Hello, my name is Bruno, and I've been accepted into a Computer Engineering BA.
There are any number of reasons I could cite why you want me to join your team, but the ones that might hold your interest are that I have both the managerial skills and the tech knowledge required for this job.
I have developed, over the course of several months, substantial skills in moderating a multi-cultural and extremely diverse forum, comprising of over 500 people; regulating any disputes and possible issues that might've arisen due to the clash of cultures and the substandard English from mostly non-native English speakers, always promoting healthy and constructive discussion.
I also work closely with clients who are professors and writers, engaged in both scientific and fiction writing, for whom I provide a highly comprehensive level of service, including resolving conflicts and crises, keeping them on agreed-upon schedules, meeting deadlines, and providing them with constructive criticism without affecting their motivation, always pushing them to deliver their best.
Even though I've been accepted into an esteemed public college, my desire to better myself will have no impact on the extensive experience, knowledge, and skills that I can provide. I've become extremely proficient at balancing my coursework with my professional work, and can assure you that as I gain more education, my dedication to the work I provide you will never be affected