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2,000 design houses karachi trabalhos encontrados

I already have a website I am a property investor covering different types of houses, land and commercial property across the UK So, I wanted a front page - drawing that shows perhaps 3 or 4 prominent buildings as line drawings in the back ground and maybe some houses in the front BUT - I need your help with this. based on what I do. I have already content here but it is not the best, I need suggestions so any Realty website experience in UK will help. I want people to be able to contact me and I want to be able to edit content as I go I already have this website hosted with Wordpress so need a great reason to change. I would like SEO if it helps going forward but right now, I need someone to impress me with an amazing website that when you look at it, you are

$636 Average bid
Destacado Urgente
$636 Média
55 ofertas

Need somebody that can do 3D renders I provide with design and dwg file.

$87 Average bid
$87 Média
128 ofertas

Hi There, I am looking for someone to research and put together leads for Sales VFX Services. I am looking for Creative Studio's, Production houses, Film Houses, Video Production Companies. Post Producers etc. If you are familiar with this space, this will be a big advantage. You can look up Music Video's, Films, TV shows, and from the credits you can find Post Producers, VFX producers, and using those names, you can find companies involved in those productions. We sell Post Production Services. VFX Production. I would like contacts put in a google spreadsheet for me to follow up on: Company name, Contact Number and Email. And/Or Person, Job Title and Linkedin. The leads are generated for myself, as I will do direct cold calling, and then send emails to them...

$31 Average bid
$31 Média
13 ofertas
Brentwood Road
Encerrado left

Hi ART LAND DESIGN, could you quote to produce two rendered external images for a marketing of four new houses in Brighton, UK please? Price to be discussed.

$1214 Average bid
$1214 Média
1 ofertas
Encerrado left

I am looking for somebody to complete all the electrical loading calculations required for 2 x new build houses 3200ft with ground source heat pumps, bore hole water supplies, 2 x car chargers, natural swimming pool, sauna and general electrical usage to determine if it is possible to feasible go of grid using a solar/ hybrid solution.

$560 Average bid
$560 Média
28 ofertas

I have an excel spreadsheet that uses the (=workday) formula to create a backend schedule for building houses. With it I put in one beginning date and it populates the rest of the dates in sequence for the remaining trades. Each row has a trade (ie paint) with a start date and a complication date. I want to add an email address to each row that corresponds to that trade and have it automatically sent to that trade. I only want the trade on that rom to see it’s date and not the whole spreadsheet. Can you help?

$431 Average bid
$431 Média
86 ofertas

1. Able to create AR experiences with video, 3D and info 2. Able to use in Web AR interface 3. Great quality of photorealism on models (NO ugly materials) 4. Experience on AR projects 5. Able to use 3D object recognition and icons or instructions during the experience 6. Able to animate elements on experience like arrows, notes, icons..

$686 Average bid
$686 Média
12 ofertas

I have drone videos and I require rendering of houses on the property in the drone video to showcase the possible views from the houses in a fly-by. 2-3 mins fly-by video will suffice.

$1227 Average bid
$1227 Média
56 ofertas

600 word page for project funding for building 4 houses in Arctic Community of Canada. Funding application is to be made to Federal Government. There is severe shortage of houses and writter should be informative/aware and appealing and persuasive all in professional manner.

$21 Average bid
$21 Média
22 ofertas

I'm looking for someone to take my current "for sale" sign and give it a new lease of life. I would like the final product to be more polished than it is and appear minimalist, classy and eye catching. I am happy for the colours to be a..."for sale" sign and give it a new lease of life. I would like the final product to be more polished than it is and appear minimalist, classy and eye catching. I am happy for the colours to be altered slightly and would like the font to be changed also. As you can see, we currently have a bear as a mascot. I would like options both with and without him, please. These boards are outside of houses for passing motorists to see, so they need to be clear, recognisable and eye catching. I will need these files to be de...

$97 Average bid
$97 Média
46 ofertas

We are a small construction company looking to create an artists impression or visuals of some houses we are in the process of building. Previously our estate agent would create these but the local one doesn’t provide this service. We have architects drawings , photos of the site and site plans we can forward to help with the process. The aim is to use the drawings for marketing purposes , helping to sell the properties off plan / pre completion. Ideally looking for someone who has done this previously and is able to show these modest properties in their best light.

$24 - $297
Secreto ADC
$24 - $297
30 ofertas

Hi, We are a carpentry and roofing company based in Ireland. We would like to hire a professional to help us scale the company to the next level. We mostly work on large housing schemes erecting timber frame houses, roofing, 1st and 2nd fix carpentry. We currently employ 25 people but would like to double this over the next 12 months.

$25 / hr Average bid
$25 / hr Média
12 ofertas

In Africa almost every city has informal settlements shacks or gheto. To eliminate the informal settlement, we need to provide low cost houses to build and to maintenance, we therefore want a design of Low Cost houses with these attributes; 1. Low cost designs 2. Eco-friendly 3. Use interlocking bricks 4. Solar Geyser roof mounted 5. Solar power roof mounted 6. Prepaid electricity 7. Prepaid water 8 Gas lines 9. Prepaid Gas Stoves - Cooking 10. Erf size per house is 300 square 11. A big shopping center 12. Cost estimate per unit, The design should include the whole township lay out, simplified, easy to understand, 3d township view, 3d unit views, main sewer pipeline to sewer riticulation, solar street lights, gravel streets, central solar power control [ ...

$482 Average bid
$482 Média
36 ofertas

Devorating and painting buildings. Painting doors: windows: skirting:fences

$14 / hr Average bid
$14 / hr Média
7 ofertas

I need reels that endorses a rich lavish lifestyle, cars, houses, jets and money kinda thing for my instagram page called 4see_wealth. Not interested in any cartoon animations. I would really appreciate if a link to any work done would be provided from the freelancer.

$117 Average bid
$117 Média
16 ofertas

Hello I need someone who can create houses for webar markers in AR. I need develop the 3d model, materials and put it online for the use with phones or tablets. It must to show previous works to be awarded.

$332 Average bid
$332 Média
39 ofertas

Greeting, We are planing to launch new “car coffee” business for specialty coffee which mainly we service out customers in there houses and events And would like to use “smart car brand” for this purpose I would like you to engineer the space where we will use the car space wisely and functionally I will attached the coffee machine brand and the grinder and i wish you to have a full plan where we can place our drainage and water tank and all the equipment for the coffee. It also can be movable sliding drawers which can come from inside the car to give more space for serving Thanks

$519 Average bid
$519 Média
20 ofertas

Greeting, We are planing to launch new “car coffee” business for specialty coffee which mainly we service out customers in there houses and events And would like to use “smart car brand” for this purpose I would like you to engineer the space where we will use the car space wisely and functionally I will attached the coffee machine brand and the grinder and i wish you to have a full plan where we can place our drainage and water tank and all the equipment for the coffee. It also can be movable sliding drawers which can come from inside the car to give more space for serving Thanks

$160 Average bid
$160 Média
26 ofertas
Trophy icon Logo for smart coffee
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Greeting, We are planing to launch new “car coffee” business for specialty coffee which mainly we service out customers in there houses and events The logo name will be “smart coffee” and would would like the logo to be inspired by the smart car itself, it might be the shape of the car or anything could represent the car and the coffee The color we are planing to have is orange (Hermès) and black Please suggest also how does the cups look like Thanks

$104 Average bid
773 inscrições

...names/companies~ Group names/companies by radius (ex: 10 mile radius from starting location, then 5 more miles from that, then 5 more miles from the previous 15 radius and so on and so on till you get to about 75) ~ Herkimer, Mohawk Valley upstate New York (Starting Location) ~ Start with a small radius of the starting area ( 10 miles), then keep expand your radius ~ LOOKING FOR: Auction Houses that buy Antique Barn lumber and Companies that deal in Antique Barn lumber to mill themselves and people like Architects/Designers who deal in Antique Barn lumber to mill themselves ~ I hope you get the idea of what is needed ~ We have an Antique barn that we would like to sell all the barn lumber, so we need professional people who are interested in this type of lumber on...

$102 Average bid
$102 Média
15 ofertas

We're looking to create a game that would auto generate the inside of buildings and houses based on criteria of skill level of the gamer. We need someone who has expertise in low level graphic processing and some sort of Operations Research experience (Can learn on the job) We would like to hire a single developer to work on an hourly basis alongside our team. This would require that the developer should participate meetings and pair programming tasks. Proficient verbal communication in English is required for this project. We anticipate this project for a full time job that would continue more than a year! Please try to answer the question below to see if you're interested in this project. Given you have an SVG path that entails curves and lines. How would you cal...

$31 / hr Average bid
$31 / hr Média
15 ofertas

I need a website for my rental houses which advertises the area,condition,price and the whole picture of the buildings to give mu customers a good field to check my houses,book and can also pay in the website.I can also state the direction of the houses technically from Nairobi

$109 Average bid
$109 Média
16 ofertas

I have a number of pictures of a house. I was looking for someone to create either 15 or 30 second video that could be used for tiktok/insta/FB etc. The start would have the caption "what would €1.2m get you ...would have the caption "what would €1.2m get you in...." and then the rest would be a slideshow of selected images. You dont need to use all the images, but the timing would be key as I want the audience to see the image but have to pause it to get a proper look at it. If the job is great, then there would be plenty of re-orders. Please include examples of previous work and any examples including houses would help your bid Please start your bid with the words Willy Wonka to show you have read this and that you are not a bot. Anyone who does not do...

$21 Average bid
$21 Média
87 ofertas
Encerrado left

Hola! Primero de todo gracias por leer esta propuesta! Acabo de escribir un libro sobre inversiones inmobiliarias y quisiera un buen diseño para la portada. Sobre el libro: El libro es como una guía para aprender la estrategia de Flipping Houses, se trata de comprar casas en mal estado para reformarlas y posteriormente venderlas a un precio superior, de esta forma se consiguen generar ingresos en un corto plazo. Está dirigido a principiantes que quieren aprender el "cómo hacerlo". La persona que compre el libro seguramente tenga entre 25 y 45 años de edad. ¿Cómo me gustaría que fuera el diseño de la Portada?: - Colores con contraste (no más de 3 colores distintos preferiblemente) - Me gustar&iacut...

$53 Average bid
54 inscrições

...(roads, utilities, etc.), subdividing into lots; selling the lots; and then building homes on the lots for the new owner, all financed and guaranteed by the National Housing Trust of Jamaica, NHT The government guarantees the developer J$3 million (US $20,000) for each serviced lot and J$15 million (US 100,000) per home & lot combined. Our costs to produce the lots are about US 7,500, and for the houses are about 75,000. (will provide further detail) Our plan is to develop 2,000 lots / homes, or more, in the coming 18-24 months, with sellout in 24-48 month, We also have in our inventory a prime 10 acre oceanfront parcel with private beach which we intend to build 60-80 townhouse condos which will sell for about $300k-350k each for the tourist, upscale market. (pictures a...

$465 Average bid
$465 Média
64 ofertas

brokerage real estate website (need a good form users have to fill but eady to use), mainly to atract sellers but also buyers (espace to show houses), whatsapp contact too, Needs to work in Chile.

$114 Average bid
$114 Média
12 ofertas

I am a Real Estate Broker, dealing in Buying & Selling, and Renting Houses, and Apartment in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane, and the nearby area. So, I need to develop this website wherein my clients can post their properties online with all the relevant details about the property and also share it with social media. needless to say, to have blog options etc. Note - domain & hosting is already purchased

$103 Average bid
$103 Média
51 ofertas

Need someone that can estimate a full project of 2 x town houses (Single Storey) Need to get me a few quotes for each step of the way. I want someone with experience and hopefully someone that has dealt with suppliers and trades in Australia and has good relationships. Please see the plans of the 2 x single storey townhouses. Working drawings attached.

$294 Average bid
$294 Média
33 ofertas

Unique attachment of town houses. Have provisional patent, drawings and description.

$750 - $1500
Secreto ADC
$750 - $1500
11 ofertas

We're creating a house number brand to sell our 100% thick steel metal house number for prestigious houses worth millions of dollars. We were doing this on the side, now we need a strong modern brand that will target those individuals. The brand name is: Moderno A possible Idea: We were thinking of making the last o like an number symbol (nº) : Modernº or the symbol could be mº ? We're looking for slightly rounded, confident letters that still breathe style and elegance with a glimpse of friendlyness in its curves. You are free to design a symbol next to the name if an idea pops up. We've joined some pictures of what we do and what we would want our logo to be like (but the description persist before the given images, do not try to recopy exac...

$37 Average bid
393 inscrições

I am looking for an interior designer to work with me in my upcoming projects, I am currently building/renovating different stores and also some villas, I need someone to work with me and make it a full time, long term project.

$34 / hr Average bid
$34 / hr Média
97 ofertas

Single Family House- we need exterior renderings. AutoCAD dwg available. Give me a good price and good work and we can work together for the full year! We renovate houses and need to provide renderings for clients!

$72 Average bid
$72 Média
18 ofertas

At : Pop up form behavior; Darken the existing back ground 2-3 shades darker. Make popup form show up 1 second after landing on the house they clicked on from the search result page. Once the person signs up thru that popup form they should be able to search all houses without the form show up again. sessions rule?

$34 Average bid
$34 Média
37 ofertas

We are looking for help in getting our articles posted in big media houses. We are not looking for a content writer, we are looking for someone who can get it posted on new webistes. We need these on a regular basis. Indians will be given preference. Should be fluent in Hindi and English. Also will be needing personal communication to move forward as we will be sharing more information. Please share your previous work. Include the word AMAZE in your bid so we will know you have read the bid.

$31 Average bid
$31 Média
21 ofertas
IceHaus logo
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Looking for a logo for a start up craft beer/coffee house. First National IceHaus. Located in one of the first old bank buildings in downtown Bandera, Texas. It is spelled haus as a "nod" to the Germanic heritage of the area. Styled after the original Ice Houses that served ice in southern Texas in the late 1800 an early 1900's which then became markets for many items. Perhaps incorporate a block of ice and tongs that would have been used to lift it.

$80 Average bid
$80 Média
125 ofertas

company already existing but that needs to update its logo its sector is interior design and exterior design, continuous floors, rehabilitation of environments, re-design of old houses, the company is in contact with architects and individuals. I attach the current company logo hi you are sending interesting proposals, thank you, I remind you that the company is dedicated to luxury finishes, you need a logo that makes you understand the quality of the product offered, thank you

$99 Average bid
Garantido Secreto Concurso Top
348 inscrições

I would like you gather publicly available data for my real estate project. I have a list of 140 street, each with 5-12 houses on average. I would like you to look up each house and copy name and address of the owner(s) from the publicly available online registry and enter them into Google Sheets. This could be done programatically, however, the site requires a CAPTCHA that involves identifying a set of 6 letters/numbers for each entry. If someone is available to do this for an affordable price, happy for you to do it in any way you want. The manual steps include: Steps included: 1) Take a street from Google Sheet list I provide 2) Look up the house number and enter the street and house number into the website I will share. Cross-check on another website to see if the house mee...

$79 Average bid
$79 Média
192 ofertas

I have a friend who has a travel website and wants to add 11 page powerpoints on the website about Top 10 places to visit. The task is to make a 11 page power point with very neat public pictures and add a paragraph on each page about the place (only 2-3 sentences and not more). See example attached. You can choose town or city .eg Top 10 places to visit in Karachi. The trick with this task is i want 100 towns covered ie 100 power points (11 page powerpoints - first-page intro, and next 10 pages just pictures of the places to visit and paragraph on the notes of the PowerPoint) see an example attached. I have a limited budget so i will choose the cheapest offer. I expect the task to be completed in 2 weeks.

$104 Average bid
$104 Média
127 ofertas


$445 Average bid
$445 Média
25 ofertas
Trophy icon LOGO Design - 19/10/2022 14:48 EDT
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Hi Freelancers, I am starting a direct booking website for vacation rentals. It is in a town called Sonora. The website address is and the logo should include something like the following: Mountains Lakes Rivers Gold Rush History Vacation Houses Skiing Water Skiing Any of those could work. The company is called Stay Sonora and the website which is not live yet will be

$80 Average bid
909 inscrições

react and node.js need to develop an app prototype.. This app will be a property management app.. specifically focused on maintenance requests and monthly maintenance schedules.. pool maintenance, lawn care, etc.. each service would be a module. first is to create a user management access control mobile web app Managers have logins and the ...need to develop an app prototype.. This app will be a property management app.. specifically focused on maintenance requests and monthly maintenance schedules.. pool maintenance, lawn care, etc.. each service would be a module. first is to create a user management access control mobile web app Managers have logins and the address is located under the account. logins can have multiple houses and houses can have multiple authoriz...

$589 Average bid
$589 Média
112 ofertas

Front yard design of 2 connected houses. Its the Facade design. I need to emphasize in the lighting, and views with day light and night time. Design format its on Sketchup.

$352 Average bid
$352 Média
89 ofertas
Female calling agent
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We are looking for calling agents for our call center in Karachi Pakistan must be experience and fluent in English

$125 Average bid
$125 Média
2 ofertas
Create a logo
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Looking for a creative artistic logo for my new transitional housing business called Lighthouse Haven. I'm looking for a log...also the incorporation of a lighthouse that together with its beams of light look like the shape of a cross (Christian based business). My houses are meant to be a haven for those experiencing homelessness (veterans, substance abuse, aged out fosters, mental disability). I love the sea green blends, white, gold colors... but am open to any variations that reflect sanctuary/tranqility/haven feel with the strength of a lighthouse in the shape of a cross with light beams that reflect a cross. I attached a picture of what I mean by the cross looking lighthouse, but it doesn’t have to look exactly like that. I’m open to any other creativity in...

$69 Average bid
$69 Média
116 ofertas
Odoo Payroll
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We need some consultant for develop the payroll and structure rules. Also we need to develop the Discounts for payroll of commitments acquired by employees, such as mortgage loans, personal loans, purchases in commercial houses, savings, etc. I am attaching the document where I explain the project.

$648 Average bid
$648 Média
37 ofertas
build me a website
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... for my web site ,mobile site and desktop app.. I want a full stack e-commerce store which will consist of real estate, buying and selling furniture, farming and Gardening tools etc. i am in Kenya. I would like this site build in a reasonable time frame, and a site where companies. Estate agents, individuals and individuals can register inn and sell their products (especially houses and land) at a fee inclusive monthly subscriptions and auto subscription’s. Build in a Native, Desktop Application, do indicate which are the latest technologies and applications that you shall use to build the site. I have registered in blue Host and therefore we can load the application/software once completed. This should include e-commerce site portfolio site social media site

$534 Average bid
$534 Média
102 ofertas
Trophy icon Logo For Real Estate Company
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My real estate firm name is: Plains to Peaks Reality Tag Line: Finding Your Colorado Dream So it could have a house in it or the Colorado mountains? or whatever you think would get outpoint that we service all areas and sell luxury houses We sell house in Colorado, from the flatland all the way up to mountains. We are a high end shop thanks

$60 Average bid
543 inscrições

we need to integrate a building currently in 2D, in perspective images, to understand the volume and colors of the project. It is about 2 houses of stone and wood that are being rebuilt, and it must be explained how they are implemented in the same place. Understand the topography and the implementation of the 2 efifices. We need 3 updated images in the proposal.

$178 Average bid
$178 Média
38 ofertas

the project is about modelling the occupant behavior in houses to measure the actual energy consumption and predict a solution to save energy. The methodology to be used is combining Agent based modelling with System Dynamics. The modelling needs to be done by an expert or a professional who knows how to work in this feild.

$164 Average bid
$164 Média
14 ofertas and you can find many more online... About Us: so a entrepreneur and businessman, i have a solution...i am willing to invest to build over 500 shipping containers houses which will house 2000 employees with low income, which is removable at any time and perfect fit for the environmental sensitive areas like the Florida Keys. 2000 employees can make a big difference in the local businesses who are shutting down, or struggling to keep open due to almost no people to work here. It will cost over $2 million to make it successful and if I get all the helps, permit and

$1726 Average bid
$1726 Média
25 ofertas