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Cedefop, together with Portugal’s Presidency of the Council of the EU, is continuing its Cedefop Brussels seminars with the 10th event of the series.

Organised in cooperation with the rotating EU Presidency, these seminars build on Cedefop’s research and analyses to address issues relevant to current European debates on vocational education and training (VET) and employment.

The 10th Brussels seminar will address two key aspects related to the ‘future-proofing’ of VET skills and competences, both directly influencing the review and renewal of VET curricula and programmes in Member States.

The following topics will be discussed:

  • unpacking transversal skills and competences;
  • implementing the EU key competences framework;
  • Portuguese reflections on the role of key competences in VET and lifelong learning;
  • Cedefop research findings on the review and renewal of VET qualifications;
  • Portuguese reflections on future-proofing VET qualifications and programmes.


9.30-10.00 Accessing the event platform – Technical check
10.00-10.15 Welcome and setting the scene
  • João Costa, Portuguese Deputy Minister for Education
  • Jürgen Siebel, Cedefop, Executive Director
10.15-11.15 Part 1: Balancing technical and transversal skills and competences

Unpacking transversal skills and competences

  • Dr Martin Noack, Bertelsmann Foundation, Germany

Implementing the EU key competences framework

  • Dmitrijs Kulss, Cedefop expert

Portuguese reflections on the role of key competences in VET and lifelong learning

  • Ana Cláudia Valente - Deputy Director of the Portuguese National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education
11.15-11.30 Break
11.30-12.00 Part 2: The VET feedback loop

Cedefop research findings on the review and renewal of VET qualifications

  • Jens Bjørnåvold (Cedefop expert) and Simon Broek (Ockham IPS)

Portuguese reflections on future-proofing VET qualifications and programmes

  • Ana Olim, Director General of the DG Employment and Industrial Relations (DG do Emprego e das Relações de Trabalho - DGERT)
12.00-12.15 Concluding remarks on forthcoming Cedefop research
  • Loukas Zahilas, Head of Department for VET systems and institutions (DSI), Cedefop
-------- End of seminar --------


João Costa, Portuguese Deputy Minister for Education (from 2019)

João Costa is a Full Professor of Linguistics at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the Universidade Nova in Lisbon. He graduated in Linguistics from the Faculty of Letters at the University of Lisbon, and completed his PhD in Linguistics at the University of Leiden. During his studies, he was a visiting scholar at MIT.

Dmitrijs Kulšs, Expert at the European centre for the development of vocational training (Cedefop)

He coordinates the work on key competences in VET and is a member of the VET policies and systems’ team at the Department for VET Systems and Institutions (DSI).

Noack Martin, Senior Expert at Bertelsmann Stiftung

In the program “Learning for Life” of the Germany-based private foundation Bertelsmann Stiftung, Martin Noack works on improving the chances of migrants, refugees, and people with low levels of formal qualification to participate in further education and qualified work.

Ana Olim, General Director of the General Directorate for Employment and Industrial Relations (Direção-Geral do Emprego e das Relações de Trabalho, DGERT).

Ana Cristina Rebelo da Silva Couto de Olim has a degree in Law, has post-graduations in Public Law and Tax Management; and an Executive Specialisation Course in the ‘Leadership and Management Development Programme for SME Leaders’.

Jürgen Siebel, Executive Director of Cedefop

Jürgen Siebel joined Cedefop from the private sector in September 2019.

Out of Thessaloniki, Cedefop supports the development of European vocational education and training policies and contributes to their implementation | Budget 2020: 18.3 m EUR | Headcount 2020: 112 FTE.

Ana Cláudia Valente, Deputy Director of the National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training (ANQEP I.P.)

Before, she worked as a researcher and consultant in public policies in education and training and employment at national and European levels. She coordinated and published various studies and articles within these themes. She has a PhD in Economics from ISCTE-IUL.

Loukas Zahilas, Head of the Department for VET Systems

Dr Loukas Zahilas is Head of the Department for VET Systems and Institutions (DSI) at Cedefop, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. He studied Chemistry and Information Technologies and he has a PhD in educational policies (qualifications frameworks).


Concept note


Programme Brussels seminar


Presentation of Dmitrijs Kulšs


Presentation of Martin Noack


Presentation of Ana Cláudia Valente


Presentation of Simon Broek


Presentation of Ana Olim


Presentation of Loukas Zahilas



Jens Bjørnåvold
Senior expert, project manager
Dmitrijs Kulss
Cosmin Roman
Brussels liaison office