


The Matching skills online tool is designed for policy makers working on education and training, skills, (active) labour market policy and related policy areas. It showcases a collection of the main policy initiatives used to detect labour market trends and anticipate skill needs in EU Member States. It also captures key vocational education and training (VET) measures that use such labour market and skills information to inform and shape upskilling or other skills matching policies.

Using a harmonised and comparative methodology and drawing on national expertise, the tool helps understand the approaches and methods used and the rationales behind them. It provides information on their skill mismatch focus, targeted skills and beneficiaries, along with practical organisation, funding and stakeholder involvement. It also provides insight on how innovative and successful a policy instrument is and its sustainability. The tool structures and displays the information in a way that you can readily access and interpret.

We hope it can inspire you and inform the design or reform of forward-looking skills matching policies and practices in your country or region. Use the 'Have your say' option to help us improve skills intelligence in Europe and let us know if there are any new initiatives at national or regional level.

Inspiring policies for anticipating and matching skill needs

65Main skills assessment / anticipation initiativeExplore
37Key training policy measureExplore