Realistic Pound Coin with Logo

  • Status: Closed
  • Prêmio: £10
  • Inscrições Recebidas: 11
  • Vencedor: erregrafica

Síntese do concurso

I'm looking for a freelancer who can create a realistic image of a pound coin (£1) with my company logo on the face of the coin.

- The coin image should be in a realistic style, not cartoonish or minimalist.
- The final image should be in PNG format.
- Use standard coin colors, not specific brand colors.

Ideal Skills:
- Graphic design
- Experience with creating realistic coin images
- Proficient in PNG format output.

Habilidades Recomendadas

Feedback do Empregador

“Great work, highly recommended.”

Foto do perfil mattsoanes, United Kingdom.

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Painel de Comentários

  • mattsoanes
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 2 meses atrás

    I have attached the company logo to the project. The logo should be placed where you would normally find the King/Queen's head on a £1 one pound coin.

    • 2 meses atrás
    1. yeadul
      • 2 meses atrás

      Check #24, #18 & #13

      • 2 meses atrás
    2. irifkii074
      • 2 meses atrás

      Hi sir, please check #52

      • 2 meses atrás
  • yeadul
    • 2 meses atrás

    Check #24, #18 & #13

    • 2 meses atrás
  • jotaniyachirag2
    • 2 meses atrás

    Hello sir please check #49.

    • 2 meses atrás
  • Nishanth2002
    • 2 meses atrás

    #27 Kindly Check it Out. Thank You!

    • 2 meses atrás
  • biendesign17
    • 2 meses atrás

    #extended : Please raise the price of the contest! Please do it sir! We all know that the product value will be commensurate with the reward and vice versa!

    • 2 meses atrás
  • khurramz1
    • 2 meses atrás

    where is your company logo to be placed on?

    • 2 meses atrás

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