MVC (Model-View-Controller) is an advanced software architecture used to separate the design and business logic of a software development project. It is the best choice when it comes to creating complex applications that require a powerful back-end as well as an attractive, user friendly front-end. A MVC Developer can help create complex full stack web applications that make modern websites truly responsive, fast, and dynamic. They work with all stages of a web development project; Design, database, networking,and User Interface (UI) scripting of a website.

MVC Developers handle database Model components to define database layer; handle View components to control display layer; and handle controller components to define business logic layer. It allows for a better separation between concerns in the development process and efficient reusability of code from one project to another.

Here's some projects that our expert MVC Developer made real:

  • Creating engaging database applications with intuitive tree view navigation
  • Building multi-layered websites that support user settings and management
  • Developing front-end prototypes with reponsive compatibility
  • Implementing automated functions based on requests
  • Upgrades and revisions per request
  • Multi-select filtering options across large databases.

Our experienced team of MVC Developers will provide you with the best custom software solutions available for your specific project requirements. We understand the need for high quality software in today's world and employ only the finest professionals in their fields. If you have a web development project demanding the highest level of quality that only MVC can provide, contact us today on and let us help make your vision come true!

A partir das avaliações de 108,139, os clientes avaliam nosso MVC Developers 4.81 de 5 estrelas.
Contratar MVC Developers

MVC (Model-View-Controller) is an advanced software architecture used to separate the design and business logic of a software development project. It is the best choice when it comes to creating complex applications that require a powerful back-end as well as an attractive, user friendly front-end. A MVC Developer can help create complex full stack web applications that make modern websites truly responsive, fast, and dynamic. They work with all stages of a web development project; Design, database, networking,and User Interface (UI) scripting of a website.

MVC Developers handle database Model components to define database layer; handle View components to control display layer; and handle controller components to define business logic layer. It allows for a better separation between concerns in the development process and efficient reusability of code from one project to another.

Here's some projects that our expert MVC Developer made real:

  • Creating engaging database applications with intuitive tree view navigation
  • Building multi-layered websites that support user settings and management
  • Developing front-end prototypes with reponsive compatibility
  • Implementing automated functions based on requests
  • Upgrades and revisions per request
  • Multi-select filtering options across large databases.

Our experienced team of MVC Developers will provide you with the best custom software solutions available for your specific project requirements. We understand the need for high quality software in today's world and employ only the finest professionals in their fields. If you have a web development project demanding the highest level of quality that only MVC can provide, contact us today on and let us help make your vision come true!

A partir das avaliações de 108,139, os clientes avaliam nosso MVC Developers 4.81 de 5 estrelas.
Contratar MVC Developers


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    8 trabalhos encontrados

    I am looking for a developer to help me develop a web application called ODS AI. The main task is to create a functional chat interface where users can interact with an API, similar to ChatGPT. The project should be created using ASP.NET MVC, C#, Web API and SQL Server. Key Requirements: 1. User login system with authentication. 2. Two-factor authentication with an auto-generated PIN sent via email or SMS. 3. A chat interface that allows interaction between the user and an external API (for example, a messaging API or AI API). 4. Database integration for managing users and storing chat history. What I Already Have: 1. Basic database schema in SQL Server. 2. All design mockups. 3. Clear project specifications and milestones. 3. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in ASP.NET MVC, C#, Web API, an...

    $649 Average bid
    $649 Média
    40 ofertas

    I'm looking for a professional developer skilled in ASP.NET MVC C# to create a project for scanning and verifying KYC documents in India. The documents to be scanned and verified include Aadhar Card, Passport, and PAN Card. Key Requirements: - The project needs to ensure a high level of verification accuracy (99%). - The functionality for document scanning should include Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and Barcode/QR code scanning. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in ASP.NET MVC C# - Experience with KYC document verification systems - Knowledge of OCR and Barcode/QR code scanning technologies - Ability to develop high accuracy verification systems

    $8 / hr Average bid
    $8 / hr Média
    15 ofertas

    I'm currently self-studying ASP.NET and am in need of an advanced expert to help clarify some of the confusing aspects of the framework. Key requirements: - Provide detailed written explanations to my questions. - Help deepen my understanding of ASP.NET. Experience with the following is a plus: - Web Forms - MVC - Core Ideal candidate: - An advanced level ASP.NET professional. - Excellent written communicator. - Patient and able to explain complex topics in simple terms.

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Média
    28 ofertas
    MVC Web App Consultation
    3 dias left

    I'm in need of a professional consultation service to assist me in developing a new web application using the MVC framework. The primary aim of this project is to build a robust, user-friendly web application that primarily caters to desktop browser users. Key Project Requirements: - Expert advice on best practices in MVC web application development - Support in implementing features tailored for desktop browsers - Potential for future expansion to include mobile browser compatibility Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience with the MVC framework - Proven track record in web application development - Strong understanding of desktop browser functionalities - Excellent consultancy and communication skills

    $690 Average bid
    $690 Média
    40 ofertas

    I'm looking for a professional who can integrate into my existing MVC .NET (not .NET Core) application. The app currently handles over 30,000 records and needs to use the SearchBuilder extension. Key requirements: - Must handle the provided column structure. - Must work efficiently with an Oracle database. - Code sharing only—no direct project sharing. The data is already in the necessary format as it is currently stored in database tables. Therefore, no transformation or processing of the data is needed before the integration. The SearchBuilder extension is crucial for this project, with the most important features being: - Advanced search options - Custom filters - User-friendly interface Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience with MVC .NET applications - Pro...

    $57 Average bid
    $57 Média
    40 ofertas

    I'm seeking a skilled developer proficient in C# and experienced with ASP.NET MVC to help develop new features for my web application. The ideal freelancer should be able to understand complex codebases, propose enhancements, and implement features in a timely manner.

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Média
    68 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled developer to create a cab booking application for me using C# and MVC, with SQL Server as the database. Core Functionality: - Ride booking and scheduling: The application should allow users to book rides and schedule them for later. - Driver and vehicle management: There should be an interface for managing drivers and their vehicles. Third-party Integration: - Maps and location services: The application should integrate with a mapping service for route planning. - SMS or email notifications: There should be a system for sending notifications to users via SMS or email. User Roles: - Admin: The application should have an admin interface for overseeing operations. - Driver: There should be a driver interface for managing their rides. - Customer: Lastly, ther...

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    $1585 Média
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    I'm looking for a skilled .NET MVC developer to enhance the user interface of my project hosted on GoDaddy. The main tasks include adding new UI elements, specifically forms, and improving the overall responsiveness of the interface. Key Requirements: - Proficiency in .NET MVC - Experience with UI/UX design principles - Ability to implement responsive design - Previous work with GoDaddy server is a plus Your task will be to make the user interface more interactive and user-friendly, which will ultimately enhance the user experience of the application. Please provide examples of your previous work in your bid.

    $121 Average bid
    $121 Média
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