Cleaning your pool

Famille au bord de la piscine Famille au bord de la piscine

For a beautifully clean pool

Cleaning your pool

It is impor­tant to clean your pool regu­larly so that you can continue to enjoy it throughout the entire season. In addi­tion to treating the water, the pool floor, walls and water line must also be cleaned. BWT offers a wide selec­tion of pool cleaning to facil­i­tate pool main­te­nance.

BWT’s robotic pool cleaners clean thor­oughly, keeping your pool water crystal clear and your pool surfaces impec­cably clean. For even more comfort, choose a connected model and control your pool robot from your smart­phone or tablet. Your pool is always perfectly, sparkling clean!

Bannière ambiance robots de piscine Robot de piscine BWT Cosmy Robot de piscine BWT Cosmy

Robotic pool cleaners

BWT robotic pool cleaners

Powerful, efficient, ergonomic, simple to use and easy to maintain.

Cosmy The Bot

Ultra clean style

Enter a whole new world where effi­ciency meets style and elegance, where size gives way to preci­sion and intel­li­gence.

  • Respon­sive and intu­itive
  • Compact and light (6kg!)
  • Fast and effi­cient
  • Easy to clean filters
  • Ultra fine double layer filtra­tion
  • Opti­mised cleaning path
  • Full coverage, irre­spec­tive of the pool shape

You are free to coor­di­nate your robotic cleaner with the colour scheme of your pool area!
Cosmy is fully customis­able. With eight colours to choose from, the side panels and cover trim and be swapped out in just a few moments.

Find out more about Cosmy
Robot de piscine Cosmy

BWT robotic pool cleaners - P Line

Offer your pool the best for simply impeccable cleaning.

The P Line offers all the performance features of the D Line with, in addition:

  • Suitable for cleaning pools up to 15 m long
  • 4 PVA brushing wheels + 1 vibrating brush (P500 and P600)
  • The transparent cover allows monitoring of the build up of debris  
  • A full filter indicator (P600)
  • A high quality transport caddy
  • A 3 year guarantee (P500 and P600)
Excel­lence inside !
Find out more about the P-Line
Robots de piscine P600 APP

BWT's cord­less battery powered pool vacuum cleaners

With BWT's new range of rechargeable, cordless robotic cleaners, it couldn't be easier to clean your swimming pool.

BWT BC line - battery powered robotic pool cleaners 

Expe­ri­ence cord­less swim­ming pool cleaning, powerful, effi­cient, effort­less!

Cord­less oper­a­tion: with no power cable, pool size does not  impose any restric­tion!

Versa­tile: compat­ible with in-​ground and above-​ground flat bottomed pools of all types, irre­spec­tive of the shape or surface finish.

Patented "Stop, Rotate & Go" system: the cleaner turns around auto­mat­i­cally on contact with the pool wall, cleaning time is maximised.

Rechar­geable Lithium battery: no memory effect, consis­tant perfor­mance, long service life. 

Find our more about BWT's BC line robotic cleaners
Robot de piscine BC200

BWT PK Line - cordless robotic pool cleaners 

No more need for a cable to achieve impeccable cleaning!

A unique design with two intake valves.

Efficient cleaning: the roller rotates while the robotic cleaner is in motion, facilitating the collection of debris.

  • Filter capacity: 7.2L
  • Autonomy: 120mn
  • Pools up to: 65m²
  • Filtration flowrate: 88L/min
  • Automatic STOP/ START with water sensor
  • Cleaning depth: 3 m

Above-ground and in-ground pools.

Flat bottom pools only.
Robot de piscine PK Max

BWT's rechargeable pool vacuums

BWT's rechargeable pool vaccums are easy to handle and provide fast; effortless cleaning. A modern, accessible pool cleaning solution!

BWT PK Line - recharge­able pool vacuums

Whatever your pool, BWT's PK range of rechargeable vacuums provide powerful and precise cleaning.

The transparent canister allows visual monitoring of the debris collected during the cleaning cycle.

A cordless, rapid, efficient and powerful cleaning solution, top of the range hand operated pool vacuum for private pools.

Aspirateur pour piscine PK Swift

 BWT BC Line - recharge­able pool vacuums

Cord­less solu­tions for daily rapid cleaning and cleaning of large volumes. Your must-​haves!

A compre­hen­sive range of afford­able pool vacuums that can be used every­where from spas to large private pools. A large capacity filter canister (up to 65 L) and run time of up to 75 minutes!

Find out more about BWT BC line rechargeable vacuums
Aspirateur BC02
Bannière ambiance accessoires pour piscine Bannière ambiance accessoires pour piscine Bannière ambiance accessoires pour piscine

Cleaning accessories

Cleaning acces­sories

Reveal all the beauty of your pool!

BWT offers a comprehensive range of pool maintenance and cleaning accessories to keep your pool looking beautiful.

Floating hoses, vacuum heads, hand skimmers, leaf rakes, wall brushes, pre-filters, erasers, etc. Discover BWT's range of  high quality, ergonomic  accessories designed for cleaning private pools.

Buy Pool and Cleaning Accessories
Set d'entretien pour piscine


We help you troubleshoot your robotic pool cleaner

My robotic cleaner is not working at all

Maybe there is no elec­tricity in the socket

  • Discon­nect the robotic cleaner power supply from the socket for 30 seconds, then plug the robotic cleaner back in and switch it back on. If it still doesn't work, try another socket. 

Maybe the robotic cleaner's floating cable is not prop­erly connected 

  • Recon­nect the robotic cleaner cable to the power supply.

Some­thing could be obstructing the free move­ment of the drive belts, drive tracks or wheels 

  • Flip the robotic cleaner upside down and try to rotate the wheels by hand, remove any debris from the drive system (hair, leaves, etc.).

The impeller could be seized by an accu­mu­la­tion of hair

  • Discon­nect the robotic cleaner from the power supply. Remove the upper screws from the top of the robotic cleaner and check that the impeller does not need to be cleaned. (DO NOT use elec­tric screw­drivers for this oper­a­tion, use hand tools only).

The motor or the pump is faulty

  • Turn the robotic cleaner upside down and try to switch it back on - check that the pump and the motor start.

The power supply or the robotic cleaner still do not work

  • Return the robotic cleaner to your agency or contact your online seller's customer service. 

The robotic cleaner moves, but...

The robotic cleaner moves but does not pump water - the impeller is broken or seized by an accumulation of hair:

  • Disconnect the robotic cleaner power supply before performing this intervention.
  • Remove the screws from the top of the robotic cleaner and check that the impeller is not broken or in need of cleaning.
  • When replacing the robotic cleaner cover, use hand tools only. DO NOT USE power tools for this operation. 
  • If following this intervention, the robotic cleaner is still not working properly, return it to your agency or contact your online seller's customer service. 

The robotic cleaner moves but does not pump water - the filters are very dirty

  • Remove the filter and start it without the filter. If it works well, clean the filter thoroughly or replace it. 

The robotic cleaner starts correctly and then stops after a short time - the filters are very dirty

  • Remove the filter and start it without the filter. If it works well, clean the filter thoroughly or replace it.
  • Sometimes, the filter can be clogged altough if looks clean. To clean it, soak it in soapy water for 30 minutes and then gently rub the inner surface.

The robotic cleaner travels on 2 wheels at the start of or during the cleaning cycle - the pool surface is too smooth

  • Remove the float in the robotic cleaner.
  • Check that the pH of the pool water is between 7.0 and 7.4 and correct it if necessary.

The robotic cleaner travels on 2 wheels at the start of or during the cleaning cycle - the pool surface is too rough

  • Return your robotic cleaner to your agency or contact your online seller's customer service and ask for PVC wheels.


The robotic cleaner does not move, but...

The robotic cleaner does not move but does pump water - debris is preventing rotation of the wheels/ belts 

  • Turn the wheels by hand.
  • Clean them and remove any debris.

The robotic cleaner does not move but does pump water - the internal drive tracks or drive belts are worn

  • Check the teeth of the master and slave drive belts.
  • Return the robotic cleaner if the teeth are worn.

The robotic cleaner does not mount the walls

The robotic cleaner is not designed to mount the pool walls

  • Check that your robotic cleaner is not a floor cleaning only model: if you see the reference REFL on the product label, your robotic cleaner is not designed to mount the pools walls. 

The filters are dirty

  • Remove the filter and start the robotic cleaner in the pool without it. If it works well, clean the filter. Sometimes, the filter may be clogged even though it looks clean.

The impeller is broken or seized by an accumulation of hair

  • Disconnect the robotic cleaner power supply before performing this intervention.
  • Remove the screws above the water outlet and wheck that the impeller is not broken or in need of cleaning.
  • When replacing the robotic cleaner cover, use hand tools only. DO NOT USE power tools for this intervention.

The Chlorine level is not correct

  • Check the Chlorine level. If it is very low, carry out a shock treatment.
  • Remove the robotic cleaner from the pool while adjusting the Chlorine level.

The pH level is not correct

  • Check that the pH level is between 7.0 and 7.4, correct it if necessary.
  • Remove the robotic cleaner from the pool while adjusting the pH level.

The water temperature is not optimal

  • Check the water temperature: if it is less than 13° C, adjust the floats depending on the robotic cleaner model.

The remote control does not work

The batteries are empty

  • Check the batteries by pressing the buttons, the red indicator light on the remote control will not light up if the batteries are empty.
  • Replace the remote control batteries.

The remote control is not paired with the power supply

  • Pair the remote control with the robotic cleaner power supply.
  • Refer to the instructions enclosed with the remote control.

The cable is tangled

Dirty filters can affect movement of the robotic cleaner

  • Make sure that all the filters are clean.

The filter access hatch underneath the robotic cleaner is not closed properly

  • Make sure that the hatch is closed properly.

The cable was tangled before the robotic cleaner was placed in the pool

  • Make sure that the cable is spread out and untangled before placing the robotic pool cleaner in the pool.

There is too much cable in the pool

  • Make sure that the cable is long enough to reach the end of the pool, but no longer than this. 
  • For example, in a 10 m x 5 m pool with the power supply in the middle, do not put more than 6 m of cable in the pool.

The impeller is broken or seized by an accumulation of hair

  • Disconnect the robotic cleaner power supply before carrying out this intervention.
  • Remove the screws on top of the robotic cleaner and check that the impeller is not broken or in need of cleaning.
  • When replacing the robotic cleaner cover, use hand tools only. DO NOT USE power tools for this intervention.

The PVA wheels are wearing out rapidly

The Chlorine level is not correct

  • Check the Chlorine level, make sure that it is not too high. 
  • If the PVA brush is completely dissolved/ destroyed - contact your agency or online seller's customer service to replace it.

The pH level is not correct

  • Check that the pH is between 7.0 and 7.4, adjust it if necessary.
  • If the PVA brush is completely dissolved/ destroyed - contact your agency or online seller's customer service to replace it.

The robotic cleaner remained in the water while a water treatment was performed 

  • Make sure to take the robotic cleaner out of the pool before treating the water.
  • If the PVA brush is completely dissolved/ destroyed - contact your agency or online seller's customer service to replace it.

The pool surface finish is very rough (cement/granite/pebbles)

  • Contact your agency or online seller's customer service to replace the PVA brushes with PVC brushes.

The robotic cleaner starts properly but then stops after a short time

The impeller is seized by an accumulation of hair or debris

  • Disconnect the robotic cleaner power supply before performing this intervention. 
  • Remove the screws from the top of the robotic cleaner and check if the impeller needs to be cleaned.
  • When replacing the robotic cleaner cover, use hand tools only. DO NOT USE power tools for this intervention.

An object is preventing rotation of the brushes/ belts

  • Turn the brushes/ wheels by hand.
  • Remove any debris.

The robotic cleaner does not take up dirt and debris

The filter fibres are not perfectly clean, or there are holes in the filter

  • Clean if necessary and check that there are no holes in the filter.

The impeller is broken or seized by an accumulation of hair or debris

  • Disconnect the robotic cleaner's power supply before performing this intervention.
  • Remove the screws from the top of the robotic cleaner and check that the impeller is not broken or in need of cleaning. 
  • When replacing the robotic cleaner's cover, use hand tools only. DO NOT USE power tools for this intervention. 

The intake valves are missing or movement is restricted by objects are caught in them

  • Check the intake valves underneath the robotic pool cleaner.
  • The intake valves must be able to move freely to open and close.
  • Clean and free the intake valve if necessary.

The check valves are missing or blocked

  • Make sure that the check valves are present on the robotic pool cleaner.
  • The check valves must be whole and must cover the entire aperture. 

Debris falls out of the robotic cleaner as it is being removed from the pool

The hatch under the robotic cleaner is not closed correctly

  • Make sure that the hatch is closed correctly.

There are holes in the filter

  • Check that there are no holes in the filters and that the filter frame is not damaged.

The intake valve are blocked by or missing 

  • Check the valves underneath the robotic cleaner.
  • The intake valves should move freely to open and close.
  • Clean and free the intake valves if necessary.

The robotic cleaner does not cover the entire pool

The cable is not long enough to reach the far end of the pool, or the cable is too tangled 

  • Make sure that the cable is long enough to reach the end of the pool but not any longer than that.
  • Check that the cable is not tangled.

The orientation of the robotic cleaner's handle may affect its travel under water

  • Increase the diagonal angle of the handle by pressing on the handle pin and turning it.

The pH level is not correct

  • Check that the pH is between 7.0 and 7.4 in pools treated with Chlorine, or between 7.0 and 8.0 in pools treated with Bromine.
  • Remove the robotic cleaner from the pool while adjusting the pH.

The Chlorine level is not correct

  • Check the Chlorine level, if it is very low, carry out a shock treatment.
  • Remove the robotic cleaner from the pool while adjusting the Chlorine level. 

The impeller is broken or seized by the accumulation of hair 

  • Disconnect the robotic cleaner power supply before this intervention.
  • Remove the upper screws from the top of the robot and check that the impeller is not broken or seized and in need of cleaning.
  • When replacing the cover on the robotic cleaner, use hand tools only. DO NOT USE power tools for this operation.

There is an obstacle stuck in the belt or gear system

  • Try to rotate the brushes/ wheels by hand.
  • Clean the drive system, remove any debris.
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