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A guide to making your home cat-friendly

Did you know that where you place items in your household might have a noticeable effect on how your cat behaves? The right environment is important for a cat – which is why they might seem stressed or disorientated in certain situations.

In aid of ‘organise your home’ day, we’re sharing advice on how to make your space appealing to your feline friend. Whether you’ve got a new cat or you’re looking to make life easier for your existing moggy, our top tips will help you create a cat-friendly home.


Setting up a place for your cat

  1. Make sure the space is private – keep all guests, kids and dogs away.
  2. Make the area safe by removing any potential hazards, trailing wires and poisonous items.
  3. Provide a hiding space to make your cat feel safe. A box in a high place is ideal.
  4. Add your cat’s essential items – you can find a full list here.
  5. Provide some fun and games! Fishing rod toys, puzzle toys and feeding enrichment games are excellent additions.

Preparing for cat checklist graphic

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Living room or downstairs bathroom – the perfect place for a litter tray


Kitchen – a place for your cat to eat and drink


Hallways and other rooms – a great spot for play


Other tips


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