Níl ach cuid d’ár n-inneachar ar fáil sa teanga atá roghnaithe agat. Féach cén t-inneachar atá ar fáil in Gaeilge.

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Is teachers' and trainers’ professional development commensurate with their key role in the educational process? What are the factors that slow it down? How can we make sure that training keeps up with the fast-paced digital and green transitions and the new curricula demands?

In the context of the European Year of Skills, Cedefop expert Rena Psifidou, who leads a project dedicated to teachers and trainers, and Rubén Vázquez, a teacher from Spain’s Galicia region who works on addressing these challenges, share their views on the current situation and on what needs to change.

Cedefop podcast - Episode 17: Training teachers for a green and digital future
Left to right: Rosy Voudouri, Rubén Vázquez and Rena Psifidou

Keep abreast of developments, analysis and reflection on vocational education and training (VET), skills, qualifications, jobs and labour market trends by subscribing to Cedefop’s podcast series.

Hosting experts, policy-makers, social partners, vocational education and training (VET) practitioners and learners, this regular series sheds fresh light on all matters relating to the present and future of VET, the challenges ahead and the ways to tackle them.

Listen to all episodes here and on major podcast platforms.

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