Financial publications

Since October 5th, 2017 the shares of BWT Aktiengesellschaft are not traded at Vienna Stock Exchange any longer. Please note the modified publication requirements.

Key ratios

    IFRS 2016 IFRS 2015

Consol­i­dated group sales

million € 610.4  535.3


million € 39.0  49.0
EBIT million € 17.4  19.3
Earn­ings before taxes million € 18.9  16.6
Consol­i­dated net earn­ings million € 9.4  8.9
Cash flow from oper­ating activ­i­ties million € 40.8  45.9
Number of shares
(31/12, excl. own shares)
million 16.8  16.8
Earn­ings per share 0.65  0.63
Divi­dends and bonus per share 0.20*  0.20
Invest­ment in tangible
and intan­gible assets
million € 24.9  14.4
Equity million € 194.4  183.3
Employees as at 31/12 persons. 3,326  3,276

*Proposal to the AGM

BWT Announcements

Share­holder Reports
01.10.2014 Announcement according to § 93 (2) BörseG  PDF, 18 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Reports
Beteiligungsmeldung gemäß Börsegesetz 06.10.2017 (German only) PDF, 52 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 06.10.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 14.03.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 10.03.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 09.03.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 08.03.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 06.03.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 03.03.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 02.03.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 01.03.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 28.02.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 27.02.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 24.02.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 22.02.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 21.02.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 20.02.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 17.02.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 17.02.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 14.02.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 13.02.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 10.02.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 09.02.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 06.02.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 02.02.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 01.02.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 31.01.2017 PDF, 12 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 30.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 27.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 26.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 25.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 24.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 23.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 20.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 19.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 18.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 17.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 16.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 13.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 11.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 10.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 09.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 05.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 04.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 03.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 02.01.2017 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 30.12.2016 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 29.12.2016 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 27.12.2016 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 23.12.2016 PDF, 61 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 22.12.2016 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 21.12.2016 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 19.12.2016 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Directors` Dealings Report Art 19 MAR 12.12.2016 PDF, 7 Kb Download
Shareholders resolve upon squeeze-out at BWT Aktiengesellschaft PDF, 262 Kb Download
BWT reports results for the first half 2017 PDF, 356 Kb Download
BWT shareholders resolve upon squeeze-out 2017 PDF, 185 Kb Download
OGH admits contestation of merger and prohibits de-listing (only German) PDF, 163 Kb Download
BWT Invitation 2017 (only German) PDF, 44 Kb Download
BWT adhoc Cash compensation 2017 PDF, 42 Kb Download
WAB Privatstiftung request for squeeze-out at BWT 2017 PDF, 89 Kb Download
BWT AG enlarges Executive Board 2017 PDF, 108 Kb Download
BWT announces annual results for 2016 PDF, 281 Kb Download
COO for Point of Use PDF, 212 Kb Download
BWT announcement of results 2016 (only German) PDF, 100 Kb Download
BWT FIBA Offer 2016 (only German) PDF, 53 Kb Download
FIBA Public voluntary offer 2016 PDF, 72 Kb Download
BWT Halfyear report 2016 PDF, 259 Kb Download
BWT Registration of the merger postponed 2017 PDF, 213 Kb Download
BWT stops acquisition project Culligan 2016 PDF, 198 Kb Download
BWT Potential_Acquisition 2016 PDF, 209 Kb Download
BWT announces annual results 2015 PDF, 216 Kb Download
BWT results third quarter 2015 PDF, 34 Kb Download
BWT takeover Mettem technologies 2015 PDF, 67 Kb Download
Annual General Meeting 2015 PDF, 31 Kb Download
BWT reports halfyear results 2015 PDF, 35 Kb Download
BWT: Publication of Documents for Merger and Delisting 2015 PDF, 35 Kb Download
BWT: Merger planned with unlisted Company 2015 PDF, 36 Kb Download
BWT first quarter 2015 PDF, 35 Kb Download
BWT results third quarter 2014 PDF, 41 Kb Download
Application for Annual General Meeting 2015 PDF, 10 Kb Download
FIBA submits appli­ca­tion for Annual General Meeting 2015 PDF, 52 Kb Download
BWT takeover Mettem Technologies 2015 PDF, 212 Kb Download
BWT AG: Registration of the merger postponed PDF, 116 Kb Download