Scheduled maintenance - Thursday, July 12 at 5:00 PM EDT
We expect this update to take about an hour. Access to this website will be unavailable during this time.
Hazards can be found in every workplace, and can come from a wide range of sources. This section looks at some of the more common workplace hazards, and how to eliminate or control them.
All hazards found in a regular workspace such as air quality, chemical exposures, and fires, can also be found in...
Common causes of indoor air problems include inadequate temperature, lack of humidity or lighting; exposure to...
There are two types of laser hazards: the laser beam hazards and the non-beam hazards. Laser beam hazards include...
When we talk about scents, we usually mean the smells or odours from cosmetics or from other products such as air...
Both very cold and very hot temperatures can be dangerous to your health. In a very hot environment, the most...
Ventilation is the mechanical system in a building that brings in fresh outdoor air and removes the contaminated...
Most people think of violence as a physical assault. However, workplace violence is a much broader problem. It is...
You can't control the weather but you can be prepared for it, from cold to hot temperatures, to lightning storms,...
The main focus is integrating health and safety in home-based office work through telework agreements and the...
Some organizations require individuals to travel abroad for work. Employers must identify all hazards to which...