Best Water Technology

About us

Without water there is no life, no growth and no progress. Which is why BWT has dedicated itself to water – our most important vital consumable and our lifeblood – with a vision of becoming the global leader in water technology and developing products and processes that are both eco-friendly and cost-effective.

Best Water technology


"For You and Planet Blue."

Our name defines our vision: we understand that our responsibility is to develop the best quality products and services for water treatment. We also make water our mission, ensuring hygiene safety and health in our daily contact with water.

Every day we research innovative solutions and strive to continue developing our company and our products. Our objective is to offer our customers water treatment facilities, technology and support services, while safeguarding the resources of our blue planet.

BWT – For You and Planet Blue

Water droplet on the floor
Water droplet on the floor

Our strapline “For You and Planet Blue” summarises our mission in a nutshell, which is to imple­ment sustain­able and respon­sible corpo­rate strate­gies to satisfy both the needs of the indi­vidual and to preserve the Earth as a unique habitat.

„For You“

BWT’s aims and prod­ucts are designed to serve humans and their needs; “You” are our customers, our busi­ness part­ners and our employees.

„For Planet Blue“

This describes the central role the element water plays in our “blue planet” and also the remit of BWT: we use our exper­tise to make the limited water resources of our planet acces­sible and usable – and always in harmony with nature.


In prac­tical terms, we imple­ment our vision by submit­ting our prod­ucts and services to tests and certi­fi­ca­tion processes by inde­pen­dent insti­tu­tions to achieve the best possible stan­dards of product quality and customer satis­fac­tion. These include ISO 9001 accred­i­ta­tion and compli­ance with HACCP (Hazard Analysis Crit­ical Control Points). We have intro­duced envi­ron­mental and energy manage­ment in compli­ance with ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 to embed the concept of sustain­ability in all our activ­i­ties. We also send a clear signal in the area of occu­pa­tional health and safety: with certi­fi­ca­tion according to OHSAS 18001 – for the safety and health of our employees.

All BWT compa­nies orient them­selves to these stan­dards, and some of our compa­nies have already gained numerous ISO certi­fi­ca­tions, which reas­sures our customers and busi­ness part­ners that we act and work to the highest stan­dards at all times.

Water Technologies

Technology cloud
Technology cloud

Only those who think and act innovatively will gain a technological advantage, and BWT’s innovation centres are committed to continuous research into all aspects of water treatment: filtration methods, filter media, ion exchange systems for demineralisation, softening, decarbonisation, membrane technologies (micro-, ultra- and nanofiltration, reverse osmosis), pure steam generators, pure water distilleries, UV systems, ozone generators, ion exchange membranes, electrolysis, electrodialysis, electrodeionisation, chlorine dioxide generators and dosage pumps.

We provide optimum quality water – precisely where it is needed.

Innovation by BWT

Our sole objective over many years has been to improve the quality of life wherever water is present, and to use customised water treatment processes to achieve the best possible water quality. However, we do not limit our range to standard products, but constantly set new standards in water technology. In the spirit of our “Feel, taste, see the difference” philosophy, we supply products to our customers that are genuinely innovative, which include pleasant-tasting and vitality-boosting drinking water, silky-soft Luxury Water as a beauty therapy, or water in its purest form as an essential component in high-tech applications. Feel, taste and see the difference!

Our Vision

BWT – the internationally leading water technology group

BWT Headquarter
BWT Headquarter

BWT’s vision has evolved out of all these challenges and demands. We want to become the world’s market-leading water technology group, and to achieve this we must grow all the areas of our business.


Growth in every sector

One of the drivers of growth is innovation. Only those who actively and continuously develop their products and services, and think out of the box, can grow bigger and better. We also understand the importance of geography; there are currently over 80 BWT subsidiaries and affiliates worldwide and R & D departments in France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Russia. We’re working on gaining more!

To develop further, however, we must not only think of the future, but also of the here and now. This is why we strive to improve and optimise existing processes and procedures, and develop existing technologies and products in a spirit of constant improvement.

As we continue to grow, we consider it our duty to assume ecological, economic and social responsibility for all our activities.

BWT – a Corporate Success Story

An entrepreneurial spirit and a hunger for innovation and success are factors that have shaped and characterised BWT as a company, from its humble beginnings in Pforzheim to today’s large-scale enterprise.

The roots of the BWT group can be traced back to 1823, when Johann Adam Benckiser founded the small chem­ical factory in Germany bearing his name. In 1990 Andreas Weißenbacher laid the foun­da­tions for BWT as we know it today as part of a manage­ment buy-​out, and from “Benckiser Water Tech­nology” he created the “BWT”, the bedrock under­pin­ning our long-​term success story. BWT’s head office was initially based in Hallein, and two years later the still young company relo­cated to Mondsee.

2020, a year unlike any we have ever seen, and yet a milestone in BWT Group history for the water technology company celebrates its 30th anniversary. 30 years of dynamic development, unique technologies and big achievements for the world’s most precious resource - water. To maintain its positing of being THE international water technology group, BWT Aktiengesellschaft was transformed into BWT Holding GmbH on 1.10.2020. Headed up by Andreas Weißenbacher and Peter Wienerroither, the company will focus on acting as the BWT Group’s management holding company.

BWT manage­ment

Investor Relations

BWT Aktiengesellschaft shares are not trading at the Vienna Stock Exchange since 5 October 2017. Please click here for further reading and official statements (please note the altered publication deadlines):

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