Kind app mafia wars trabalhos
Gostaria que fosse criado um site para vender meu produto e conseguir mais clientes. Preciso que ele seja limpo e bem organizado. Meu produto é um bot do jogo de celular: Summoners Wars Sky Arena. Meu site atual:
Criar um jogo no Roblox baseado nesses jogos: Não seria exatamente igual, teria caracteristicas únicas, o Mapa do jogo seria feito por outra pessoa(mas aceito sugestões).
Olá, estou...Sistema de Logs, e Anticheat - Novo Gcphone com muitos aplicativos interessantes. - Empregos novos ( irei adicionar mais pra frente). FACÇOES CV - COMANDO VERMELHO ADA - AMIGO DOS AMIGOS PCC - PRIMEIRO COMANDO CAPITAL POLICIA ROTA - RONDAS OSTENSIVAS TOBIAS DE AGUIAR PMESP - POLICIA MILITAR DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO PC - POLICIA CIVIL DE SÃO PAULO PF - POLICIA FEDERAL DE SÃO PAULO MAFIAS BRATVA - MAFIA RUSSA CARTEL - Cartel de Medellín Vanilla Bahamas - Já possuo Host - 2 Bases - Falta configurar algumas coisas dentro da base, otimizar pois ela está bem pesada - Key (Irei comprar em breve dependendo do andamento da base) - Boost (Irei comprar em breve) - Música própria para a cidade( Irei comprar...
Bem, não existe nada igual ainda, meu projeto é uma inspiração minha e caso ache algo que faça algo como eu desejo, talvez encabece um projeto a frente. Caso o desenhista tope podemos fazer parceria no projeto. Busco um desenho digital como se fosse uma carta com moldura do cachorro shiba inu com armaduras do star wars, farei a primeira como exemplo e caso de certo farei outras.
Visão geral: Nossa missão é entregar comida de qualidade, com um sabor único, pensando sempre em atender bem. Objetivos 1. Rapidez: Space food tem como objetivo entregar comida com agilidade. 2. Atendimento: A Space Food quer proporcionar um ótimo atendimento para seus clientes, trazendo empatia e segurança. Especificações A Space food tem como objetivo entregar comida rápida ( faixa salarial entre 800 a 2.800, podendo ser mais. Que busca por comida rápida durante as noites e finais de semana, pois muitos não tem tempo de comer ou não gostam de fazer comida à noite, e procuram passar tempo com a família. Prezam pela qualidade da comida, um ótimo atendimento. A Space Food retr...
Meu projeto é um jogo mmorpg medieval baseado nos jogos ( imperia online e tribal wars ) ele é online em servidor mundial onde cada segundo é importante o jogo não para nunca, 24 hrs online. Você deve construir seu império, fortalecer sua economia atacar seus adversarios, formar aliança e dominar os castelos existentes no mapa global. Ps: existe a possibilidade de oferecermos até 20% de participação do jogo ao programador!! exemplos:
Procuro alguém que saiba colocar um servidor pirata do jogo tribal wars online, eu tenho os arquivos necessários porém precisam de alguns ajustes e não sei como fazê-los
Procuro alguém que saiba colocar um servidor pirata do jogo tribal wars online, eu tenho os arquivos necessários porém precisam de alguns ajustes e não sei como fazê-los
...After clicking on the details, the alternative to purchase service should appear. There will be NO shopping cart. Thus, you must have options of ways to purchase. 4. Registration form (with some data) and confirmation via SMS code and have validation, obviously, for those who want to be a premium member; 3. Premium member login. 4. Second tab where each member can chat with the administrator in a kind of chat. This page should have: 4.1. Blue reading warning. 4.2. Show whether the user is online or not. 4.3. An option to pay, where a member must choose the amount to be paid and the form of PAYMENT, as this is where he performs the monthly re-registration of his plan. 4.4. In this conversation tab you can send images. 4.5. When you click on the image it should get bigger, just lik...
...COSTUMERS: The FoxManager System its a ERP technology startup that provides services to other companies on the Business 2 Business format. The ERP concept, or Enterprise Resource Planning, envolves the management of several critic operations of the daily business routine. Tasks like financial services, accountability, CRM (Costumer Relatioship Management), Cashier, revenue services. To business of any kind or size. We’re also a software house, wich means that we develope customize softwares to specific needs of our clientes. In other words, we are facilitators of daily office routine wich means less time and money spend on the aforedmention tasks. That helps to build a more efficient and lucrative company. THE PIECES: I need three art pieces that speaks with: -People from t...
...-1601.2127685547,31.725608825684 2- arrumar esse blip ( nao sei pra que serve) = -106.39719390869,-1605.8361816406,31.791736602783 3- bau dos membros = 1065.2468261719,-3188.0612792969,-39.161434173584 4- colocar plantas de maconha pelo local MAFIA: 1- bau do lider =-2673.8283691406,1311.7877197266,152.02349853516 2- bau dos membros = -2677.5163574219,1336.5913085938,152.01655578613 3- aço nao gera item no inventario (farm) 4- carbono nao gera item no inventario (farm) 5- bau do farm para todos = -2676.1926269531,1336.9775390625,140.88143920898 farm mafia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- weapon_microsmg 50.000 weapon_pumpshotgun 100.000 weapon_assaultrifle 180.000 PARA POLICIA E PA...
Hi! I'm looking for a talented pixel artist to animate a sci-fi pixel series. For now the oblective is to complete the intro (there are only 3 scenes left, as there are 5 completed scenes). The 5 created scenes will be attached to this job post. This is for you to know the kind of quality needed to complete this job with success. Looking forward in working with you. :) Best regards, Nuno
...4588 - contact: contact@ 4. We also need a template for our e-mails (e.g. header or footer). 5. We want YOU to pick a font for use in all our documents, one that goes well with the font/typography used on the logo/logotype, with two conditions: A) that it is free (i.e. from sites like dafont); or B) that it is cheap, if a paid font is called for. 6. The attached files show the kind of style we are aiming for. ________________________ (Português) 1. Estamos buscando um logo/logotipo para um escritório de adcovacia chamado "Herman & Elias Advogados" ou, alternativamente, "Herman & Elias Advogados Associados". 2. Queremos uma esquema de cores discreto, que será utilizado em todo nosso material. 3. Precisamos, além do lo...
Preciso de um trailer de 90 segundos para um canal no YouTube. O conteúdo é relacionado a Games antigos e novos dos quais nao podem faltar Ragnarok e Guild wars 2.
...Prevtec (i have this domains option) intend to be a plataform to sell products and services for retirement plan or retirement period. I would like to hire an agency to do a critical analysis of the business plan and help with content marketing. Do you work with projects of foreign companies? Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards,...
Oi Tolibdzhon R., reparei em seu perfil e gostaria de lhe oferecer meu projeto. Podemos discutir quaisquer detalhes no chat. Contact in whatsapp +351915222385 Kind Regards Marco Moreira
Pretendo remasterizar um jogo, e preciso das modelagens 3d para ser usadas no unity 3d O nome do jogo é "colony wars redsun 3" é de ps1 Eu busco alguém que modele esta nave Você pode encontrar mais delhates dela aqui Caso eu goste de sua modelagem 3d, você fará todas os objetos desse jogo, inclusive as estações espaciais, irei fornecer fotos de todos os objetos do jogos com o máximo de detalhes. Como é uma verção nova da nave, ela deve ser bem "bonita" para o padrão dos jogos atuais. Você também pode baixar o unity 3d, e jogar a modelagem dentro dela para ver se ficou boa.
criar uma nave para um jogo nome do jogo onde em essa nave colony wars red sun 3 é a primeira
...Olhos Famintos 3 Mulheres Alteradas O Candidato Honesto 2: O Impeachment - 12/10 Sexta-Feira 13 - 26/10 Sobrenatural 4 NOVEMBRO - 03/11 Thor: Ragnarok (mais sobre Thor aqui) G.I. Joe 3 - 09/11 As Aventuras de Paddington 2 - 16/11 Liga da Justiça (mais sobre DC e Liga da Justiça aqui) Assassinato no Expresso do Oriente DEZEMBRO - 14/12 Star Wars: Episódio VIII (mais sobre Star Wars aqui) Oito Mulheres e Um Segredo Como o Grinch Roubou o Natal - 21/12 A Escolha Perfeita 3 (mais sobre A Escolha Perfeita aqui)...
Bom dia, Venho por este meio solicitar a vossa ajuda para a criação de um folheto/brochura tamanho A4 com 1 dobra (4 páginas) para enviar aos nossos clientes anunciar a nova coleção de óculos criança da marca Star Wars. Envio todos os elementos, imagens texto e template para que nos possam propor um folheto apelativo e original. Queremos dar destaque ao brinde que é oferecido com cada óculo e também ao meio ambiente publicitário que disponibilizamos para as montras. Para exemplo envio-lhe os kit de publicidade dos pontos de venda, envio também um exemplo meramente informativo, onde está a informação que necessitamos colocar no folheto. Agradeço a vossa melhor colabor...
Gostaria de um robô igual o R2D2 que se movimente como ele e que tenhas os leds etc... Gostaria do código fonte, um tutorial de como montar e as peças que ira gastar.
Gostaria de fazer um convite que seria um A4 em formato paisagem com um texto estilo Star Wars no meio (dados do evento) e na ilustração teriam o Sr. Spock, Dr. McCoy, Scotty, Darth Vader, Chewbacca, R2D2 e C3PO. Eu teria 3 falas (balões) para estes encontros<br /><br />No verso do convite teriam duas pessoas cartunizadas como Kirk e a princesa Leia, a Falcon Millenium (pousada) e a Enterprise voando. Ao dobrar o papel essas pessoas estariam uma de cada lado do convite, que ao se abrir mostra o cenário do parágrafo anterior.<br /><br />A dobra seria parecida com o Anexo.<br />
gostaria que cria-se um jogo igual ao mas com o nome de mafia city não esquecendo que tera de ter uma pagina de resent pois o jogo tem round´s de apenas 40 dias e ai fim desse tempo tera de se fazer resent obrigado desde já
Preciso de banners dinâmicos no formato gif para usar em campanhas de remarketing de minha loja. Banners gif como os que são feitos pela: Netshoes, La bela mafia, Adidas, Coolci. Trabalho com produtos esportivos relacionados a artes marciais, como: Luvas de boxe, kimonos, camisetas, bermudas, protetores, etc...
What I want is a kind OSMF player to be compiled in Flash Builder 4.6, such But with source code and I just have a boderContainer and within this Player video and you can put a link I wanted to run it. The links that I want to work are: - - rtmp:// playPath=97144557911666786592 swfUrl= live=true timeout=15 token=#ed%h0#w@1 swfVfy=1 pageUrl= - : - mms:// - -
What I want is a kind OSMF player to be compiled in Flash Builder 4.6, such But with source code and I just have a boderContainer and within this Player video and you can put a link I wanted to run it. The links that I want to work are: - - rtmp:// playPath=97144557911666786592 swfUrl= live=true timeout=15 token=#ed%h0#w@1 swfVfy=1 pageUrl= - : - mms:// - -
Criar site tipo o tribal wars tudo incluído
What I want is a kind OSMF player to be compiled in Flash Builder 4.6, such But with source code and I just have a boderContainer and within this Player video and you can put a link I wanted to run it. The links that I want to work are: - - rtmp:// playPath=97144557911666786592 swfUrl= live=true timeout=15 token=#ed%h0#w@1 swfVfy=1 pageUrl= - : - mms:// - -
What I want is a kind OSMF player to be compiled in Flash Builder 4.6, such But with source code and I just have a boderContainer and within this Player video and you can put a link I wanted to run it. The links that I want to work are: - - rtmp:// playPath=97144557911666786592 swfUrl= live=true timeout=15 token=#ed%h0#w@1 swfVfy=1 pageUrl= - : - mms:// - -
What I want is a kind OSMF player to be compiled in Flash Builder 4.6, such But with source code and I just have a boderContainer and within this Player video and you can put a link I wanted to run it. The links that I want to work are: - - rtmp:// playPath=97144557911666786592 swfUrl= live=true timeout=15 token=#ed%h0#w@1 swfVfy=1 pageUrl= - : - mms:// - -
Pretendo um site em que as pessoas acessem para procurar algum serviç...preencher um formulário rápido e a partir daí eu reencaminhar para a pessoas especializada que em 24h terá que entrar em contaco com o cliente. Disponho de $100 para tal. --------------------- I need something like this where people in my country will access to find services (like architects, painters, plumbers, computer repairs and so on) and people can ask for estimates for any kind of service they need. I want the website to be very very simple and cheap for now, because if something goes wrong and it wouldn´t work, i don´t want to loose money. Later if it will go well, i´ll need something better and more expensive. A simple website that will...
Preciso de um animador para fazer um video clipe para uma música cujo tema será star wars. O clipe terá cerca de dez minutos. queremos algo emocionante estilo anime. nós fornecemos o roteiro básico. queremos algo como isso: Enviem propostas e sugestões, se possível, com algum tipo de portifólio e, de p´referência, alguma cena já baseada na ideia!
...brief introduction of online service data recovery and how to recover HD with online service with the following. 1. Kroll Ontrack: 2. CBL Recuperação de Dados: 3. Online Hard Drive Recovery: Part4: How to Recover HD with the help of HD recovery Store Please introduce this kind of data recovery and list some famous local hard disk recovery store. Part5: Other recovery methods to Recover HD Please make research to know any other methods to recover HD. Writing Requirements: article should be write in Portuguese and google translation will be denied. Our brazilian will check it. article should be 100% original, no copy. 100% copyscape passed. We will
Minha marca envolve internet por isso gostaria da hashtag (#) o nome da empresa é " ONE OAK" ONE of a kind. Fiz um esboço do que tenho em mente
More details: What kind of group are you referring to? G O O G L E Which social media platform is the group on? G O O G L E What is your ultimate goal for the targeted Google group? Gain administrative control
...visitors to initiate the demand to be called back. Therefore I need a website that looks very easy to navigate, that really shows the insurance products very obviously. Customers' age ranges from 18 till 80 years old. Potential customers will be :Individuals Small companies Self-employed people The products are : Car insurance All kind of vehicle insurance Health insurance House and appartment insurance Animal insurance Professional liability insurance All kind of business insurances etc... The website will need to be in in French and optionnaly 4 more languages : French English Spanish Portuguese Russian This project is for version 1 of the website = the website simply shows the insurance products and "invites" the customers to leave their details to be...
Hi I have a western digital external hard and made a password and I forgot it so I want to break it More details: Have you tried any methods to recover the password? Yes, but they didn't work What kind of data is stored on the external hard drive? Personal documents and photos Do you have any backups of the data on the external hard drive? No, I don't have any backups
Are you the kind of content creator who can stop a LinkedIn scroller mid-scroll? Someone who knows that private banking is about discretion and strategy, not free pens and lollipops? If so, AltFunds Global is looking for you. This is not your run-of-the-mill gig. We’re talking private banking—where the stakes are high, the content is exclusive, and the audience comprises accredited investors who know what they want. We need someone who can create content that delivers value, builds trust, and, most importantly, generates leads. What You’ll Be Doing: Writing and designing LinkedIn posts that make sophisticated investors stop and take notice. Creating SEO-optimized content for YouTube that ranks, engages, and converts. Crafting professional, lead-generating conte...
We need a coder who is experienced with Trading View. We use 3 indicators (CPR, VWAP and SVP). At the moment, depending on the current day CPR being tight (or not), we manually move forward to assess the VWAP and SVP). If we move forward, we draw a horizontal line at the top and bottom of yesterdays SVP (using the same colour as ...bids that fail to meet this requirement will be filtered. Don't waste your time on automated bids please. The scope of this project is just information gathering between you and us to make sure the requirements are all captured in the requirements documentation. From there, we would invite you to bid on actually doing the project. Only bid on this project if you have strong experience doing this kind of work in Trading View. We don't want our t...
I'm looking for a professional who can convert my PDF house plans into a CAD file. This is primarily for construction purposes. The CAD file only needs to include the floor plans. Key Requirements: - Convert PDF house plans to CAD - Include only floor plans in CAD file - Use of appropriate layering for systems i...convert my PDF house plans into a CAD file. This is primarily for construction purposes. The CAD file only needs to include the floor plans. Key Requirements: - Convert PDF house plans to CAD - Include only floor plans in CAD file - Use of appropriate layering for systems is at your discretion I'm open to suggestions on the best way to structure the CAD file. If you have experience with this kind of work and can deliver high-quality, accurate results, I'...
I am seeking expertise in geochemical modelling development and interpretation. My research project entails an investigation into precipitation/saturation of a heated seawater-based fluid (contains an altered mineral composition) under a reducing temperature. In essence, over the course of fluid cooling I wish to measure the mineral content that undergoes precipitation. I am s... Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in geochemical modelling - Experience with cooling liquid systems - Strong understanding of mineral precipitation - Ability to predict rates of precipitation accurately - Familiarity with water-based systems An NDA will be required prior to divulgement of further information and undertaking of said work. I look forward to hearing from you very soon, Kind regards...
Dear Everyone, Here we are a reputed Digital Marketing & Graphic designing company. We provide Free Social Media Marketing creative according to your need, We are not providing templet design. We design from scratch according to your requirements. I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate and help your business ach...Marketing and Graphic Design team. We are expertise in: >>Digital Marketing >>Social Media Management (SMM) >>Search Engine Optimization (SEO) >>Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising >>Email Marketing >>Branding >>Marketing Materials >>Web & Digital Design I would love to know more about your project, send me a message so I can have more details and we can start working on it as soon as possible. Kind Rega...
I'm looking for a seasoned game developer who can help me integrate Steam Achievements into both my existing games and future titles developed using Pixel Game Maker MV. Your role would involve creating a plugin, making necessary script calls, and ensuring everything works seamlessly with my Steam Library. - Key Responsibilities: - Develop a plugin ...Ideal Skills: - Extensive experience with Pixel Game Maker MV. - In-depth knowledge of Steam's integration processes. - Strong programming skills for plugin development. - Ability to conduct comprehensive testing. I am starting from scratch, so I need someone who can guide me through this process and deliver a high-quality, fully functioning integration. If you have experience with this kind of project, I would lo...
I'd like to request a quote for "Solve two kind of errors in PoincareInteractionDiracParticles_JBB.nb. 1.- Integrating errors that produce complex numbers 2.- NDSolve numerical errors that generate non possible results, detected as: A.- The speed of the center of charges must always be 1, thus Norm[u1v]=1 and Norm[u2v]=1. B.- the distance between the Center of Charge and the center of Mass is <2, thus EuclideanDistance[r1v,q1v]<2 and EuclideanDistance[r2v,q2v]<2". My budget is $30 - 250USD.
I'd like to request a quote for Solve two kind of errors in PoincareInteractionDiracParticles_JBB.nb. 1.- Integrating errors that produce complex numbers 2.- NDSolve numerical errors that generate non possible results, detected as: A.- The speed of the center of charges must always be 1, thus Norm[u1v]=1 and Norm[u2v]=1. B.- The distance between the Center of Charge and the center of Mass is <2, thus EuclideanDistance[r1v,q1v]<2 and EuclideanDistance[r2v,q2v]<2". In the Manipulate (resultado): - the bookmarks 1-12 work correctly - Bookmarks 15 & 18 produce the first type of errors (complex numbers) - Bookmark 16 produces the second type of error
...need someone who can: - Craft an appealing, high-quality logo for our pre-sale phase, infused with a digital art style that screams mafia vibes. - Design characters, cities and other elements of our futuristic mafia universe as we progress. This is for our ambitious project, Crypto Mobsters, a text-based mafia RPG backed by its own cryptocurrency, $MOB. With $50,000 already raised, we're gearing up for even more during the pre-sale. The ideal candidate will have: - Exceptional skills in digital art, particularly in a semi-realistic painting style. - Experience in logo design and character creation. - A strong understanding of and ability to convey 'mafia vibes' in their artwork. - Willingness and ability to work on a potentially en...
I am looking for a skilled frontend developer, proficient in React, to help build an accounting application integrated with a manufacturing resource planning (MRP) system. Key Features to Implement: - Accounting: Sales, purchase, inventory, different kind of transactions, etc - MRP: product catalog to production planning. Includes multiple user inputs that need for manucturing processes - User role system which will restrict users to particular pages according to their roles Additional UI Components: - Custom dashboards: Create unique dashboards tailored to specific needs. - User authentication: Implement secure and reliable user login systems. - Notification system: need integration of whatsapp and mail. You will be provided with the necessary backend APIs. The ideal candidate ...
I'm seeking a skilled illustrator to transform an image of a girl into Princess Leia from Star Wars. The character should be depicted in a white Empire Strikes Back outfit, holding a lightsaber. Key Requirements: - The illustration style should be consistent with the reference image provided. - The background must be plain white, without any additional elements or accessories. - Attention to detail and ability to capture the likeness of the girl in the illustration. - Previous experience with character transformations will be a plus.
...– if you are sick, if you have a conflict, I understand you may be late, but you must communicate this to me, just as you would any boss in an office. Flat out not showing up without letting me know will result in termination of our contract. - Treat. This. Like. A. Job. While you can miss days for emergencies and conflicts that arise, be aware that just like with any job, if every day has some kind of emergency, this job won’t work out and I will terminate our contract. - TREAT THIS LIKE A JOB! Respect my time and I will respect yours. - If this job works out – and I mean REALLY works out – you may be asked to read several books. I will pay you for your time to do this, but please be aware. THE PLAN - I plan to hire several VAs full time - I plan t...
I'm in need of 3D gift animations for a live streaming app. The animations should follow a modern theme and incorporate dynamic movements, making them engaging and lively. These are sent by a coin base system and are sent to the creators to light up there screens as a gift from the viewers Key Requirements: - Proficiency in creating 3D animations - Experience in developing modern-themed animations - Skills in designing dynamic movements for animations Please look at reference video and only message me if you are skilled enough for this work. I only want experienced people in this field who have worked on live streaming apps making these kind of projects.