apprenticeship contract; support for young families in the activation of early childhood education services).
  6. Study and training (periodic activation of instruments and calls to support study and training for young people from 14 to 35 years of age, such as the fully funded Italian regional scholarship known as the ‘Diritto allo studio universitario – DSU’ (right to university studies), joint research grants, advanced training and research paths, Pegaso university grants, advanced training vouchers in Italy and abroad, Training for strategic sectors, Vocational Education and Training (Istruzione e Formazione Professionale – IeFP), Pathways for transversal skills and orientation, Entrepreneurship training, Orientation, Superior Technological Institutes (ITS Academy), Technical and Professional Poles ITP, Technical and Professional Institutes ITP, University Charter "Student of Tuscany").
  7. Giovanisì+ (calls and courses for young people under 40 aimed at fostering youth leadership on issues such as participation, culture, legality, social issues and sport).


The opportunities promoted through Giovanisì are financed with regional, national and European resources. Since 2011, the project's interventions have been financed with the 2007-2013 programming, with the 2014-2020 programming and currently with the 2021-2027 programming of the ESF+, ERDF and EAFRD funds.
Over time, Tuscany Region has invested more than 1.4 billion euros of resources in the Giovanisì project. The Giovanisì office, part of Fondazione Sistema Toscana, composed of 8 people, reports directly to the Presidency of the Region of Tuscany and is coordinated by the president’s Adviser for Youth Policies and Innovation.

Evaluation of the measure

From the point of view of policies aimed at supporting young people and their pathways to autonomy in the regional sphere, for some years now the Giovanisì project has been the main channel through which the Region of Tuscany articulates opportunities and initiatives. It is a widely disseminated project, known by young Tuscans.
Among those who are familiar with the project, almost 9 out of 10 young people (87.1%) assess Giovanisì positively, 70% have consulted the initiative's website at least once, while almost 1 out of 3 young people (31.5%) have taken advantage of at least one of the opportunities proposed, especially in the field of training and study (25.3%), work (19.4%) or apprenticeship (17.2%) and civil service (16.1%). Positive evaluations are more widespread in the city area (92.2%), while, despite the greater inclination of young women to keep themselves informed about the project via the web (74%), young men are more likely to take advantage of Giovanisì's concrete opportunities (34.6%, compared to 28.8% of young women).
The above data concern the second half of 2022 (ed.).

Evidence of effectiveness of the measure

From 2011 to date (March 2023, ed.) more than 470 000 young people have been offered concrete opportunities with more than EUR 1.4 billion in resources committed. Of the total number of beneficiaries, 5 500 young people have benefited from the Fare Impresa area, of which 5 000 have set up a new business, including in the innovative and agricultural fields. 335 700 are the beneficiaries of the opportunities promoted in the Study and Training area. Finally, 60 300 are the beneficiaries of the 'Traineeships' area, of which 57 900 are non-curricular traineeships, curricular traineeships and internships.

The Region of Tuscany also approved the Law for the Promotion of Regional Youth Policies (LR no. 81 of 6/8/2020), which takes inspiration from and consolidates the experience gained with Giovanisì.

Success factors

The results that Giovanisì has achieved have been possible thanks to the construction of an integrated governance system: transversal and multi-level (all the regional departments and directorates dealing with youth policies always work in synergy with the Giovanisì office).

Since 2011, the project has been equipped with a sharing, consultation and monitoring tool, the Cabina di Regia (Steering Committee), with the aim of creating a connection between the various regional actors that revolve around the construction of interventions for the younger generations. It is coordinated by the Presidency of the Region of Tuscany, with the support of the Giovanisì office, and involves all the Regional Departments and Directorates.

With the dual role of assessing the effectiveness of the measures in place and seeking new perspectives, Giovanisì has set up the Tavolo Giovani (Youth Table), which brings together more than 40 Tuscan bodies including local authorities, the third sector, trade associations and trade unions, to cultivate constant dialogue between the institutions and young people.

To be identified as an accessible and recognisable system of opportunities, Giovanisì has adopted a communication strategy aimed at informing and narrating what the Region of Tuscany makes available to young people, and has become an institutional brand, recognisable and acknowledged, which intercepts young people using tools and a language close to them (multi-channel communication campaigns, website website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram, YouTube and TikTok profiles, a dedicated toll-free number and email, the Accènti storytelling path that collects the stories of the beneficiaries of the Giovanisì measures), counting more than 100 000 followers on the social networks and more than 22.5 million page views on the website.

Contact details for further information

Contact name
Chiara Criscuoli, Project manager Giovanisì – Tuscany Region
Contact telephone
+39 0554385570
Contact email
chiara.criscuoli [at]