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Analysing online job vacancies is a promising approach to identify emerging jobs and skill needs, as it offers rich real-time information about the skills employers seek.

Cedefop has developed a pan-European system for collecting this information from job portals and analysing it. While modern technology has made it easier to process huge quantities of information, analysis needs to be based on sound expert judgement.

Publication details

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Cite as

Cedefop (2019). The skills employers want! Cedefop briefing note, April 2019. http://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2801/79736


Diese Kompetenzen suchen Arbeitgeber

DE 613.96 KB

Diese Kompetenzen suchen Arbeitgeber

DE 272.74 KB

Οι δεξιότητες που θέλουν οι εργοδότες!

EL 698.59 KB

Οι δεξιότητες που θέλουν οι εργοδότες!

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The skills employers want!

EN 726.98 KB

The skills employers want!

EN 402.32 KB

¡Las competencias que demandan los empleadores!

ES 613.44 KB

¡Las competencias que demandan los empleadores!

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Les compétences recherchées par les employeurs

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Les compétences recherchées par les employeurs

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Le competenze richieste dai datori di lavoro

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Le competenze richieste dai datori di lavoro

IT 289.54 KB

Umiejętności poszukiwane przez pracodawców

PL 676.96 KB

Umiejętności poszukiwane przez pracodawców

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As competências que os empregadores procuram!

PT 618.51 KB

As competências que os empregadores procuram!

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