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The September 2019 issue of Skillset and match, Cedefop’s magazine promoting learning for work, is now available to read and download.

Issue highlights:

  • European Commission Vice-President designate Margaritis Schinas (until recently the Commission’s Chief Spokesperson), in his last interview as Jean-Claude Juncker’s right-hand man, looks back on the Juncker Commission, talks about investing in skills for tomorrow’s jobs and about Cedefop’s role at the interface between education and training and employment.
  • New Cedefop Executive Director Jürgen Siebel analyses skills and perspectives;
  • European Training Foundation Director Cesare Onestini outlines the agency’s new role in human capital development;
  • The process to reach and support 128 million low-skilled adults in the EU, Iceland and Norway;
  • Cedefop’s toolkit tackles early leaving from education and training;
  • Occupation in focus: ICT technicians;
  • Vocational education and training makes for an attractive choice in current EU Presidency holder Finland;
  • A young chef from Germany talks about following her dream (watch the full interview).

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Publication details

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Cite as

Cedefop (2019). Skillset and match: Cedefop's magazine promoting learning at work, No 17, November 2019. Luxembourg: Publications office.

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Skillset and match – September 2019 issue 17

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