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VET’s growing role as a partner in research and knowledge networks is evident by the membership of the VET Council (The Netherlands Association of VET Colleges) in the Knowledge Coalition and the new availability of research grants for VET teachers.

Vocational education and training (VET) plays a crucial role in addressing societal challenges. One of the objectives of current policy for the VET sector is to establish VET as an equal partner in research and innovation. This is one of the priorities laid down in the national Working Agenda for VET and the National Implementation Plan (NIP). 

VET Council joins Knowledge Coalition
In April 2024, the VET Council (the Association of VET Colleges) joined the Knowledge Coalition – a national partnership of research and innovation parties, such as research institutes and (applied) universities, research funding bodies, and advocacy organisations for entrepreneurs. Its goal is to stimulate research and innovation to promote a robust and resilient knowledge-based society. As such, the Knowledge Coalition serves as an important interlocutor for the government. The VET Council joining the Knowledge Coalition follows the trend of VET’s increasing role in research and innovation.

VET teachers can apply for Teaching Fellow grants
The position of VET as a research and innovation partner is also strengthened by promoting research and teacher professionalisation. Through the yearly Comenius Teaching Fellow grants teachers can apply for funding to put their ideas for educational innovation into practice. In the past, only teachers in higher professional education could apply, but since 2023, the grants have also been made available to VET teachers. In July 2024, the first VET education professionals received their grants. 28 VET teachers received EUR 1 400 000 in total to pursue their upcoming 1-year projects. 

There are four themes under which projects will be conducted, each testing new approaches in the VET schools where the teachers who have applied work. These interventions aim to evaluate educational innovations for a targeted group on a small scale. Examples of projects under these themes include:

  • Theme 1 ‘Education for the future: quality, research and innovation’: one project under this theme aims to improve students’ mental health skills by developing a serious game called You’re Okay! in collaboration with students; 
  • Theme 2 ‘Promoting equal opportunities’: in this theme, one project involves teachers examining the effects of a multilingual approach to arithmetic, a mandatory course in Dutch VET, specifically for multilingual VET students; 
  • Theme 3 ‘Improving the connection between education and the labour market’: a grant has been awarded to a project which will develop a toolkit in collaboration with industry, students and teachers to improve students’ feedback skills;
  • Theme 4 ‘An open theme for a wide range of topics based on the curiosity of the teacher’: one project in this theme aims to foster the development of an internship connection point to support students during their internship.

With the VET Council joining the Knowledge Coalition and the new availability of Comenius Teaching Fellow grants for VET teachers, VET is gradually becoming an important player in the scientific community.

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Please cite this news item as: ReferNet Netherlands, & Cedefop (2024, August 20). VET’s first steps to becoming an equal partner in research and knowledge networks. National news on VET