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Explorați politicile și sistemele naționale de EFP

Statistici privind EFP, competențele și piața muncii

Ce determină schimbarea nevoilor în materie de competențe? Ce politici în materie de competențe pot soluționa problema neconcordanțelor între cererea și oferta de competențe?

Permite o mai bună înțelegere a implicațiilor schimbărilor de mare amploare din sfera educației și a muncii.

Cum îi capacităm pe indivizi? Cum putem face din învățarea pe tot parcursul vieții o realitate?

Răspunde nevoilor și tendințelor în schimbare prin promovarea învățării structurate pe tot parcursul vieții și legată de toate aspectele vieții, precum și a structurilor instituționale relevante care au un conținut adecvat și sunt guvernate în mod incluziv.

VET, traditionally operating in a national context, is increasingly developing in response to European and global requirements. Cedefop has always supported the development of EU tools and principles and the cooperation between national VET systems to enable mobility of VET learners and candidates. Priority is given to the development and implementation of qualifications frameworks at nationalEuropean and regional levels.

The use of learning outcomes is increasingly influencing the design and delivery of vocational education and training (VET), focusing on what a learner is expected to know, be able to do, and understand at the end of a learning process. The shared focus on outcomes facilitates the dialogue between education and training and labour market actors, as well as across different education and training sub-systems. Similarly, the increased transparency offered by learning outcomes acts as an important reference point for several stakeholders: policy- makers, labour market actors and teachers, making it easier to analyse the match between skills demands and education and training provisions. The focus on learning outcomes allows for a more systematic analysis and comparison of the content and profile of qualifications, notably focusing on balancing general knowledge and occupation-specific skills against transversal skills and key competences. Cedefop’s work in this area, including the publication of guidance material, influences and supports the design of qualifications, curricula, and learning methods as well as assessment and validation.

Vocationally oriented education and training in Europe is changing in response to rapidly changing demands for skills and competences at work and in society. Our work on the future of VET in Europe combines a focus on institutional changes with a systematic analysis of VET-content developments. The work covers the 27 EU Member States, Iceland, Norway and the UK, and contributes to better understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing European VET in the years ahead.

Qualifications – the certificates and diplomas awarded following formal education, training and learning – are vital in modern societies. They affect our ability to get a job, practise a profession, pursue lifelong learning and move between countries. New types of credentials  (including digital badges, micro-credentials-,and nano-credentials) are increasingly promoted as a new way of valuing learning, allowing individuals to collect and ‘stack’ learning experiences, at their own pace and throughout their life.

Cum răspund sistemele la noile nevoi? Cum se pregătesc sistemele pentru viitor?

Permite și sprijină oamenii să se dezvolte și să își realizeze potențialul, să dobândească competențele de care au nevoie pentru a gestiona tranzițiile profesionale și personale și să contribuie la creșterea economică și la bunăstarea societății.

AO/DCM/MTA/English Editing/005/2015
Results of the 2016 user survey

From December 2015 to March 2016, National Europass Centres carried out a survey on the Europass online editor, to have a better insight of users’ needs.
