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    2,000 outsource opencv trabalhos encontrados
    game em pygame
    Encerrado left

    Preciso de ajuda com o desenvolvimento do aplicativo/game, em Python (PyGame) + MediaPipe e OpenCV... Preciso de alguém com expertise nisso.

    $542 Average bid
    $542 Média
    21 ofertas
    Camera virtual
    Encerrado left

    Escopo do Projeto: Substituição da Câmera Nativa: Desenvolver uma aplicação que se registre como uma câmera disponível no sistema Android Integrar a câmera virtual para que seja selecionável em qualquer aplicativo que utilize a câmera nativa. Intera... Implementação de técnicas de ataque adversarial. Modificação da imagem para enganar algoritmos de reconhecimento facial, se necessário. Captura de dados do acelerômetro e giroscópio. Simulação de movimento da câmera com base nos dados dos sensores. 3. Tecnologias e Ferramentas: Linguagem de Programação: Java/Kotlin. IDE: Android Studio. Bibliotecas: OpenCV (para manipula&ccedi...

    $1043 Average bid
    $1043 Média
    22 ofertas

    Boa tarde ! ...mandam nos 2 modelos), esse projeto pode ser pego diretamente do WhatsApp da empresa onde os clientes mandam os projetos, ou pode ser pego numa pasta onde o projeto é baixado manualmente (seria melhor se for pego direto no WhatsApp, mas se for ficar muito mais caro ou ficar muito dificil, não tem problema se puxar o arquivo de uma pasta no PC. É Um projeto de imagem, logo deve ser usado biblioteca OpenCV ou alguma similar que atenda essa necessidade. A partir do projeto calcular quantas unidades do nosso produto serão utilizadas (considerando altura e largura da peça) e retorne um orçamento pronto (de preferência num arquivo aberto) para que possamos apenas colocar o CNPJ e de mais dados do cliente. Prazo para entrega...

    $221 Average bid
    $221 Média
    7 ofertas
    Correcao brazil.
    Encerrado left

    olá, estou a procura de alguem para fazer uma aplicação em python django usando opencv para correção de folhas de respostas. estilo o aplicativo conhecido como zipgrade. vamos negociar?

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Média
    1 ofertas
    programa em java
    Encerrado left

    uma tela em java para exibir imagem de uma webcam, utilizando opencv para detectar a presença de um objeto

    $141 Average bid
    $141 Média
    6 ofertas

    Olá, preciso da resolução de dois exercicios si...notebook, portanto preciso de alguém com conhecimento nessa area. Vou deixar abaixo a descrição das duas atividades: Avaliando Linguagem natural 1 - Utilizando último dataset de linguagem natural e adicione 20% frases fictícias antes de treinar separe 10% e avalie a modelo. Conclua com sua avaliação sobre as métricas utilizadas. Poste o DataSet e o fonte (.ipynb) Processamento de imagem com opencv 2- Extraia rosto das images salvando em novo arquivo exemplo: ( existem 3 rosto) salve , e somente com o rosto. Aplique um filtro ou desenho no rosto encontrado alterando a imagem. Poste somente o fonte (.ipynb) Tenho video aula com o professor explicando c...

    $30 Average bid
    $30 Média
    1 ofertas

    I need someone to replicate a page from another site. I am currently running out of time and I will have to outsource this part. The interested party should have experience with CSS, Bootstrap and the content should be FULLY responsive. The content already exists, just replicate and make the necessary adaptations.

    $80 Average bid
    $80 Média
    88 ofertas

    Outro ou sem certeza C ou C++ Um contador de veículos utilizando webcam. Tenho os tutoriais com fonte mas estou com dificuldade

    $168 Average bid
    $168 Média
    5 ofertas

    Improve a system of counting and classification of vehicles, I have some codes that can be used as base, one of them already writes the data in a MySQL database and this functionality must be maintained, it follows in annex a good documentation on counting and classification night , This is one of the goals of this project, that the system works during the day and at night. In one of the codes I have it is necessary to create the count line the first time, done this, the system create the configuration files, I think this is a good option, because we do not always have the same angle to the street, that's it , A vehicle counting and classification system where the counting line can be defined and has the ability to adjust the lighting according to the time, morning, afternoon and n...

    $178 Average bid
    $178 Média
    8 ofertas

    Help for compiling OpenCV code (kalman filter) in Ubuntu 14 I need a vehicle counter with size classification I have a code downloaded from the internet, I need to compile it, I've tried it but I always get errors. Ajuda para compilar código OpenCV (kalman filtro) em Ubuntu 14 Preciso de um cotador de veículos com classificação por tamanho Tenho um código baixado da internet, preciso compilar ele, já tentei mas sempre obtenho erros.

    $29 Average bid
    $29 Média
    7 ofertas

    Desenvolvimento de um aplicativo que obtenha como entrada dados de placas veiculares do Brasil carro,moto e caminhão (ocr/opencv/Tesseract) através de uma ou duas câmeras embarcadas e faça uma consulta em dois bancos de dados, sendo um interno e outro externo via internet com quebra de captcha, dependendo do resultado seria emitido um alerta. Preferência para profissionais de São Paulo/Capital Fico no aguardo.

    $318 Average bid
    $318 Média
    6 ofertas

    evolutive development and maintenance of PHP/Javascript/Postgre Web application

    $1178 Average bid
    $1178 Média
    16 ofertas

    Desenvolver uma aplicação em c#, pode ser com a biblioteca OPENCV ou não, que faz a leitura de uma foto "jpg" e faz a contagem dos objetos contidos nela, exemplo: imagine uma foto com girassóis, preciso, saber quantos girassóis tem nessa foto e a sua respectiva área. No anexo enviei uma foto com dois papagaios, o programa precisa identificar quantos objetos papagaio tem na foto, isso precisa ser dinamico, porque posso ter uma outra foto com outros objetos e o programa precisa fazer a contagem. Att, José Camargo

    $140 Average bid
    $140 Média
    3 ofertas

    Temos em mente um sistema que possa fazer detecção de veículos como: - Placa - Modelo - Marca - Velocidade percorrida - Classificação do veículo ( carro, moto, Caminhão) - Elaborar relatório e histórico em tempo real, de veículos. - Lista negra de veículos roubados ou com pendências. Tenho algumas referências já existentes que provavelmente tenha codigo disponivel.

    $2785 Average bid
    $2785 Média
    2 ofertas

    Boa tarde. Tem algum desenvolvedor para um aplicativo android que interligue a captura de imagens do celular( OPENCV/TESSERAT… ) com um banco de dados e o sinesp cidadão. Seria usado embarcado em um veiculo visando o combate de ilícitos penais. Aguardo maiores informações. Obrigado.

    $618 Average bid
    $618 Média
    3 ofertas

    Leitura Automática de Placas de Automóveis Automatic Namber Plate Reader OCR Precisamos um aplicação para Android usando smartphone (sansung S3 e S4) utilizando bibliotecas do openCV /Tesseract ) para ser disponibilizado em smartphones de policiais. Como exemplo: Para placas de carros brasileiros com três letras e quatro números (LLLNNNN). A principio básico é o reconhecimento de placas de veículos em tempo real e simultaneamente a consulta em base de dados externa (remota). Temos uma equipe interna na nossa empresa de desenvolvedores, que pode ajudar a fazer o controle de acesso externo a base de dados remotamente e fazer uma “casca” no produto. Aguardo seus coment&aacu...

    $3172 Average bid
    $3172 Média
    8 ofertas

    Desenvolvimento de aplicação para plataforma Android com a biblioteca OpenCV.  Eclipse ou Android Studio.  Visão computacional de Image: Processing, Detecion e Tracking. Mais informações com os profissionais pré-selecionados. Interessados, enviar propostas!

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Média
    8 ofertas

    Bom dia, Existe possibilidade de parceria entre a nossa empresa e a vossa para realizar por outsourcing os trabalhos de SEO dos nossos clientes? tiago@

    $20 - $20 / hr
    $20 - $20 / hr
    0 ofertas
    programador c/c++
    Encerrado left

    Procuramos programadores e desenvolvedores, com conhecimento em C/C++, que more em Sorocaba. Trabalhamos com OpenCV aqui, então será um grande diferencial conhecimento na biblioteca.

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Média
    2 ofertas

    Leitura Automática de Placas de Automóveis Automatic Namber Plate Reader OCR Precisamos um aplicação para Android usando smartphone (sansung S3 e S4) utilizando bibliotecas do openCV /Tesseract ) para ser disponibilizado em smartphones de policiais. Como exemplo: Para placas de carros brasileiros com três letras e quatro números (LLLNNNN). A principio básico é o reconhecimento de placas de veículos em tempo real e simultaneamente a consulta em base de dados externa (remota). Temos uma equipe interna na nossa empresa de desenvolvedores, que pode ajudar a fazer o controle de acesso externo a base de dados remotamente e fazer uma “casca” no produto. Aguardo seus coment&aacu...

    $3016 Average bid
    $3016 Média
    3 ofertas
    desenvolver opencv
    Encerrado left

    Desenvolver um sistema de visão computacional, utilizando a biblioteca OpenCV para contagem do fluxo de pessoas usando câmeras de segurança de uma placa GeoVision. Disponibilizar relatórios do fluxo por dia, hora, câmera ... além da contagem. Outras funci

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Média
    5 ofertas

    I have sample file of python and need to fix an issue in it.

    $25 Average bid
    $25 Média
    80 ofertas

    I'm looking for a highly skilled professional with equal expertise in Python backend development and comput...skilled professional with equal expertise in Python backend development and computer vision model development. Key Requirements: - Extensive experience in Python backend development - Proven track record in developing computer vision models Ideal Skills & Experience: - Proficient in Python, with a strong knowledge of backend development - Experienced in using computer vision libraries such as OpenCV, TensorFlow, or PyTorch - Previous work on image classification projects - Comfortable handling both publicly available and custom datasets Your role will be crucial to the success of this project, as both backend development and computer vision model development are...

    $16 / hr Average bid
    $16 / hr Média
    168 ofertas

    To develop a Python-based application for automatic background removal from images using pr...solid color backgrounds. Optimize Performance: Ensure quick processing times for high-resolution images. Fine-tune the model if necessary for improved accuracy. Create a Simple User Interface (Optional): A command-line interface for initial use. Optionally, a basic GUI or web interface for user convenience. Technical Requirements: Languages/Frameworks: Python, TensorFlow, or PyTorch. Libraries: OpenCV for image processing, Flask or FastAPI (if web-based). Output Format: Transparent PNG or JPG with a solid background. Deliverables: Functional Python script or application for background removal. Pre-trained model integrated into the software. Documentation for setup, usage, and further fi...

    $680 Average bid
    $680 Média
    61 ofertas

    ...should be able to preview their work in real time and export it to various formats. Cloud Storage Integration: Storing generated and edited content securely in the cloud. Skills Needed: AI Model Integration: Experience with AI models like GPT for text, GANs for video/image generation, and text-to-speech APIs. Video & Audio Editing: Knowledge of audio/video processing libraries or SDKs (e.g., FFmpeg, OpenCV) to implement editing features. App Development: Proficiency in building cross-platform mobile apps (iOS, Android), with knowledge of frameworks such as React Native or Flutter. Cloud Storage & Backend: Familiarity with cloud storage solutions (like Firebase or AWS S3) and backend integration for handling user data and content. If you have experience with generative AI,...

    $9149 Average bid
    $9149 Média
    25 ofertas

    I'm looking for an experienced coder with a strong background in OpenCV, APIs, Node.js, and Python. The primary purpose of this project is to utilize OpenCV for image processing tasks, specifically for image recognition. basically what the code does is i input pictures called manhwa or manga in a file the code takes that pictures cuts it into small parts sometimes big parts while cutting it uses a ai to generate a recap of the sliced image the code works perfectly fine it just it has really bad recap quality and character reconization so i want you to like make the character recogination better and improve the quality of the recap and make the recap generated by ai go through a ai humanizer or make the recap less ai and possibly (currently the code uses a custom trained...

    $84 Average bid
    $84 Média
    99 ofertas

    Job Posting: Senior AI Engineer for Industrial Defect Detection System Budg...purposes. - Proficiency in real-time processing system architectures. Application Instructions Please submit two examples of relevant projects that you have undertaken. For each project, include: 1. Business Problem: What challenge were you addressing? 2. Solution: How did you approach and resolve the issue? Note: This Position is Not Suitable For You If: - Your approach relies solely on basic OpenCV functionalities. - You primarily use pre-trained models without custom adaptations. - You lack experience with industrial systems and environments. - You do not have a background in real-time processing requirements. We look forward to reviewing your project examples and exploring the possibility of working...

    $13912 Average bid
    $13912 Média
    45 ofertas
    Google Ads Expert
    1 dia left

    FlashAid is a unique app that lets you get a private ambulance with a single click (think Uber for ambulances). We operate on the subscription model and want to drive as many of them as possible in our app. We have recently launched in West London and are seeking a Google Ads expert to optimise and lead our Google (either % of revenue or clear performance-tied milestones). Not interested in fixed-price contracts! Details: - Ads budget = approximately $1,000/month - Ideally would like a 1-week test campaign to start and check your expertise. - Need to be available for weekly check-ins (1–2 meetings) for progress reviews. - Experience with Meta, TikTok, LinkedIn, or SEO is a bonus as we are looking to outsource those as well. Looking forward to hearing from you!

    $163 Average bid
    $163 Média
    77 ofertas
    Meta / Facebook Ads Expert
    1 dia left

    FlashAid is a unique app that lets you get a private ambulance with a single click (think Uber for ambulances). We operate on the subscription model and want to drive as many of them as possible in our app. We have recently launched in West London and are seeking a Facebook Ads expert to optimise and lead our Facebook A...(either % of revenue or clear performance-tied milestones). Not interested in fixed-price contracts! Details: - Ads budget = approximately $1,000/month - Ideally would like a 1-week test campaign to start and check your expertise. - Need to be available for weekly check-ins (1–2 meetings) for progress reviews. - Experience with Google, TikTok, LinkedIn, or SEO is a bonus as we are looking to outsource those as well. Looking forward to hearing from you!

    $168 Average bid
    $168 Média
    67 ofertas

    I need to use FFMPEG to create a motion blur effect that looks like this: My baseline video is here: effect that looks like this: My baseline video is here: I need you to use FFMPEG or CV Cuda or opencv to create a motion blur effect that makes the captions look exactly like the example I gave. The core thing I care about is the ffmpeg, cv cuda or opencv command that does this. Please submit your output video and the exact ffmpeg, cv cuda or opencv settings you used to achieve the effect.

    $35 Average bid
    $35 Média
    14 ofertas

    ...identify data points from the images, ensuring high accuracy and reliability. Test the plugin thoroughly to ensure it meets performance and security standards. Provide documentation and support for the integration and use of the plugin. Requirements: Proven experience in developing PHP-based plugins and web applications. Strong knowledge of image processing techniques and libraries (e.g., OpenCV, GD, ImageMagick). Experience with OCR tools such as Tesseract to extract text from images. Experience with API development and integration. Familiarity with handling and processing various types of ID documents. Ability to ensure data security and privacy in the processing of sensitive information. Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail. Excellent communication ...

    $780 Average bid
    $780 Média
    35 ofertas

    ...A detailed report including: Problem definition and project scope. Dataset description and preprocessing steps. Model architecture and training methodology. Results and evaluation metrics. Challenges faced and solutions implemented. Requirements: Strong experience in machine learning and deep learning, specifically in CNNs. Proficiency in Python and relevant libraries (e.g., TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV). Knowledge of real-time inference techniques. Experience in working with gesture recognition or sign language projects is a plus. Additional Information: The project should be completed with clean and modular code. Detailed comments and documentation within the code are essential. The freelancer should be available for discussions and feedback sessions....

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Média
    9 ofertas

    I'm looking for an experienced developer to enhance my existing React Native app with OpenCV capabilities. The goal is to validate the National ID card and perform face verification. Key Responsibilities: - Implement photo verification and movement validation using OpenCV. - Movement validations include head tilts and blinks during the verification process. - Conduct liveliness checks as a part of face validation. Ideal candidates should have: - Proven experience with React Native and OpenCV. - Skills in image processing and computer vision. - A good understanding of facial recognition technology. - Experience in implementing ID verification features in mobile applications. The end product should ensure a robust and reliable verification process.

    $39 Average bid
    $39 Média
    52 ofertas

    I'm seeking a professional with expertise in Ubuntu and OpenCV to assist me with configuring my EC2 instance. Key Requirements: - Install the latest stable release of OpenCV on my Ubuntu 22.04 LTS EC2 instance. - Install the appropriate CUDA driver to ensure compatibility and optimal performance with OpenCV. - Ensure all installations are correctly configured and fully operational. Ideal Skills: - Deep knowledge and experience with Ubuntu OS. - Proven experience with OpenCV and CUDA installations. - Ability to troubleshoot and resolve potential installation issues. - Excellent communication skills to provide updates and explanations in layman’s terms.

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Média
    2 ofertas

    I'm looking to design a gate that opens via facial recognition to allow only subscribers to enter. You can use Raspberry Pi, ESP32, or any ...recognition system that can securely manage entry. Key Requirements: - Use of any reliable method for the facial recognition system. - No specific facial recognition software in mind, but familiarity with options like OpenCV or FaceNet may be beneficial. - Potential to incorporate additional features like logging entry times, remote access control, and alerts for unauthorized attempts. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in hardware programming with Raspberry Pi, ESP32 or similar. - Experience with facial recognition systems. - Knowledge of relevant software like OpenCV or FaceNet. - Ability to design a secure and efficien...

    $154 Average bid
    $154 Média
    28 ofertas

    I'm seeking a part-time Python developer who is proficient with tkinter, opencv, cuda, and insightface. The primary focus of this project is implementing a face recognition system. The specific tasks will include: - Face Detection: Identifying faces in different environments and conditions. - Face Matching: Comparing faces and determining if they are the same. - Facial Attribute Analysis: Interpreting various facial features and characteristics. - webcam integration for a windows application - testing and debugging The system needs to be compatible with Windows. Ideal candidates should have extensive experience in Python and the aforementioned libraries. A strong background in computer vision and GUI application development will be an added advantage. Please provide examples ...

    $20 / hr Average bid
    $20 / hr Média
    108 ofertas

    Project Overview: We are seeking a skilled freelance Obj...model to evaluate its performance. - Use metrics such as precision, recall, and F1-score to assess the model's effectiveness. - Perform validation on a separate dataset to ensure generalizability. Qualifications: - Experience: Proven experience in object detection, computer vision, and machine learning. - Skills: - Proficiency in Python and relevant libraries (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch, OpenCV). - Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. - Excellent written and verbal communication skills for report writing. Deliverables: 1. A well-documented dataset suitable for object detection in autonomous driving. 2. A preprocessing pipeline implemented in Python. 3. A trained object detection model with perfo...

    $540 Average bid
    $540 Média
    39 ofertas

    ...Recognition and Environment Mapping. The developer must have experience working with AR and be able to seamlessly integrate these functionalities into the native applications. - Extensive knowledge and experience with OpenCV: The current application uses OpenCV for image processing, so the developer must be skilled in this API. - Proven ability to deliver AR/CV projects (kindly submit links to apps along with some source code) Ideal Skills: - Expertise in iOS and Android native application development - Strong background in Unity - Proficient in AR and image processing APIs - Familiar with OpenCV Developer Job Description: Significant experience with C++ libraries and mobile apps Proven work with Computer Graphics and Augmented Reality. (Nice to have) Familiarity...

    $8278 Average bid
    $8278 Média
    61 ofertas

    I'm looking for a developer to create a face detection system using Python. The system should be able to handle RTSP streams sourced from DVR/NVR systems. We have HikVisio...capture image from camera and can train. Edit Employee will capture images from camera and can retrain. Add/Edit Employee will have options like Name, Email, Phone, Designation, InTime, OutTime, Holidays, (Saturday,Sunday), Mobile Usage Restrictions, Talking Restrictions, Food Restirctions. Official Holidays Menu which will have Dates & Name of Holiday Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in OpenCV - Experience with face detection algorithms - Familiarity with RTSP streams and DVR/NVR systems - Knowledge in security monitoring systems is a plus - Ability to deliver efficient, reliable, and user...

    $110 Average bid
    $110 Média
    10 ofertas

    I'm seeking help to install OpenCV with CUDA 12.6 inside a Docker container on my Linux machine. The specifics are as follows: - Linux Distribution: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - Required CUDA version: 12.6 The ideal freelancer for this project should have significant experience with: - Docker - OpenCV - CUDA - Ubuntu Linux Please provide your bid and estimated time for completion. Thank you!

    $94 Average bid
    $94 Média
    17 ofertas

    ...A detailed report including: Problem definition and project scope. Dataset description and preprocessing steps. Model architecture and training methodology. Results and evaluation metrics. Challenges faced and solutions implemented. Requirements: Strong experience in machine learning and deep learning, specifically in CNNs. Proficiency in Python and relevant libraries (e.g., TensorFlow, Keras, OpenCV). Knowledge of real-time inference techniques. Experience in working with gesture recognition or sign language projects is a plus. Additional Information: The project should be completed with clean and modular code. Detailed comments and documentation within the code are essential. The freelancer should be available for discussions and feedback sessions....

    $11 Average bid
    $11 Média
    5 ofertas

    ...performance using metrics like accuracy, precision, and recall, comparing results with expert dental evaluations. Dataset: The dataset consists of high-resolution IOPA X-ray images collected from dental clinics, formatted as JPEG/PNG files. Preferred Skills: Experience with Python, TensorFlow, or PyTorch Knowledge of computer vision and medical imaging Familiarity with tools like OpenCV, Keras, or similar frameworks Experience in preprocessing and working with radiographic images is a plus Budget: Open to proposals, looking for a cost-effective solution. Timeline: We expect the project to be completed within 3-5 weeks. Deliverables: A fully functional model for root canal detection Documentation on implementation, usage, and model evaluation Sou...

    $282 Average bid
    $282 Média
    23 ofertas

    I'm in need of a talented software developer to create an innovative web-based system specifically designed for interior design visualizat...have the ability to preview the redesigned space before making any decisions. The system must be intuitive, user-friendly, and able to handle high-quality images. Users will primarily be uploading images in JPEG and PNG formats. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development, particularly with React. - Extensive experience with image processing and manipulation tools such as OpenCV. - Strong background in backend development using Node.js, Python, or PHP. - Excellent database management skills. - Demonstrated ability in UI/UX design. Please provide relevant examples from your portfolio and an estimated timeline for proj...

    $179 Average bid
    $179 Média
    74 ofertas

    ...React.js: For building an interactive and responsive user interface. : For rendering 3D models and visualizations in the browser. CSS Framework: Tailwind CSS or Bootstrap for styling. 2. Backend Development Python with Flask/Django: For server-side logic, AI integration, and API development. Node.js with : Alternative for real-time updates and scalability. AI Libraries: OpenCV: For image stitching and processing. TensorFlow/PyTorch: For AI-based room reconstruction and enhancements. 4. Augmented Reality (AR) Unity with C#: For cross-platform AR development. ARKit (iOS) and ARCore (Android): For native AR features. 5. Database PostgreSQL: For structured data, such as user accounts and vendor catalogs. MongoDB: For unstructured data, such as uploaded images and

    $230 Average bid
    $230 Média
    62 ofertas

    ...Responsibilities: Implement and enhance OpenCV camera scripts to optimize performance and accuracy. Work with LiDAR SDKs, including integration and visualization of data outputs. Refine the system’s logic and rules to support the hardware's transition into handling game mechanics and intelligence. Collaborate closely with the hardware team to ensure seamless integration of software and hardware components. Debug, test, and optimize for stability and scalability. Ideal Candidate Profile: Proven experience with hardware prototypes and taking them through to production-grade functionality. Strong background in Python, particularly in applications involving hardware integration and real-time processing. Experience with computer vision libraries (e.g., OpenCV) an...

    $31 / hr Average bid
    $31 / hr Média
    107 ofertas

    Finalidad del proyecto poder tener el control de las asistencias del personal, por medio del chequeo facial.

    $154 Average bid
    $154 Média
    18 ofertas

    ... Recognize and process images and sound. Remember previous information and conversations using a database. Operate both in a mobile application and on a web platform with exclusive access for the client. --- Technical and functional specifications 1. AI model Base: GPT-4.0 as the core of the model. Key features: Visual recognition: Integration with libraries such as OpenCV for image analysis and processing. Speech recognition: Use of tools such as Whisper or SpeechRecognition to process audio inputs. Speech synthesis: Implementation of TTS (e.g. gTTS or pyttsx3) for spoken responses. Memory: Management of contextual information and long-term memories using a MySQL database. --- 2. Applications and accessibility Mobile application (And...

    $4466 Average bid
    $4466 Média
    32 ofertas

    ...Detailed documentation, including installation, usage, and troubleshooting. Desired Skillset Unreal Engine 5 plugin development expertise (C++/Blueprints). Strong knowledge of mesh optimization techniques (e.g., poly reduction, LODs, UV unwrapping). Experience with VR workflows and platform-specific requirements (e.g., Oculus Quest). Familiarity with AI tools for automation, such as Simplygon, OpenCV, or GPT-based LLMs. Proficiency in architectural visualization workflows and performance profiling. Budget and Timeline Budget: Flexible based on experience. Timeline: Completion within 6-8 weeks. How to Apply Please include the following in your application: Examples of Unreal Engine plugins or VR optimization projects you’ve developed. Your approach to automating mesh optimi...

    $21 / hr Average bid
    $21 / hr Média
    7 ofertas

    I need assistance with integrating the C library and OpenCV into my iOS project. The primary focus is on resolving compilation issues and any code change for in C/C++ for integration. Ideal candidates should have experience with iOS development, C libraries, and OpenCV. EXISTING C library and Opencv integration is available for Android environment. They MUST also have their own iOS environment (example Apple devices)

    $78 Average bid
    $78 Média
    6 ofertas

    ...talented web developer to create a corporate and professional website for SMART3 BK, a global bookkeeping firm. The primary goal of the website is to attract new clients by showcasing our services and expertise in the bookkeeping industry. Key Features: - The homepage should include a services overview, client testimonials, and sections such as 'About Us', 'Software Proficiency', 'Our Team', 'Why Outsource to Us', 'Indian Investment', 'Accounting', 'Foreign Accounting', CAD, USA, UK, AU, NZ, UAE. - The website should have dedicated pages for Home, About Us, Services, Pricing Plans, Software Expertise, Scope of Work, What We Need, What We Provide, Testimonials, Contact Us, and Our Team. - Add a live chat featur...

    $63 Average bid
    $63 Média
    16 ofertas