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Dashboard - Aposta Online (Mãe) // Adicionar Probalidade do Ganho! - Cadastro de Loterias - CRUD Loteria . Nome, Horário de Encerramento, Pode ser Cancelado, Dias da Semanas, Globo(accordion) - CRUD Modalidades (Grupo, dezena, centena, milhar, unidade) - Cotação Separada . Nome, Categoria(accordion), . Cliente pode Criar Modalidade, (DEV) Cria padrão - CRUD Cotação - Tabela, modalidade, valor, ativo, valor * 1 , Desativa modalidade dentro da tabela - CRUD Região . Região, Cliente, Fator Aposta, Desc - Saldo Liberar Saldo Manual - para Cliente, Cambista, Apostador - CRUD Cliente(Cliente que pode registar outro cliente) - Adicionar Resultado (Resultado Fácil) - CRUD Resultado das Loterias! Cliente . Produt...
Preciso de um pequeno programa web para automatizar relatórios de uma lista de número...e o programa vai gerrar numa coluna vão ficam os números na outra precisa conter aleatoriamente a palavra enviado e não enviados e em outra coluna lidos e não lidos tudo aleatoriamente precisa conter também um campo para definir data e horário de inicio e fim definidos manualmente. I need a small web program to automate reports for a list of cell phone numbers. I will upload the list, and the program will generate a column where the numbers will be displayed. In another column, it needs to randomly display the words "sent" and "not sent", and in another column, it needs to randomly display "read" and &qu...
I need a matlab code, applying PSO to optimally place and size n-numbers of DG in a distribution system IEEE-test (I have the data for 33 and 69 bus), in order to reduce the system losses and improve the voltage profile. The power flow analysis to determine system losses and voltage profile, backward and forward sweep can be applied.
We need someone to develop a WebRTC voice web application. The users will connect to specific channel numbers, once in a channel, they can talk to others who are on the same channel. There are 2 types of channels, a radio channel, and a phone channel. Each one should have a filter resembling the instrument (we will give examples of how we want the filter to sound like for each). The latency should be as minimal as possible, our main server is located in Canada and we have users from Europe who need to have a decent latency too. Multi-channel is a plus, we would like it to be possible but if you can't it's not a big deal. PT-BR (A empresa conta com outros brasileiros no time de desenvolvimento) Empresa americana está em busca de programadores que tenham conhecimento...
...atualizações não encontrados no referido App, como: a) Possibilitar fazer apostas com formulário onde tem a visualização de estatística, disponibilizada pela API de um fornecedor (), disponível nos formatos JSON e XML e conexões HTTPS; b) Possibilitar participar de bolões de apostas, sem limites de valores mínimos e máximos, com regra, na qual 50% das dezenas são escolhidas pelo usuário e 50% são efetuadas baseadas na estatística, disponibilizada pela API de um de nossos fornecedores (), mais o percentual de apostas que o usuário optar por deixar a sua cota com a responsabilidade do sistema, (semelhante a surpresinha, porém baseado em estudos estatísticos)...
Desenvolver/melhorar uma planilha em Excel / Numbers para controle de loteamentos e empreendimentos.
...them from potential security issues. SANITIZE: Data that is input (either by a user or automatically) must be sanitized. This lessens the possibility of XSS vulnerabilities and MITM attacks where posted data is subverted. VALIDATE: All data should be validated as much as possible. Even when you sanitize, remember that you don’t want someone putting in ‘dog’ when the only valid values are numbers. ESCAPE: Data that is output must be escaped properly, so it can't hijack admin screens. There are many esc_*() functions you can use to make sure you don't show people the wrong data. To help you with this, WordPress comes with a number of sanitization and escaping functions. You can read about those here: * * https://developer
Criei dois formulários de catering na forma de planilhas com fórmulas no Numbers (programa de planilhas do mac) e preciso converter funcionando plenamente a planilha para uso diário no Excel (windows), permitindo preenchimento e impressão. O mac converte a planilha para excel, mas separa as várias tabelas existentes e isso não funciona para mim. Alguém aí se habilita? Preciso disso urgente. Obrigado. Carlos. ENGLISH- created two catering forms in the form of spreadsheets with formulas in Numbers (mac spreadsheet program) and I need to convert fully working spreadsheet for daily use in Excel (windows), allowing filling and printing. The mac converts the worksheet to excel, but separates the various existing tables and ...
Preciso reconhecer uma lista de produtos e o numero de produções, atraves de uma foto (anexo) a lista é padrao. Preciso reconhecer os numeros postivos e negativos.
Preciso um app android e ios para poder cadastra cambista que vai vender loteria de nova iorque, os numeros de 00 a 99, com lotto 3: de 000 a 999 com lotto 4: de 0000 a 9999, onde cada numero vendido sera adicionar um tarifa para poder imprimir um recibo no final. E o administrador do sistema controra tudo no tempo real e acompanhar os trabalho automatico do APP apos cada tiragem.
Ligar para 60 telefones e confirmar informações das pessoas. Será providenciado os numeros, as informações para confirmar e um script básico para seguir.
Temos um setor de cotacoes que recebe as mesmas em diversos formatos. Gostariamos de um robo para que faça essa busca tanto na web atras de produtos e seus MODELOS / PART NUMBERS. E que cheque o hitorico do mesmo se ja foi vendido anteriormente, ou ainda esteja em estoque.
Preciso de uma integração com o Magento.<br /><br />Um cliente meu vende créditos para telefonia VOIP, e preciso integrar o front (sistema de compra de créditos que é efetuado com Magento) e a liberação do crédito no sistema que gerencia o VOIP (VoipSwitch), e também ao co...técnico da VoipSwitch me enviou o seguinte manual para a integração:<br />-----<br />There are two items you need to integrate with your website:<br /> 1. Buy services (recharge existing account, create new account)<br /> Use the OnlineShop WebAPI for that. <br /> Documentation:<br /> :18081/display/doc/1.13....
Tenho 4 grupos de números. Cada grupo vai de 1 até 10, décimo por décimo: 1,0 1,1 1,2...10 Eu quero listar no Excel todas as combinações de acordo com a planilha anexa (apenas as células em amarelo tem o número variável. I have 4 groups of numbers . Each group is from 1 to 10 , tenth by tenth : 1.0 1.1 1.2 ... 10 I want to list in Excel all the combinations according to the attached spreadsheet (only the yellow cells have variable number . -------------------------------------------
Although the project is a simple one , I will try to explain it as much as possible here in order to give you a clear view about the task. I need to have around 180 words and 35 introductory expressions (of 2-4 words), letters A to Z spoken and numbers 0 to 9, spoken and recorded in Portuguese for an app for kids. The expressions and words should have an intonation as spoken to kids. Please send me a link with your voice portfolio or something similar. Implementation: one (or more) long audio file(s) containing all the words and letters is(are) accepted - I will edit it easily afterwards, so you don't need to worry about wasting time for voice editing/file cropping. sound quality : it should be noise free in order to be easily edited. output format: wav, mp3 Also...
...sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where art...
...sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where art...
...sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where art...
...sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where art...
...sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where art...
...sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where art...
...sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where art...
...(por favor, se você não conseguirá realizar todos estes requerimentos, não poste um bid neste projeto. Será perda de tempo para minha equipe e para você): 1) O tradutor deverá utilizar e possuir conhecimento das plataformas Apple Pages e Apple Numbers para edição de texto e planilhas. 2) O tradutor deve ser nativo do Brasil e ser fluente, com comprovação de eficiência, nas línguas Português e Inglês americano. 3) A tradução será feita do Inglês americano para o Português brasileiro. 4) Os arquivos a serem entregues são os arquivos Pages e Numbers traduzidos. 5) A pessoa que entrar em contato comigo deve, sem exceções...
...sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where art...
Preciso integrar o meu FreePBX como o Zoho (CRM ou Support) para fins de geração automática de tickets de atendimento das chamadas de entrada. Need integration between FreePBX and Zoho (not sur if CRM or Support) to get ticket numbers in incoming calls.
...sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where articles hav...
...sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where articles hav...
...sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where art...
...sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where art...
...sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where art...
...sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where art...
...sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where art...
...sites to generate 1 click per ip in each one of the four sites, when you first click on the site x changes to the site consecutively so ye ... divide clicks equally between 4 sites and generating revenue for up to 4 sites with adsense. 5 system that controls campaigns made in facebook ads that help contrar the low costs and with one link driven generate revenue for 4 adsense sites with equal numbers of clicks per ip. If you need similar sites to see how the system can talk about this sample as a base. System for wordpress, 2 sites ... 1 site is the site where mule can have illegal content that google can never see, and clicks that was generated by your link will be identified which was the other site where have good articles and high cpc. 2 site is the site where art...
...estar inclusos no valor da proposta. -Home - Cabeçalho - Logo - Slogan - Barra de Busca - Login - Carrinho de Compras - Chat Live - Menu Principal - Quem Somos (Empresa) - Categorias (Menu Deslizante > produtos) - Ofertas - Mais Visitados (produtos) - Dicas / Noticias / Artigos - Fale Conosco - SlideShow - Imagens / Promoções / Lançamentos / Etc - Navegação de imagens (Botões / Thumbs / Link Numbers) - Barra de Marcas - Exibição de logos em Carrossel das marcas - Barra de Filtros - Filtros para classificação dos produtos exibidos (intervalo de preço, tamanho/medida, cor, marca, etc) - Barra Lateral Categorias - Barra lateral Esquerda exibição das categorias - Display Home P...
...ligados, desligados, ativos, Limpe sua base de dados ! - Relatorio analítico dos SMS em massa - Gerenciador de grupos e contato ###################### SMS MARKETING FULL RESALE Your customers simply and effectively. - Send SMS to up to 50 recipients at once. - Send Bulk SMS for phonebook contacts and groups - Send Bulk SMS by uploading a file - Customize your Bulk SMS - Checked the numbers on, off, active, clean your database! - Analytical Report of Bulk SMS - Manager and contact groups...
...Hugging Face) for tool detection, with real-time notifications for inventory summaries and tool check-in/out status. Notifications will be displayed on a screen monitor and relayed through a self-hosted 3CX phone system deployed on a Raspberry Pi. ### Key Features: - **Tool Detection:** Use a Transformer-based model to identify tools from images. - **OCR Integration:** Extract text (e.g., serial numbers, labels) from tool images for identification. - **Inventory Management:** Maintain a dynamic inventory list with real-time status updates. - **Check-In/Out System:** Track tool movements in and out of the inventory. - **Notifications:** - On-Screen Display: Show inventory summaries and tool statuses on a monitor. - 3CX Phone Integration: Send notifications to users and manage...
I'm seeking a freelancer who can meticulously extract data from all verified businesses on Entrupy's website. The information should be compiled in a Google Sheets document. Key Data Points: - Store names - Complete addresses - Websites (if available) - Email addresses - Phone numbers - WhatsApp details (if available) - Links to their Instagram and Facebook accounts Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in data extraction and web scraping - Experience with Google Sheets - Attention to detail - Ability to understand and comply with data privacy regulations Please note, I need this data to be as comprehensive and accurate as possible. The successful freelancer will have a keen eye for detail and be able to deliver this project in a timely manner. Budget $10 only. This is an easy t...
I need an expert to help me edit my shop invoices. The requirements are as follows: - Adding fields: I need some additional information added to the invoices. - Removing fields: Some existing fields need to be taken out. - Numbering: I need a number added to the invoice. Layout Changes: - A specific layout change is needed to modify the text styles on the receipt. I need the numbers on the receipt to be changed. Ultimately, I need the prices on the receipt updated to reflect the correct costs. Ideal candidates for this project should have a keen eye for detail, experience in editing invoices, and proficiency with layout modification.
...Call us to the (ill provide the number in the images) If you are from the U.S or to the (ill provide the contact phone in image) ) if you are in Canada or email us to the (ill provide email ) Visual Elements: - Throughout the video, our logo should be displayed - Google logo with a skyrocket , anything that relates to business growth in - Key numbers and text should be shown on the screen as the AI VOICE TALKS - Our email and phone numbers should also be included Style: The overall style of the video should be innovative/modern, appealing to our target audience of spray foam contractors. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in video editing and production - Experience with AI voiceover integration - Ability to source and sync upbeat/energetic music - Understa...
I'm in search of a direct supplier who can provide a substantial number of SMS verification numbers from the USA, UK, and India. The numbers need to be delivered in bulk and via an API endpoint or any other efficient method. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in providing SMS verification numbers - Familiarity with international number provisioning, particularly from the USA, UK, and India - Ability to deliver numbers in bulk - Proficiency in setting up or using an API for number delivery - Strong understanding of SMS verification use across different sectors
...Throw an IllegalArgumentException in the constructor if either n ≤ 0 or trials ≤ 0. Also, include a main() method that takes two command-line arguments n and T, performs T independent computational experiments (discussed above) on an n-by-n grid, and prints the sample mean, sample standard deviation, and the 95% confidence interval for the percolation threshold. Use StdRandom to generate random numbers; use StdStats to compute the sample mean and sample standard deviation....
Electronics Engineer Needed – Finalize Calculator PCB & Firmware (EasyEDA) I am looking for an experienced electronics engineer to review, finalize, and improve an existing calculator project that was previously developed but has some unresolved issues. Project Scope & Requirements: ✅ Verify & Correct BOM (Bill of Materials) The current freelancer could not provide the correct part numbers needed to manufacture the board via PCBWay. Ensure all components match the design and are available for order. ✅ Review & Fix Firmware (EasyEDA) The firmware/code was provided, but I am uncertain if it works correctly. Need a firmware expert to review and adjust any necessary fixes. Ensure all button functions are correctly mapped. ✅ PCB Adjustments & Optimizations T...
I'm looking for an expert data scraper who can gather information on roofers from across the nation. The ideal candidate will be proficient in: - Collecting business names and mobile numbers of roofers - Scraping data from various sources, including business directories, social media platforms, company websites, and Google The final data should be delivered in a CSV file. If you have experience with similar projects and can deliver quality work on time, I look forward to your bid.
I'm seeking a seasoned financial writer to produce high-quality, educational blog posts for my website, which targets individual investors interested in poo...produce high-quality, educational blog posts for my website, which targets individual investors interested in pooled investment in alternative assets. Key Requirements: - Exceptional writing skills with the ability to create engaging, informative content - Writer will need to do good amount of research to assemble the content for the blog - Writer will need to deliver the sources of all the numbers & stats mentioned in the content - Writer will need to search for 3-4 matching royalty free images, which can be used in the post - Average 1000 words / post Initial engagement will be for 20 posts, with potential of lo...
I'm in need of an experienced developer who can integrate the Ebay API into my system. The purpose of this integration is to retrieve and analyze comprehensive data from active and sold Ebay listings. The specific information I want to gather includes: - Item details - Price...- Shipping price - Quantity available The ideal freelancer for this project will have: - Proven experience with Ebay API - Strong skills in data analysis and interpretation - Excellent understanding of e-commerce platforms - Ability to deliver within a tight timeframe Your task will be to create a system that can pull this data in real-time from a document that contains brand names and model numbers, allowing for up-to-date analysis. Please provide your previous portfolio related to Ebay API integratio... to open an excel workbook and run a macro that will import "AP Data" and format it so it matches the PDF example identically. All numbers in the excel worksheet after import need to be formatted as accounting so something that appears on the PDF Example as 7.50- will change to (7.50). The print area needs to match the PDF example. There are page numbers at the top right of each page and that needs to be how it prints in excel. Below is the generic instructions provided by freelancer. Requirements: - The macro should import data from a TXT file. - The formatting needs to match the column and row layout of my PDF example, with numbers formatted as accounting. - The imported data does not require any manipulation before formatting, such...
...reduce manual entry errors. Key Requirements: 1. **Order Synchronization (ERP → Fulfillment Network)** We need the system to automatically transfer sales orders from the ERP system to the fulfillment network. This transfer should include all relevant order data such as products, quantities, and customer information. Additionally, the system should allow for optional inclusion of batch/lot numbers if needed. This ensures that the fulfillment network has all the necessary information to process and ship orders efficiently. 2. **Order Status Update (Fulfillment Network → ERP)** Once the order has been processed by the fulfillment network, the status should be updated in the ERP system. The update should reflect changes such as "order processed," "ship... hollow to save material. A support bar on the back for added stability and wall mounting. The support bar should be approximately 1-2 cm wide and 3-5 mm high to ensure reliable wall adhesion. Additional adhesive point: A small recess or flat hole on the support bar (about 1-2 cm in diameter) to accommodate adhesive pads or double-sided tape. Each Character as a Separate File: Letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and punctuation (!, ?, ., ,, @, #, %, &) should be saved as individual files. Optimized STL Files: Ensuring printability: Models must be watertight and error-free for SLA/DLP resin printing. Letters should be positioned flat on the build plate to minimize support usage. No excessive overhangs. Deliverables: STL files for each letter/punctuation mark as a separate model...
...Unique Link: Once registered, get your own referral link directly from the platform. 3. Promote Your Link: Use any marketing method you like—social media, blogs, ads, videos, or your own creative strategy! 4. Win Big: The contestant with the most referrals over 10,000 in 30 days will win the prize! How to Submit: Take a screenshot of the Ravana X "My Network" tab showing your referral numbers. Submit the screenshot along with your referral link. Verification will be done, and if you're the winner, you'll receive $5,000 in Trump or Ravana tokens! Why You Should Join: ? $5,000 Prize: Choose between Trump or Ravana tokens. ? Unlimited Earning Potential: Earn rewards for every referral, even if you don't win the top prize. ? Freedom to Ma...
Hi. I need the following created : A5 size loose play cards pack (im attaching examples of simular items) for children learning. They have to be: - all A5 size with good margins on the sides -simple and clean design - the pack will include : all letters of English alphabet, numbers from 0 to 9, 5 animals of your choice , 5 nature cards (flowers , tree, mushroom, leaf for example). - each card should contain 2-5 colours - number and letter cards should contain a big yet not overpowering letter or numer , like on example. Animal card & nature should contain a word (i.e. flower, lion , etc. ) - all should consists of colour 'circles' as much as possible. Limit other shapes. -diameter of circles should bevsuitable for mandala play bits - like on example, with some...