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This synthesis report, based on a survey carried out during 2022 with Cedefop’s reporting network ReferNet, aims to provide a better understanding of the phenomenon of early leaving from vocational education and training (ELVET). Such understanding is a necessary precondition for designing effective responses to help individuals to equip themselves with the appropriate skills to cope with future transformations and to thrive in life.

The report has special focus on the mechanisms and support measures countries employ to measure and monitor the phenomenon at national and regional levels; the main factors leading to ELVET as reported by EU Member States, Norway and Iceland; and the support measures teachers, trainers, school principals and companies providing work-based learning received to overcome the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war of aggression against Ukraine. These challenges included carrying out distance learning during school and company closures and supporting Ukrainian refugees to integrate into the national VET systems of the host countries.
It is anticipated that findings will inspire policy-makers to take actions to allow every single young student to celebrate successful learning and life pathways.

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Cedefop (2023). Stemming the tide: tackling early leaving from vocational education and training in times of crises: synthesis report of Cedefop/ReferNet survey. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Cedefop research paper. http://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/757603


Stemming the tide: tackling early leaving from vocational education and training in times of crises

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Stemming the tide: tackling early leaving from vocational education and training in times of crises

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