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    Write a simple program to implement postfix evaluation using stacks. The program is to read a postfix string consisting of only numeric data and the +,-,*, and / operators, call the evaluation algorithm, and then print the result, After each evaluation, it is to loop and process another the following expressions with the program. 5 7 * 4 - 6 + 1 2 3 + * 4 - 2 3 4 + * 5 - *present code in C not C++ ## Deliverables Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. ## Deadline information Wednesday October 31 2001

    $41 Average bid
    $41 Média
    18 ofertas

    ...expression. A symbol may be an operand (a single upper-case letter), an operator (+,-,*,/), a left or right parenthesis Sample input: A+B-C; A+B*C; (A+B)/(C-D); (/*/(A+B)*(C-D)+E)/(F+G) OUTPUT - should consist of each input expression followed by its corresponding postfix expression. All output (including original infix expression) must be clearly formatted (or reformatted) and also clearly labeled. Sample Output: Infix: A+B-C; Postfix: AB+C- Infix: A+B*C; Postfix: ABC*+ Infix: (A+B)/(C-D); Postfix: AB+CD-/ Infix: ((A+B)*(C-D)+E)/(F+G) Postfix: AB+CD-*E+FG+/ Program may utilize any of the operations in the Stack ADT, must devise a Boolean function that takes two operators and tells you which has a higher precedence. Outside of the Stack ADT operations,...

    $34 Average bid
    $34 Média
    19 ofertas

    Artigos da Comunidade dos Principais postfix