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VET teachers and trainers and a comprehensive approach to their professional development are key to improving education and training processes in Europe.

The 29 thematic perspective reports (EU Member States plus Iceland and Norway) aim at addressing information gaps, and map systematic national approaches to, and opportunities for, initial and continuing professional development of VET teachers and trainers in both school and work-based settings.

The country reports provide national definitions of key terms; they offer a clear picture of the teaching professionals working in initial VET, and of how their professional development is organised and supported.

They highlight policy and practice developments from 2015 to date, focusing particularly on digital and green skills, as well as on skills promoting inclusion in initial VET.

Conclusions point to the persisting challenges VET teachers and trainers face in performing their complex role, and explore how policy priorities are shaped in each country to address these.

The thematic perspective reports were prepared by Cedefop’s ReferNet network, and complement other general information available on national VET systems. More information on the relevant project page.

Displaying results 1 - 24 out of 29
Displaying results 1 - 24 out of 29