Peoplesoft atlas trabalhos
...simple-to-use site design. I'd like some bold, attractive colors with a magical/sorcery theme with aspect of cartography/maps/globes. Perhaps dark blues/blacks/reds would work? I would need to be involved closely with this, and I would need to approve its final form. - Remove paid ad banner from all pages - Footer retains powered by and copyright PHPProLance, but with addition of "Produced by Atlas Enterprises, LLC" below them - Allow a different registration process depending on whether a user signs up as a 'freelancer' 'client' or 'both.' Clients should be able to join without delay. Freelancers should be able to select from the project categories which they are most qualified to do, and I'd like to be able to add a couple of...
I need a talented graphic designer to develop the logo and banner for I'd like it to be bold, crisp and attractive, with a magical & globalized flare For the logo, I'm picturing a crisper, hipper version of the sorcerer here: I like the basic layout of the image, but I picture him levitating an ...the lines from: ...with several orbiting silhouettes of people such as in However, I'm open to suggestions. Pleases let me know your price & time it would take. Also please send me links of your other work. Best wishes, Steve Atlas
...simple-to-use site design. I'd like some bold, attractive colors with a magical/sorcery theme with aspect of cartography/maps/globes. Perhaps dark blues/blacks/reds would work? I would need to be involved closely with this, and I would need to approve its final form. - Remove paid ad banner from all pages - Footer retains powered by and copyright PHPProLance, but with addition of "Produced by Atlas Enterprises, LLC" below them - Allow a different registration process depending on whether a user signs up as a 'freelancer' 'client' or 'both.' Clients should be able to join without delay. Freelancers should be able to select from the project categories which they are most qualified to do, and I'd like to be able to add a couple...
Details are confidential, but I need to export data from People Soft. XML and XSL required. ## Deliverables Rent A Coder requirements notice: As originally posted, this bid request does not have complete details. Should a dispute arise and this project go into arbitration "as is", the contract's vagueness might cause it to be interpreted against you, even though you were acting in good-faith. So for your protection, if you are interested in this project, please work-out and document the requirements onsite. 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows (depending on the nature of the deliverables): a) For web sites or other se...
Mam do wykonania projekt atlasu medycznego ktorego funkcjonalnosc ma byc 2 stopniowa. Mozna z niego korzystac online bo zarejestrowaniu sie. Ale rowniez po sciagnieciu go na dysk. Nalezy wykonac przejrzysty, intuicyjny i bardzo latwy w obsludze interfejs. Atlas oblugiwac bedzie zdjecia x-ray usg i inne. Dokladne dzialanie programu przesle zainteresowany osoba. Prosze o kontakt na tego mail ( @ ) po uprzednim zalicytowaniu. Osoby ktore nie licytowaly nie bede brane pod uwage (WAZNE: nalezy podac cene orientacyjna, wysciowa do negocjacji)
Two knobs Slider control in ASP .NET (Or Two Handles) that is NOT in ATLAS (old release) but rather in AJAX or completely independant of AJAX or ATLAS. Please see [][1] as an example of a two knobed slider. The solution must work in an 2.0 project and be fully compatible with AJAX. I also need the slider to update two textboxes for the min and max range and if the user types in those boxes it will likewise update the position of the knob ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows (depending on the nature of the deliverables): a) For web sites or other server-side
Two knobs Slider control in ASP .NET (Or Two Handles) that is NOT in ATLAS (old release) but rather in AJAX or completely independant of AJAX or ATLAS. Please see [][1] as an example of a two knobed slider. The solution must work in an 2.0 project and be fully compatible with AJAX. I also need the slider to update two textboxes for the min and max range and if the user types in those boxes it will likewise update the position of the knob ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows (depending on the nature of the deliverables): a) For web sites or other server-side
An existing ASP.NET web site is functionally complete, but needs updating to implement a new design composition. The site consists of 1 ASPX master page template and 10 User Controls. The new design composition consists of HTML, CSS, and images (mostly gradients, logos, background images). The scope of work involves mapping the non-interactive H...specified in this bid request. 3) All deliverables will be considered "work made for hire" under U.S. Copyright law. Buyer will receive exclusive and complete copyrights to all work purchased. (No GPL, GNU, 3rd party components, etc. unless all copyright ramifications are explained AND AGREED TO by the buyer on the site per the coder's Seller Legal Agreement). ## Platform ASP.NET 2.0 with ATLAS AJAX extension...
We need someone to create questions in the following topics : Crystal reports Business Objects Admin Business Objects Rep. Dev. Actuate Microstrategy DataStage Cognos Autosys Microsoft Analysis Server SQL Server Reporting Services **Abinitio Peoplesoft EPM ** we need 60 questions for each of the above. Questions should be 30 meduim and 30 advanced level. Questions will be of the following format: YesNo Radio button Checkbox Fill in the blank (one-two word answer) Respond ONLY IF YOU HAVE STRONG EXPERIENCE with these technologies. We want questions that you would need to know to do if you were working with the techonology. In your bid, please submite rate per question and how much time would you need to finish questions. sample que...
We need someone to create questions in the following topics Winrunner LoadRunner Rational Rose Mercury QuickTest Actuate Microstartegy DataStage Informatica Cognos Autosys Microsoft Analysis Services SQL Server Reporting Services Abinitio Peoplesoft EPM Sharepoint 2003 Sharepoint 2007 For each of above, we need - 50 questions(17 Beginner, 17 Medium, 16 advanced). Questions will be of the following format: YesNo Radio button Checkbox Fill in the blank (one-two word answer) Respond only if you have experience with these technologies. We want questions that you would need to know to do if you were working with the techonology. we will accept more than 1 bid - if you are familiar with any of the mentioned technologies, we will consider bid...
We need someone to create questions in the following topics Winrunner LoadRunner Rational Rose Mercury QuickTest Actuate Microstartegy DataStage Informatica Cognos Autosys Microsoft Analysis Services SQL Server Reporting Services Abinitio Peoplesoft EPM Sharepoint 2003 Sharepoint 2007 For each of above, we need - 50 questions(17 Beginner, 17 Medium, 16 advanced). Questions will be of the following format: YesNo Radio button Checkbox Fill in the blank (one-two word answer) Respond only if you have experience with these technologies. We want questions that you would need to know to do if you were working with the techonology. we will accept more than 1 bid - if you are familiar with any of the mentioned technologies, we will consider bid...
I need an illustration/logo of a bulldog carrying the World (a globe of the World) on his back, like Mr. Atlas. A bulldog, like the one pictured here: <> "Mr. Atlas" (man carrying the World) like pictured here: <> The bull dog would be right facing (head right, rear left) with the World on his back. ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows (depending on the nature of the deliverables): a) For web sites or other server-side deliverables intended to only ever exist in one place in the Buyer's
Attached is a project that was written for me in Atlas. It was acutally done on rentacoder, the spec is at: <> I need this project converted to (the newest). The project is a Visual Studio AutoComplete control. As it is now, it works exactly as I would like, but I don't want to use Atlas anymore. I have not set a deadline, but you must provide guidance on when you can complete. Sooner is of course always better, but I estimate about 5 days. Code must be written in C#. Thank you. Please bid accordingly. ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables
Simple project - We have a flash map of a state in US - we need someone to PLOT the various cities on it by looking at an ATLAS or a google Map - then visually plotting the various cities - Attached in "" file has 6 Images representing each Region. The images have been saved to their respective region name for example " " All we need to do is to plot the Regions on respective images in photoshop or any software by placing a Dot along with the City name in front of each Region which is going to be plotted. Please note that it is very important that the Label i.e CITY NAME is placed just next to the Dot which is being plotted so that we can know which Plotted Dot belongs to which CITY. Also attached in zip file is a file which contains the
Metarule Edit Control Specification We have an existing winforms based editor that permits the editing of Metarule documents. Metarule is a rule language represented as XML, that is displayed and edited as English language rules, using a variety of XSL transforms. We wish to create an online ASP.Net 2.0 editor control using Atlas/Ajax technology to have the same functionality. The new control will split the workload between a web service and Client processing. The web service already exists, and performs all the difficult and language specific elements of the editing process. The work to be done involves only creating a control that displays the rules suitably laid out and formatted, and that responds to edit instructions from the user. This control will communicate asynchrono...
...and Western Zodiac (I am basically interested in the Western though) as I find the Eastern is totally off when it comes to natal planets interpretation. It also has a routine for drawing a square chart and puts all the planets in the right houses so you just have to put the equation to draw it in circular format. We also have to tie it to an Atlas like ACS so we can automatically use the time zone and time changes and lat and long from the Atlas DB. We will also isolate the planets and the Moon in the db so I could use any of them in a newsletter or email. I woudl appreciate if you can also include hwo you intend to do transits i.e. the angels a planet makes as it goes around the zodiac as you will need that for the reports in the 3rd phase. The natal aspect...
...essance is an online shop, so i would require someone with experience in this feild please. **The items I wish to sell online have been scanned in, so you would have to build up the items on the website as per my instructions. i.e. I will tell you what products I want in each section, so for example I would give you a document stating to go to page 12 of the scanned Brouchere select the chrome "Atlas" taps and price these at £20 UKP. **The image of the company is professional so I require the site to be of a proffesional look. Company logo will be provided which needs to be incorporated into the website design. The Shopping cart needs to be easlyly linkable to my merchants site for credit card processing. So security needs to be good on the site. ...
...asteroids and fixed stars. Rest of requirements in attached zip file. We can also do this project in three phases and you can quote for one or all phases: We can also divide the project in three phases if you like and you can give the cost breakdown for each module so we can get started soon: 1-Calculating of the planets positions based on the date, time and place of birth using ACS Atlas for long and lat and time changes around the world, and generating a horoscope chart 2-Astromatchmaking service with the usual dating members database, chat lines and compatibility short report based on #1. eCommerce etc. 3- Tieing #1 to reports databases for generating Natal, Transits and Compatibility reports. I would love to start this project as soon as possible but I really ne...
SpringCM is a web-based document management system. I need a widget for Wordpress that will read a directory of files from SpringCM using a SOAP web service, return a listing for presentation in the blog, and then deliver a file from the listing if a blog visitor clicks on one of the file names. The SpringCM soap interface is documented here - a valid userid will be provided to the winning bidder. ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows? (depending on the nature? of the deliverables): a)? For web sites or? other server-side deliverables intended to only ever exist in
This project is a re-post. If you have bid on it before please bid again. Thanks. I need my VB6 (not VBScript) code using an Access atlas database converted to Php using a MySql database. An Input, a Search, and a Results php page is required (ok, if all located on the same page). This can not be super-difficult since this exact VB code was converted to Php pages by someone else in order to create the 3 pages at: and / and / Unlike his / page, my code uses an Atlas database to supply the longitude/latitude/time zones once the user has selected their country/state/county. Unlike his /, mine would display 9 comparison numbers generated by the program (see attached
Controling windows servers using internet. Devloped in 2.0+Atlas ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows (depending on the nature of the deliverables): a) For web sites or other server-side deliverables intended to only ever exist in one place in the Buyer's environment--Deliverables must be installed by the Seller in ready-to-run condition in the Buyer's environment. b) For all others including desktop software or software the buyer intends to distribute: A software installation package that will install the software in ready-to-run condition on the platform(s) specified in this bid request. 3) ... folder to use so as you load more pages and images it would be all together. The pages would be built using a similar product page as the template. The images and product information would come from the supplier website (I have their approval). The price and item #s would stay the same, but the name of the product would need to change (I usually keep the first letter the same but with an atlas change the name to a popular US city or a related name i.e. Lahaina Chair to Leisurewood Chair) The title,h1 tag, page url, and the bottom footer text would need to be related keywords with search volume. There’s a small amount of text area that must be written in “American” English with grammar and sentence structure consistent with that found in a professi...
I need my VB6 (not VBScript) code using an Access atlas database converted to Php using a MySql database. An Input, a Search, and a Results php page is required (ok, if all located on the same page). This can not be super-difficult since this exact VB code was converted to Php pages by someone else in order to create the 3 pages at: and / and / Unlike his / page, my code uses an Atlas database to supply the longitude/latitude/time zones once the user has selected their country/state/county. Unlike his /, mine would display 9 comparison numbers generated by the program (see attached .bmps). The code is 813K. Of that, 424 is the .dll, 162K is .frm/frx files,
Hi: We require professional copy writers (preferably US writers)to create keyword specific content. We need 40 pages a month for 4 months, about 350 keywords per copy. I've listed below a small sample of keywords- 1-Data collection 2-Peoplesoft payroll 3-Biometric time clock 4-Shop Floor Collection 5-SAP ERP Solutions We're looking at forging a long term alliance as well, since our requirements are continual and span multiple themes. Please get back to us with a sample write up and time estimation. Thanks, Omer
...Metric/U.S. Standard Conversion Tables List of keywords below topic that need to be included for SEO. =============== Color USA and World Maps world map us map united states map usa map europe map africa map map of europe canada map free map england germany map asia map map of england international map india map australia map uk map download map global map world atlas map color map free world map world political map online world map eu map us raod map united states road map =============== 2006, 2007, 2008 Yearly Calendars yearly calendar 2007 yearly calendar free calendar template online yearly calendar free yearly calendar printable yearly calendar 2006 yearly calendar yearly calendar template free yearly calendar fo...
...source code with with an Access database converted to Php with an MySql database. Someone has converted this exact same VB code into Php it can't be hyper-difficult. I need a clone of the following web pages with some modifications....see: and Unlike his Php page, my code has an Atlas database to supply the longitude/latitude/time zone once the user has selected their country/state/county. Unlike his /, mine would display 9 comparison numbers generated by the program (see attached .bmp). The viewing member is compared against all other members in the database. User filters the results by location, sex, sexual preference, and PFCNumber score. The code is 824K.
...a DLL). The application is sitting on top of MS/SQL 2000. I would like to upgrade and this project is about compiling the options and analyzing the best approach. I am also interested in someone to develop whatever decision I make about my application. If you are interested, please let me know your availability. Options to be analyzed MUST include some options I am aware of, - ATLAS from microsoft. - Share Point server. - SugarCRM. I would ask for a bid to include about 2 hours of online discussion of the application and then about few hours of analysis on your own and then one hour of online discussion to present the options to me!... Please let me know if this is of interest. ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) i...
We are developing a web application and we use Custom Controls. We are usign .net2.0 framework and VS2005and SQL 2000/2005. We are usign the Atlas Framework and would like to create some custom controls. We also have some controls That we would like to enhance and modify. Please only reply if you are expert in custom controls and also know C# ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows (depending on the nature of the deliverables): a) For web sites or other server-side deliverables intended to only ever exist in one place in the Buyer's environment--Deliverables must be installed by the Seller in ready-to-run conditi...
I need a Atlas / style calendar control for a work project. The overall "scenario" we are trying to re-create is the drag / select ability in outlook or Google maps. Users will use this control in a per day view style to drag and block out times during the day. No per month view or date picker is needed. The control will be integrated into a 2.0 webpage and use a sql 2005 for the back end. The control should meet these requirements: 1. Ability to drag / select to block out times on a per day / per 15 min block basis. For example a user should be able to click/drag to block out from 11:00 am to 12:00pm , or 11:am to 11:15 am. 2. The calendar will be used on a per week basis, however we need to be able to specify per day of the week attributes. Fo...
This project will be built on the Community Start Kit Framework. Currently I have built out much of the portal framework and am adding custom modules. I will need about one developer and a part time graohics designer to work on this for four to 6 weeks weeks on this project to add several modules and functionality to the portal. We are using Ajax Atlas kit and 2.0 c# with sql server 2000 as backend. ## Deliverables 1) A complete working customized portal as per specification that will be provided. 2)Several modules for the portal 3)Code that follows strict n-tier architecture and makes clear seperation of presentation, business logic and data access layers. 4)Documented code that is clear and easy to modify. ## Platform windows 2003, 2.0 , c#, sql server 2000
**ROUTING COMPONENT ** We need to know the cost. **Object: ** To carry out, starting from some files of vectorial maps of Tele Atlas, a component that calculates the route between one or several POI's and it visualizes it on the orthophoto of the selected area. This component will integrate it in our application that contains a database with the POI's to locate in the map. This application should work in environment desktop (non web). ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. ## Platform Windows XP's and / or con's of using either. The application will run on a SQL 2005 server and thus must take advantage of SQL 2005 reporting tools. The application will take full advantage of SQL2005 Role Based Management. The application will have a web-service library developed in tandum with development of the code. The application will take advantage of R.A.D. controls and AJAX / ATLAS where applicable for faster deployment and simplified use by the end-user. The application will be multilingual and will take advantage of .NET resx language files. ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follo...
...processing service to my website. Users should be able to when logged in, create an album, upload photos and request prints. Site should allow multiple photo uploads or single photo uploads. Should log history of printed, uploads and also able to share photos with friends. Must be designed in (aspx) with codebehind against a SQL database. High graphics appeal . Must use Microsoft's Atlas (ajax) to enhance user experience. ## Deliverables Rent A Coder requirements notice: As originally posted, this bid request does not have complete details. Should a dispute arise and this project go into arbitration "as is", the contract's vagueness might cause it to be interpreted against you, even though you were acting in good-faith. So for your p...
Existing project URL is in the enclosed document. The site is about car, products, articles, photos, user profiles .. imagine for car fans. Open the attached documents and browse the site. Currently, the user presentation pages are almost done. Due to time is running out, I need to put more people to make it on my deadline. As you already know, it is not the bes...this bid request. 3) All deliverables will be considered "work made for hire" under U.S. Copyright law. Buyer will receive exclusive and complete copyrights to all work purchased. (No GPL, GNU, 3rd party components, etc. unless all copyright ramifications are explained AND AGREED TO by the buyer on the site per the coder's Seller Legal Agreement). ## Platform ASP.NET 2.0, MSSQL 2005, AJAX/ATLAS 1.0, C...
I need cross browser (IE and FF) AJAX menu built using C# (ASP.NET, aspx) and ASP.NET AJAX (formerly known as ATLAS). <> The menu should strictly follow what we see in [][1]. Here are the details: 1) Create one (not 3) Access table with columns "ManufacturerName", "ProductSeries" and "ModelName". Populate this table with 25 rows with different combination. Please check [][2] to get good values to populate this table. 2) Check this url as pasted below. <> When the page (to be coded) is invoked, all distinct manfacturers should be displayed. The label "Women's shoes" should be replaced with "Manufacturers"
I need a logo for a company called 'Solar Solutions' it is a company who do solar heating for pools in Marrakech. It needs to have a sun (obviously) and maybe something involving the Atlas Mountains in Marrakech and maybe a pool or a house? the site with a new concept, new graphics and images, while still incorporating all my content. I have a very good idea of the theme i want for the site, as well as the types of graphics, conceptually, that'd I'd like to include. The current website is written in ASP.NET 2.0, and I would prefer the work to be done in this technology, alhough it's not aboslutely required. We have the Atlas tookit installed on our server as well, so we are capable of using Ajax technology where appropriate. We also already have a menu system for navigation we'd like to use. Major design points are a very crisp / clean UI design for master pages, and all sub pages should have consistent colors, and layout. you can view current site at This is mostly a web site gr...
...using ASP.NET 2.0. The preffered language is C# 2.0. However, VB.NET 2.0 will not be discounted A coder is required to build the Data Access and Business Logic Layers. You do not need to be a designer but you must be able to get details to GUI [only for testing]. Required coders should have experience in the following areas: Personalization, Membership+profile+Security, Caching, ATLAS, Generics. Ability to develop charts from data is an added bonus but not too necessary at this first phase. Coders who have demos are of interest. ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows (depending on the natu...
I have Ajax cascading dropdown lists implemented with Atlas. However, I have to implement popup message screens which will display the appropriate messages depending on the selection of the dropdown lists. For instance, if the selection changes in the dropdown list and if it matches a list of some pre-defined selection combinations, a modal popup will display a certain message to the user. Also, need more help in javascript and Ajax.(will have separate bid projects) ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows (depending on the nature of the deliverables): a) For web sites or other server-side deliverables intended to only...
... The user will put thier name for the chat session and then begin to chat. we will show some list of names of the people in that room. The text must appear pretty quickly and not refresh the browser. when the user types the should be able to hit enter to have the text post on the chat. This system should focus on speed and fast server communication. I would love for you to use as much of Atlas as you can. Let me know other libraries and js files you are thinking about. I will draw the ui but it will be similar to this <> 2 with sql 2000 or 2005 you let me know ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables
...or zip code. We can work out the details but this is the basic thing im looking for. This is a cool, simple concept project that focuses on web 2.0 things and might be a good amount of ajax to keep the page from refreshing and returning clouds. Assume SQL 2005. I will do all design for this system but we will have to work together to identify elements that need to be designed You can use the Atlas framework for …sliders, animation effects, autocomplete for city/ state, maybe the update panel animation ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition, as follows (depending on the nature of the deliverables): a) For web sites o...
Basic Concept You visit the site the shop and compare for a particular product - Televisions for example. Your major site navigation is on the left hand side seperated by attribute type (Brand, Model, Price Range, Other Attributes). As you click an attribute of Televisions (Size, price range, etc). your navigation changes with the new filter i.e. if you pick 'LCD' for televisions the only other filter criteria (Model, Brand, Price Range) you will see are for LCD tvs. In addition the list of products in the center of the screen (with thumbnails) will change - also via AJAX. At any point in time you can pick the last filter criteria, LCD for example, and navigate back up a level. Once you have navigated down and find a product you like clicking on the product will show you more det...
We are looking for a group of programmers that is VERY familiar with the new version of Virtual Earth. The look and feel that we are looking for can be viewed at [][1] (Atlas) The API must connect with our middleware provider (GPS provider) and although we will not be moving forward with FLS due to Atlas not having 3-D (new feature with [][2]) we are looking to create an API with the following basic functionality (please email me for complete functional design) 1) Locate Now ??" select device or group; disabled for “standard?? version 2) History ??" select device (this could also be accessed by clicking on the device icon after it is located and may be preferred over having an additional service) 3) Reports ??" select device or group, start the site with a new concept, new graphics and images, while still incorporating all my content. I have a very good idea of the theme i want for the site, as well as the types of graphics, conceptually, that'd I'd like to include. The current website is written in ASP.NET 2.0, and I would prefer the work to be done in this technology, alhough it's not aboslutely required. We have the Atlas tookit installed on our server as well, so we are capable of using Ajax technology where appropriate. We also already have a menu system for navigation we'd like to use. Major design points are a very crisp / clean UI design for master pages, and all sub pages should have consistent colors, and layout. you can view current site at This is mostly a web site gr...
...basically how the site will work and filter the data. You can develop on top of that project or start from scratch if you think it will be easier. There are approximately 7 pages requiring AJAX and 5 additional pages. I am attaching a PowerPoint presentation to give an idea of what the new site should look like and detail each page function. This project is for serious AJAX for ASP.NET (ATLAS) coders. Please do not bid unless you have experience and know how to do all elements outlined in the powerpoint. I do not want people to "learn" the technology while doing this project. If you are interested in bidding, I will give you account access to the existing site to further review what is developed along with a copy of the database and website code- to get sta...
...basically how the site will work and filter the data. You can develop on top of that project or start from scratch if you think it will be easier. There are approximately 7 pages requiring AJAX and 5 additional pages. I will provide a PowerPoint presentation to give an idea of what the new site should look like and detail each page function. This project is for serious AJAX for ASP.NET (ATLAS) users. Please do not bid unless you have experience. I do not want people to "learn" the technology while doing this project. If you are interested in bidding, I will give you account access to the existing site to further review what is developed along with a copy of the database and website code; I will also provide you with the powerpoint. ## Deliverables 1) C...
Its required to build a total website for an advertising free magazine based on ASP.NET and , ATLAS, MySQL or MSSQL, Flash, NO PHP mimicking
We have a web-based application developed in ASP.NET 2.0. The application uses Microsoft Atlas (hasn't been upgraded to ASP.NET Ajax yet) as well as ComponentArt Menu and Grid. We compile the application locally, then we precompile it to prepare for deployment. We test the precompiled application locally and it works perfectly. However, once we upload the precompiled application to the remote server hosted at DiscountASP.NET...certain portions of the application have problems. We believe the problem is likely related to one of the following: ViewState or setting or configuration. The only file that is different between the local machine (Windows XP Pro SP2 IIS5) and the remote Server (Windows Server 2003 IIS 6) is the file which uses a different
the site to work on to is it's a multilingal website with a backend administration page. It's hosted on a windows dedicated server and the platforms are 2.0 and MS SQL server. Interface is in AJAX using ATLAS. The code will have access to the desktop of the server. In attachment you will find all the changement I need. I'm looking for a smart coder that cna help me to go online. He must to use and AJAX fluently. If I found a good coder that can help me in this last phase of the site, I will keep him for all the next steps of this project and for support and maintenance after going online. ## Deliverables 1) Complete and fully-functional working program(s) in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done. 2) Deliverables must ...
...ASP.NET code written by other developers, using the C# API and prototype code provided by us. 2) Test the pages and fix all the programming bugs. 3) Able to start immediately in (1-2 days) and complete the work in one week (7 days). Qualifications: 1) Highly experiended with ASP.NET (min 2 years) 2) Proven experience developing ASP.NET commercial web sites 3) Experienced with Microsoft Atlas library for AJAX Additional information on the project: 1) You will be working with a team of highly experienced programmers who have crated most of the pages. 2) You will access a remote database over high-speed Internet. 3) You will only need to program the pages with ASP.NET, using C# API provided by us. You do not work on the database. 4) You will follow the existing well...