Best Water Technology

About us

Without water there is no life, no growth and no progress. Which is why BWT has dedicated itself to water – our most important vital consumable and our lifeblood – with a vision of becoming the global leader in water technology and developing products and processes that are both eco-friendly and cost-effective.



"For You and Planet Blue."

Our name says it all: we understand our mission to be to develop the best water treatment products and services anywhere. But even more: water is our mission. We ensure hygiene, safety and health in people's day-to-day contact with water. We continuously pursue our research to develop innovative solutions, and work to further enhance our products.

We aspire to provide our customers with the highest quality water treatment systems, technologies and services while simultaneously conserving the resources of our blue planet.

BWT – For You and Planet Blue.

Water droplet on the floor
Water droplet on the floor

Our slogan “For You and Planet Blue” sums up our mission well: namely, striving to act sustainably and responsibly as a business enterprise to both meet the needs of every individual as well as preserve our planet as a unique biosphere.

“For You”

BWT's goals and products are geared to people and their needs. The “You“ in our motto stands for our customers, our business partners and our employees.

“For Planet Blue“

This part of our slogan underscores not only the vital role that the classical element water plays on our “blue planet“, but also the role which BWT plays in this context. We use our know-how to treat the limited water reserves of our planet to make this resource usable for humankind – always in harmony with nature.


In concrete terms, we turn our vision into reality by having our work, products and services audited and certified by independent institutions. We rely on the appropriate management systems in line with the requirements applicable at each of our locations. We apply quality management in accordance with ISO 9001 to achieve maximum product quality and thereby high customer satisfaction. An environmental and energy management system compliant with ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 as well as ISO 45001 to ensure occupational health and safety has been introduced at many of our company locations for the purpose mainstreaming the concept of sustainability throughout all of our activities. In doing so, we send out a clear signal: for our environment, for our employees, and for meeting our customers' efficiency requirements.

All the BWT Group companies align themselves closely to these standards, and regularly undergo internal and external audits to ensure compliance. We do all this to provide clear certainty that we're acting and working to the highest standards.

Water tech­nolo­gies

Technology cloud
Technology cloud

Technological edge can only be gained by innovative thinking and action. This is why we continuously research into all areas of water treatment at our BWT Innovation Centres, working ceaselessly for you to improve the processes for filtration, filter media, ion exchange systems for demineralisation, softening, decarbonisation, membrane technologies (micro, ultra and nanofiltration and reverse osmosis), pure steam generators, pure water distillers, ultraviolet (UV) systems, ozone generators, ion exchanger membranes, electrolysis, electrodialysis, electrodeionisation, chlorine dioxide generators and metering pumps.

We ensure water of the highest quality is readily available – right at the point of use where it's needed.

Innovation by BWT

For decades, we've had but one goal in our sights: to improve the quality of people's lives wherever water is concerned – and to do so with custom-tailored water treatment solutions that deliver water of the highest quality. We don't restrict ourselves to standardised, of-the-shelf products, rather we're the ones who consistently set new standards in water technology. In keeping with our philosophy of "Feel – taste – see the diffe­rence", we offer our customers products with real innovations, such as drinking water with the extra enjoyment and vitality factor, silky-soft Pearl Water as a beauty elixir, or water in its purest form as an essential component of high-tech applications. Feel, taste and see the difference!

Our vision

BWT – the leading international water technology group

BWT Headquarter
BWT Headquarter

BWT's vision is born of these aspirations and challenges: we want to become the world's leading water technology group. To achieve this goal, we need to grow – in every respect.

Growth in all areas

One of the engines for growth is innovation. A company that seeks to grow, expand and improve must further develop itself, its products and services on a continuous, pro-active basis, and sometimes think outside the box rather than rely on conventional, tried-and-tested ways. By growth, we also mean geographically: currently, there are more than 80 BWT subsidiaries and affiliated companies worldwide, as well as R&D departments in France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Russia. And we're working on more!

For us, however, further development doesn't only mean thinking about the far distant future, but also on what's lies directly ahead. This is why we're working continuously to improve and optimise our existing processes and procedural workflows, as well as fine-tuning current technologies and products to make them even better.

Throughout this growth process, we remain committed to our obligation of assuming environmental, economic and social responsibility.

BWT – a corporate success story

From its beginnings as a small company in Pforzheim, Germany right through to today's large corporate Group, BWT has always been shaped by a unique spirit of entrepreneurship and research and a devoted drive to innovate and succeed.

The roots of BWT can be traced back to the year 1823, when Johann Adam Benckiser founded a small chem­ical factory in Germany bearing his family name. Flash-​forward then to 1990, when Andreas Weißenbacher laid the foun­da­tion stone for today's BWT as part of a manage­ment buy-​out. He trans­formed “Benckiser Wasser Technik“ into “BWT“, marking the begin­ning of a long-​standing success story. While BWT was initially head­quar­tered in Hallein, Austria, two years later the young company relo­cated to the Austrian town of Mondsee.

2020, a year unlike any we have ever seen, and yet a mile­stone in BWT Group history for the water tech­nology company cele­brates its 30th anniver­sary. 30 years of dynamic devel­op­ment, unique tech­nolo­gies and big achieve­ments for the world’s most precious resource - water. To main­tain its positing of being THE inter­na­tional water tech­nology group, BWT Aktienge­sellschaft was trans­formed into BWT Holding GmbH on 1.10.2020. Headed up by Andreas Weißenbacher and Peter Wienerroither, the company will focus on acting as the BWT Group’s manage­ment holding company.

BWT management