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Cedefop is organising the first expert workshop on transparency and transferability of learning outcomes to explore two decades of European initiatives

Numerous initiatives have been taken at European and national level to encourage a shift towards more flexible education and training systems, facilitating lifelong and life-wide learning. To gain insights into the combined impact and sustainability of such policy initiatives, Cedefop has launched the “Transparency and transferability of learning outcomes” project that  analyses efforts of the past two decades (2000-2021) to increase flexibility of European education, training and learning systems making it possible for individual citizens to enter, re-enter and combine education, training and learning according to their needs and current circumstances.

The workshop will gather experts in the fields of EU tools, learning outcomes and qualifications to allow for an exchange on policies aimed at encouraging transparency and transferability of learning outcomes and to identify strengths and weaknesses in pursuing lifelong and life-wide learning. Discussions will focus on the relationships between EU policy initiatives of the last 20 years and their combined impact. Influences between European and national initiatives will also be explored.

Participation is by invitation only. If you are interested in participating, please contact the responsible people (see contact details). Please note that a limited number of participants will be accepted.





Background note


Two decades of European and national policies promoting transparency and transferability of learning outcomes - J. Bjornavold Z. Azzara


Increasing transparency improving transferability of learning outcomes at European level - K. Hadjivassiliou T. Spielhofer


Increasing transparency improving transferability of learning outcomes at national level - F. Pesce M. Samek-Lodovici



Jens Bjørnåvold
Senior expert, project manager
Zelda Azzara
Iraklis Pliakis
Maite Santos