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CBC/RADIO-CANADA Launches First-Ever National Indigenous Strategy and Establishes New Indigenous OfficeCBC/Radio-Canada today unveiled its first-ever National Indigenous Strategy, "Strengthening Relations, Walking Together"
CBC Execs Talk Inclusive Storytelling to Reflect Changing Canada"We have to double down," on being more diverse, in all ways, Barbara Williams, CBC’s executive VP of English services, tells THR.
CBC Unveils Winter 2023 Slate Across News And EntertainmentProgramming features new original storytelling reflecting more people, places and perspectives across canada
Update on CBC Creative Relief Fund RecipientsTwo and a half years after Fund's launch, all 20 projects which received production funding have been produced and released on CBC platforms
AccessCBC: A CBC Initiative for Creators with a Disability21 participants selected for pilot program from CBC and the ReelAbilities Film Festival Toronto presented by the Miles Nadal JCC