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An evaluation of the recognition scheme for foreign higher vocational education and training shows its limited impact in the country, and highlights the challenges associated with this level in an international context.

In 2019, Norway established a recognition scheme for foreign higher vocational education (EQF5) as part of its efforts to develop recognition schemes for all education levels. The main aim of the scheme was to make it easier for people with foreign higher vocational education to find jobs and responsibilities that match their qualifications, and for employers to obtain proper documentation of such education from abroad.

The first evaluation of the scheme took place in 2023 and was carried out by the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU) on behalf of the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir). The evaluation report was published on 28 August 2023. It includes a survey of applicants to the scheme and interviews with representatives from the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT), employers, industry organisations, and the vocational education sector.

More than 50% of the applicants for recognition of education were from EU/EEA countries, UK, or Switzerland. Two-thirds of these applicants were already employed in Norway when they applied for recognition. Half of the applicants from these countries applied for recognition at the request of their employer.


The evaluation report yielded the following main findings:

  • Many applicants were rejected without explanation because there are no common criteria for higher vocational education in Europe. In Norway the equivalent level is level 5, but in other countries it includes levels 4 and 6. The report suggest that the scheme communicates poorly with those who apply for recognition, as they do so through the wrong recognition scheme.
  • The recognition system is intended to improve employment opportunities for people with foreign vocational education. However, most tertiary vocational education programmes have only limited recognition in the Norwegian labour market and there are currently no jobs that require such qualifications. Nevertheless, people with vocational training and experience can secure jobs in industries with a high demand for skilled labour. Language skills are also highlighted as important for employment.
  • Those who had their education recognised highlighted its importance for job security, skill recognition, pay and responsibilities.
  • Employers have limited knowledge of the recognition system. However, with the increase in labour migration to Norway, it is expected that the recognition system for tertiary vocational education will become more important in the future.

To sum up, the introduction of a general recognition scheme for foreign higher vocational education has had a limited impact due to several challenges. The main challenges are a need for common international criteria for the level of higher vocational education, and the fact that specific skills related to subject areas are more important for employment than the overall level of education of the employees. The results of the evaluation will be used to develop the recognition scheme further.

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Please cite this news item as: ReferNet Norway; Cedefop (2024).  Norway: challenges for the higher vocational education and training recognition scheme. Sweden: more study places on VET to combat skill shortages. National news on VET