
Changing job content is rapid and not limited to certain generations or occupations. There is a need to keep skills up to date. However, the findings of Cedefop’s opinion survey on adult learning and continuing vocational education and training (VET) suggest that skill need alone may not be a sufficient incentive for adults to learn or train.

Decisions to participate in adult learning and continuing VET seem to depend on the unique circumstances that shape adults needs. Such circumstances may include not only the need for skills, but also an individual’s prospects for career progression, or need to find a new or better-paying job.

Cedefop’s survey analysed the views of more than 40,000 people aged over 25 in the EU, Norway and Iceland, and reporting the results by Member State and by socio-demographic characteristics (such as age, employment or unemployment, level of education, or occupation)

EU averages are for 28 countries, the current EU-27, plus the UK which was part of the EU at the time of the survey.

The fieldwork of this survey took place between 20 May and 16 July 2019.

Adult learning and continuing VET are popular

In all Member states, at least 68% of adults agree that their government should prioritise investment in adult learning and CVET.

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Adult learning and continuing vocational education and training (VET) are a necessity

Across the EU,
84% adults
say that over the next 10 years adult learning and CVET will, either become more important to career progression.

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28% adults
say that they lack technical skills to do their jobs properly.

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23% adults
say that they lack general skills to do their jobs properly.

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Despite growing labour market demand for new and higher skills, the EU has consistently failed to reach its targets for participation in adult learning and CVET

Only a handful of Member States met the EU’s target, set in 2010, of 15% of adults participating in lifelong learning by 2020.
The EU average in 2020 was 9.2% with big differences between countries.