Important: Please note!
Please note that Cedefop's skills intelligence based on OJAs is being continuously improved. Posted by millions of employers on thousands of websites, with no standard structure or format, the data undergo extensive cleaning and processing. Sound analysis and contextualisation helps avoid interpretation errors and biases. You are advised to use Skills-OVATE as a complement to other sources, such as skills or household surveys. Please read Cedefop’s publications to learn about OJA based skills intelligence and challenges related to the use of big data to inform skills policies.
Data visualisation is powered by Tableau public. By using the tool you agree with the general policies of Tableau.
Skills-OVATE offers detailed information on the jobs and skills employers demand based on online job advertisements (OJAs) in 32 European countries. It is powered by Cedefop’s and Eurostat’s joint work in the context of the Web Intelligence Hub. Please visit the project page to find out the latest news and publications in the OJA work.
In Skills-OVATE you can access information based on millions of OJAs collected from thousands of sources, including private job portals, public employment service portals, recruitment agencies, online newspapers and corporate websites.
To show up-to-date labour market and skills trends, Skills-OVATE presents data for the last 4 available quarters and is updated four times a year. Yearly averages for key variables are available via Cedefop’s skills intelligence platform.
If you would like to access the data that powers Skills-OVATE, please contact the Web Intelligence Hub team.
About classifications
Skills-OVATE provides information on occupations, skills and regions based on international classifications: ISCO-08 for occupations, NACE rev. 2 for sectors and NUTS-2 for regions. There are two ways to display information on skills: via ESCO version 1 or O*Net.
About time series
The Skills OVATE dashboards do not contain all the job advertisements we collect. Many online job ads portals do not provide a stable data feed over time; to ensure we offer comparable time series, job ads from these portals are excluded from Skills OVATE.