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  • 4511 attiny2313 clock
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2,000 4511 attiny2313 clock trabalhos encontrados
Trophy icon Flyer Project
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$40 Average bid
166 inscrições

Expiration clock title listings shaded in red blocks so everyone knows at a glance before they click on the box, the deal has an end time. A section titled "Amazon hurries", for Amazon items which may run out quickly. Discussion; should this section also be made available in the normal listings? Listing deals with pictures, then click on the picture and the box opens up within the same page for additions/edits/notes/transport link to deal. A back button/arrow/X may be used to drop the box back into place on the top/landing page. Popular deals have a red police siren/light positioned in the box or on the box but visible before clicking on the deal. Timer related posted links 1. Expiration/countdown Beginning if link is not live yet Reset if deal ends but...

$174 Average bid
$174 Média
11 ofertas
Electrolyzer EMC
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We did an EMC pre-scan and our product failed radiated emission in the 200MHz range. I need assistance troubleshooting and correcting this. EMC is not my specialty. A quick description of...correcting this. EMC is not my specialty. A quick description of this product is: I am looking for an engineer that specializes in EMC There is a synchronous buck converter running at 400kHz. 40V 2A input ~8.5V 8.5A output constant current. There is also a buck convertor generating 5V 0.2A also running at 400kHz. Finally the system is controlled by a microcontroller running with an internal clock of 32MHz. There is no external crystal for the controller. To troubleshoot EMC. I have a spectrum analyzer as well as a set of EMC probes, 3 loops and one stub. If required, I can rent additional ...

$37 / hr Average bid
$37 / hr Média
4 ofertas

...finished. For the 4-minute project, it can be one file. For the 30-minute project, it is a collection of several slides and short videos, about 20 short files as I understand. - Our budget is $8 USD per final run minute. ($32 for the 4-minute, $240 if the larger is 30 minutes). - The text has already been translated and reviewed. Their translator will have read it out loud against the time clock so it should be very close to being final and ready for the voiceover artist. - We are looking for a male voiceover on the 4-minute. And, we are looking for both male and female for the 30-minute (as there may be multiple projects in the future). - We require the audio to be completed on professional equipment with WAV files provided. - The 4-minute project will likely be r...

$48 Average bid
$48 Média
7 ofertas

Hi, Looking for a developer to build a website page, that will show a clock full screen. Image for the background already designed. Will need to change time dependent on what time zone you're in. Thanks, Emily

$516 Average bid
$516 Média
67 ofertas

I have installed the revolution slider template in our landing page. There are 2 errors to fix: 1. Responsiveness. The slider does not appear on all the browsers. With changing settings if it appears on safari, it does not on chrome. Also, if it appears on desktop, it does not on mobile. 2. Set the clock on the date of 8th of April Site link:

$27 Average bid
$27 Média
36 ofertas
Photoshop Mockups
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Need Freelancer who can design the photoshop Mockups for our Customised products like Table clock with Photos, Wooden Show piece etc

$208 Average bid
$208 Média
15 ofertas
Digital Clock
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The clock is making using of html, CSS, JavaScript

$12 Average bid
$12 Média
8 ofertas
School App
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...should have facility to create set of questions for test along with choices having the answers. The number of questions from the question set prepared by the teacher for the test to display in random to the student. And link the test to the time table 8. The test link in time table will open the test for the students, and each student will have random questions at a time and the decreasing stop clock to show the time left. 9. Once the test is over the marks will be available to the teacher, and has permission to publish the score to the students and parents. The publish functionality should have the ability to send email to the student and parents on the marks with feedback for student. And all accolades to the pop-up page in the time table on click of test hour. 10. There should...

$1301 Average bid
$1301 Média
12 ofertas

what i want there exact 12:00 clock full competition i need this want to come exact 12.00.00 Seconds that login page If any one intrested ping me

$197 Average bid
$197 Média
4 ofertas

The final product should be verified via simulation

$40 Average bid
$40 Média
13 ofertas
Build me an iOS App
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I need to build an app that can use location services to clock in and clock out of workplace. The app needs to be able to calculate payments based on the hours clocked. I will provide the details on conditions on payment. These things include overtime rates and call back fees. Similar apps are Hours Tracker & Geofency.

$991 Average bid
$991 Média
63 ofertas
Trophy icon Quick and Easy Countdown video
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I need a 15 minute countdown clock. Use the attached graphic and put a clean font, in black font, properly sized above the words "until we begin". Countdown should start at 15 minutes and count backwards to 00:00 (mm:ss format). Need it in MP4 format 1920 x 1080 and I need it today. Easy project for someone who's got a few extra minutes. Must be done withing 14 hours of posting. I will check for submission starting three hours after posting and close project when receiving a likeable choice.

$25 Average bid
10 inscrições

Need verilog Code and screenshot of output of the given question. Write and Synthesize the code in FPGA and ASIC designs separately and take screenshots of all simulations, schematics and clock/wave diagrams. Put sufficient comments in the code for ease of readability. We are flexible with the use of software but ModelSim or Xilinx is preferable. i want the project before 21 st of march 2021

$12 Average bid
$12 Média
2 ofertas

...looking for in the photos. * Photos should be delivered within 24 to 48 hours, though sooner is appreciated. * Upload your JPG, PNG, or HEIC to the files tab of the project. * You may also upload your photos to the chat. * Have fun sharing your part of the world with others! The user has included the following instructions for you to follow: Please take photos of the towers (including the clock) between 1:30am and 2:30am. If you could take photos close to 2:00am that would be best. Please also include the moon in the photo if possible. Please take the photos as instructed. Once you have taken the photos and uploaded them, the user will confirm that they meet their expectations. Once confirmed the milestone will be released automatically for your work. Thanks for bei...

$20 Average bid
$20 Média
1 ofertas

I teach swim lessons in the summer. I would like to have customers pay on the app, and I would like to have the app remind them of their appointment. I would like my employees to be able to clock in and out on the app. I am open to any suggestions! I would like the color scheme to be shades of blue.

$497 Average bid
$497 Média
14 ofertas

Grab 8 main images from website and make transparent masks for each one The idea is to apply an image to the main image to the bracelet without overlap the clock face, the holes and other elements. You can check exactly what I need applying in The main image variations are also in that site (please check attached image) but please download it without "OPTIONAL TEXT" ... Just click it and delete. The images should be png Thanks

$20 Average bid
$20 Média
24 ofertas

There was a village called Kandarwakottai where a 12-year-old boy named Mukesh lived. His grandmother's village is in Damayapuram, 2 km away. Mukesh went through that forest to that town in the evening 3'0 clock to see his looked at his grandparents and said it was too late then he was going to visit his grandparents and he told me that I was going. He was playing with friends who were there. Then he was adamant that I should go to Grandpa. Then Grandpa told him that Siddi would come now and buy you some snacks and he told him to stay there for a while. After a while he went on his bicycle saying that I was gone. A man named Sakshi had died in the forest in the middle of the town. Many people believe that his spirit was still in the forest. Mukesh then fell off his bi...

$833 Average bid
$833 Média
1 ofertas

I have a Jmobile (exor) project I am working on and I have a few display issues I need ironing out, -why some svg images dont stay in their locked spot -transparency issues of buttons (unable to make completely transparent -changing of colours of SVG images via strings of hex colour codes from a PLC -trending optimisation -the ability to know what user is logged in on the home scr...project I am working on and I have a few display issues I need ironing out, -why some svg images dont stay in their locked spot -transparency issues of buttons (unable to make completely transparent -changing of colours of SVG images via strings of hex colour codes from a PLC -trending optimisation -the ability to know what user is logged in on the home screen -the ability to update the internal clock ...

$175 Average bid
$175 Média
3 ofertas

Simple project , need code writen to allow two simultaneous data and clock inputs logged to sdcard. Arduino pro mini or equal.

$110 Average bid
$110 Média
22 ofertas
Trophy icon Design a logo - 17/03/2021 01:30 EDT
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Design a logo. Simple and creative. Business name: Clock Sales Thansk.

$7 Average bid
190 inscrições

i already have an APP deployed into Google and iPhone stores. i am doing a complete rewrite of the employee APP in3 stages and also i will rewrite the Admin APP in 2 Stages. Briefly The Employee APP will allow the employee to view his weekly shifts, timesheet. The employee will be able to clock-in against his shifts and the APP will capture the GPS location on clock-in and clock-out The employee will be able to view the assigned tasks during the shift and also the site shared documents the mobile APP will be developed using Flutter

$2726 Average bid
$2726 Média
73 ofertas

ios and android app development for an employee tracker. Employees should be able to clock in and out at the start and end of their shift. Admin should be able to see the total hours worked on a daily and weekly basis. Employees hours should match with their contracted hours.

$704 Average bid
$704 Média
31 ofertas

Simple landing page with countdown clock. Additional features: - contact us - links to (facebook, instagram etc.) - more info about project

$128 Average bid
$128 Média
80 ofertas

Hello! im looking for help to copy an existing application. Please look at the following website for design, specification and functions. we will however use this system for our self and not sell it at a SaaS, so no problem with copyrights or so.

$79738 Average bid
$79738 Média
75 ofertas

Classic fireplace with the clock over the fire place

$173 Average bid
$173 Média
20 ofertas

...information about the service being offered. To purchase the service the customer makes an audio or video call by clicking a call button associate with that provider. At this moment, an estimate of the cost of the service will be charged on a provisional basis to the customer credit card. The customer has 1 minute grace period within which he/she can hang-up without charge. After that period, the clock starts running and charges are accrued. At the end of the call the customer and provider disconnect from the call. The App records the time and value of the call, adds applicable taxes and charges the credit card of the customer. It should be possible for the platform to limit the time and cost of each call session to a certain maximum value informed to both parties before the se...

$2438 Average bid
$2438 Média
9 ofertas
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...information about the service being offered. To purchase the service the customer makes an audio or video call by clicking a call button associate with that provider. At this moment, an estimate of the cost of the service will be charged on a provisional basis to the customer credit card. The customer has 1 minute grace period within which he/she can hang-up without charge. After that period, the clock starts running and charges are accrued. At the end of the call the customer and provider disconnect from the call. The App records the time and value of the call, adds applicable taxes and charges the credit card of the customer. It should be possible for the platform to limit the time and cost of each call session to a certain maximum value informed to both parties before the se...

$2539 Average bid
$2539 Média
17 ofertas

This is the Punch clock in clock out app project re awarding the project to ya.

$250 Average bid
$250 Média
1 ofertas

The Hamming Distance between two sequences of bits is the total number of bits positions in which the two sequences differ. For example, 01011010 and 01111000 have a Hamming Distance of 2 because they differ in two positions. Using the subset of the AVR assembly used by the simplified CPU (whose definition is in the...(3) returns the result in the registers R2 (4) stops executing any other operation The first 10 instructions of the program should be encoded and relocated at address Ox0100. Please demonstrate the program works as intended by providing a table or a timing diagram indicating the value of the instruction pointer and one of the registers in the Register File shortly after the rising edge of each clock for at least 5 clocks after RESET. I have attached an appendix for...

$17 Average bid
$17 Média
1 ofertas

...displaying the two overflow flags on port 3. 2. Second, in the main program configure the two Counters for Mode 2 with the given initial two counts. Start Counterr0 & Counter1, initiate the external clock pulses on your Keil simulator, and display its accumulated count values on P1 & P2. Continue updating the status of TF0 & TF1 on P3.0 & P3.1. 3. Third, configure the debugger display to include the Timer0, Timer1, P1, P2, P3, and the Clock Control windows. Make sure that the Timers windows are configured for no external interrupts and external pin clocks. The clock window can be used to control the CPU clock speed, which can help during the debugging process. 4. Run the program and monitor all displayed windows. Verify the operation of the...

$10 - $30
$10 - $30
0 ofertas
BTUBTU Customization
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Customization: Timer related posted links 1. Expiration/countdown Beginning if link is not live yet Reset if deal ends but becomes live again Personal reminders/alarms (All done back to/through BTU) 1. Remind me (clock and date option) 2. Send to email 3. Text to phone Deal postings visual on top page: 3 deals across each in box form, 9-12 per page with pictures Box pops out upon selecting, opens up to reveal "negatory" on the left side and "pository" on the right side within the box. Clicking on the deal posted opens deal into new tab without affecting the positioning of the BTU page. Face/Hair category: Small head with hair above title "Face/Hair" on top page, upon clicking, takes user to larger "Face/Hair" picture on a ...

$30 Average bid
$30 Média
3 ofertas
Trophy icon generic app icons
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We need a health, dictionary, clock, calendar, calculator, compass and tip icon. So 7 icons of any style you like we just want to provide generic app icons for users who who wish to hide the app's presence on device. Just some very generic icons.. May the best set win. All artwork but be original.

$35 Average bid
6 inscrições

...Post our content on your FB profile (when creating profile) - Send friend requests to leads provided, like and comment their posts - Start conversations with leads provided - Follow the messaging framework provided to invite leads to a call with our specialists - Keep in touch on Slack (our virtual office space) - Add cards on Trello (our CRM) - When you start and end your shift, you will clock in and clock out on Slack ................... Schedule description: The job takes approximately up to 4 productive hours a day and 4 hours of breaks, it can look like this: 1) Add 10 friends, like & comment their posts, message them, reply to older messages 2) 60 minute break 3) Add 10 friends, like & comment their posts, message them, reply to older messages 4) 60 minute br...

$98 Average bid
$98 Média
11 ofertas
Sedentary Reminder
Encerrado left application b. Function 1 – health clock • The default timer is 30 minutes. • Users can adjust the time on the clock by rolling on the homepage. • Clock format: hour (0-1): minute (0-59): second (0-59) • Press the “START” button to turn on the countdown. • Press the “STOP” button to turn off the countdown. c. Function 2 – exercise guide • After every health clock, an exercise guide textbox will pop up. The exercise guide currently includes shoulders and necks relaxing, deep squat and leg pressing. • Exercise guides are provided by Sedentary Reminder, but users can choose the items they want. 4. User Journey and Flow • Set the timer and press the “START” button to...

$12 - $59
$12 - $59
0 ofertas

this project is Profiling a Pipelined RV32I Implementation. needs to do some change to and and acchive the best effort pipeline implementation on and make sure total Clock Cycles from the execute stage is less than 70,000. It should achieve the highest possible wall-clock speed, taking the clock speed into account. It will be evaluated using a vanilla rv32i implementation, without the Mul instruction. and a report addressing the questions listed in the file attached.

$140 Average bid
$140 Média
1 ofertas

Time tracking App using Flutter *Activity time tracking (manually) *editing activities *statistics-Daily/weekly/monthly activities *Pomodoro to stay focused on an activity *Reward coins *donating coins *Blog to provide tips,news related hatchbuddy *clock widget *free and premium version

$807 Average bid
$807 Média
25 ofertas

to design and implement a game clock on the DE1-SoC development board, using any of its on-board resources (buttons, switches, seven segment displays etc.). The game clock should have two modes of operation to allow the following variations: • The first mode of operation should give each player a fixed amount of time for the whole game. There should be a suitable indication if either player runs out of time. • The second mode of operation should be a game clock variation of your choice. You should produce a report (maximum 1500 words, excluding appendices), in pdf format, that gives a comprehensive account of the design process including the hardware setup, VHDL code testing and evaluation. It should also include: • Instructions for the user. • T...

$167 Average bid
$167 Média
7 ofertas

The idea is very simple: We want to solve the snooze problem by creating a simple mobile alarm clock that stops ringing after you complete a simple game. The simpler the better! - Tic Tac Toe - Find two identical pairs - Prompt to draw a letter - Simple math equation This is a very small project limited at a budget of £50

$107 Average bid
$107 Média
8 ofertas

Need website in wordpress that user can donate to charity on any project. User also can sponsor each disibility person and buy a package to pay recurring monthly payment. User also can choose to donate for each project in full payment. User will have dashboard that he/she can mon...picture, video, and chat log. This site will have dual language Thai/English by using WPML. It need to connect to payment gateway and local mobile banking. Once user donate it will automatically sent to instagram , facebook, twitter. Home Mission Sponsor someone - ( Sponsor package, One-time donation) Donation Our partners Feature projects Volunteer Products Update/Events Blogs Our Causes timer Clock Live Chat Instagram Footer: Complaint Terms & Condition Privacy contact us Affiliate program ...

$519 Average bid
$519 Média
66 ofertas

I am looking for a one page document to be mailed out to remind clients to Spring Forward (maybe tulips and a clock?) Additional text to include "Spring Cleaning of finances" (I'm a Financial advisor)

$26 Average bid
$26 Média
47 ofertas

I have uploaded a html + css + Javascript code. it is a clock and changes the background color after each second. I am looking to: 1) Add AM & PM using the same time that is pulled from local zone 2) I need the background color to be red 3) every time the minutes hit 25 to 30 & 55 to 00 i need the background to be green for those 5 minutes twice an hour. Example: 1:00pm to 1:25pm IS RED 1:25pm to 1:30pm IS GREEN 1:30pm to 1:55pm IS RED 1:55pm to 2:00pm IS RED and so on and so on.

$14 Average bid
$14 Média
13 ofertas

You are required to design and implement a game clock on the DE1-SoC development board, using any of its on-board resources (buttons, switches, seven segment displays etc.). The game clock should have two modes of operation to allow the following variations: • The first mode of operation should give each player a fixed amount of time for the whole game. There should be a suitable indication if either player runs out of time. • The second mode of operation should be a game clock variation of your choice. You are free to decide the user interface, but the following should be kept in mind: • A minimum of user interface hardware (such as buttons) should be used. • The user interface should be as easy and intuitive as possible. • The VHDL design ...

$263 Average bid
$263 Média
3 ofertas

Hi Freelancers, I'm looking for an graphical designer that know how to create a professinal and high quality logo. Company is a new Cleaning Company that make cleaning in offices etc. We want 3 different kind of suggestion how the logo should looks like. File is attached for what kind of inspirations we are looking for. Copying logo or steal other peoples work will be reported to freelan...make cleaning in offices etc. We want 3 different kind of suggestion how the logo should looks like. File is attached for what kind of inspirations we are looking for. Copying logo or steal other peoples work will be reported to Requirments for the freelancer: - Know how Photoshop/Illustrator works in every way - 5 stars only reviews - Fluent in english - Avaliable around t...

$67 Average bid
$67 Média
113 ofertas

I need an Android app. I would like it designed and built. The alarm clock app should have following two functionalities: (1) Like all alarm clocks, it should be able to run in background. (2) To be able to snooze or stop the alarm, the user has to walk for say 100 steps or 100 fits. I need the source code also.

$299 Average bid
$299 Média
2 ofertas
typing work
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5 pages typing want the work without fail tomo morning 10 o clock please reply if intrested

$11 Average bid
$11 Média
101 ofertas

I need an Android app. I would like it designed and built. The user will be able to stop the alarm only after he walks say about 100 ft distance

$59 Average bid
$59 Média
4 ofertas
Sell our project
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JC life skill academy is a Transformational tool where we believe in making the world a better place to live in by focusing on an individual’s growth and in the well - being of their body, mind and soul. It is a known fact that the work places these days have become a lot stressful with pressing deadlines, working under and around the clock, peer pressure etc., This not only exhausts a person both mentally as well as physically, it is also proven that it reduces a person’s productivity at their work. Hence it is vital to help them manage their work life and their health and lifestyle in a proper balance. In order to address these issues in the corporate work place, JC life skill academy has come up with an Employee health and Wellness package which would help the emplo...

$727 Average bid
$727 Média
5 ofertas

i want to develop GPS clock time server . which needs to communicate with my pc to update my pc time.

$23 Average bid
$23 Média
4 ofertas