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    2,000 fun informative article trabalhos encontrados
    $40 Média
    1 ofertas
    Website - Wordpress
    Encerrado left

    Adaptar identidade visual que será fornecida para um template wordpress (home, sobre, clientes, portfolio, contato). O projeto é o site de uma startup de marketing, e buscamos um site mais ilustrado/fun porém extremamente elegante. O Briefing será aprofundado mais a frente.

    $482 Average bid
    $482 Média
    29 ofertas

    Tenho uma tema WordPress, o simple article do Goodlayers, gostaria de modificar o tamanho da data que aparece no post e criar páginas para meu blog como no modelo que é apresentado pelo Goodlayers

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Média
    5 ofertas

    ...have done some work of this type. If you have no article on this subject, let me know and send a title for testing. The writing style needs to be personal and informal woman talking to both sexes. I will send the article titles. Articles should be between 500 and 800 words, divided into sentences and short paragraphs for easy reading. Should contain 2 or more subheadings dividing the text. Whenever possible, use bullet points in writing. The content must be original, never copy, and quality that is relevant. The text must be accompanied by an image without copyright. The writer should have basic knowledge in Wordpress and basic SEO too, you will have to post directly on the site. Would welcome proposals with the value per article. Thank you for...

    $264 Average bid
    $264 Média
    2 ofertas
    Projetar um Logo
    Encerrado left

    Estou à procura de um logótipo para um novo projecto: "Fitness N Fun - Lab" Gostaria de algo que transmitisse a o que fazemos: praticar desporto de forma divertida! Criamos conceitos de bootcamps, treinos indoor e outdoor ( na cidade, praia, campo)...Eventos ligados ao desporto, Fitness, nutrição..Somos um laboratório de ideias Gostaríamos de envolver no logotipo a varias ideias /conceitos atraves de uma Mandala, mas outras ideias sugestões serão bem vindas

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Média
    18 ofertas

    Português - Editor de simples de artigos sobre lojas on-line - 12000 palavras. Portuguese article writer. Somos uma grande empresa, líderes em cupons de desconto e ofertas em língua espanhola e mercados na América latina. Agora estamos expandindo para Portugal e o Brasil, e estamos à procura de parceria a longo prazo com um tradutor de conteúdo para escrever simples artigos sobre lojas online como Amazon, Dafiti, Linio etc. em Português. Por favor, envie-nos um orçamento baseado em uma unidade de trabalho que serão um total de 12000 palavras, (entre 10 e 20 artigos mais ou menos). Orçamentos baseados em outros parámetros serão desconsiderados. Gostaríamos de um preço competitivo porque...

    $122 Average bid
    $122 Média
    22 ofertas

    Oi. Tenho um template wordpress, ele já está completo e com todos os pluguins, porém não sei criar as páginas para o blog e gostaria de mudar algumas coisas na aparÊncia dele. O tema é o simple article da goodlayers e gostaria de personalizar meu blog baseado no tema modelo deles. o modelo do tema é este 

    0 ofertas

    ...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project complete system for web and google adsense, invisible script to generate clicks with 1 click per IP, 2 sites ... 1 site mule and the 2nd site with high cpc. 1 create mule site, which is an invisible site to google where will get clicks and your link will be released at that site mule can make any type of article and legal or inlegal post that google will not see. 2 create another site with high cpc $ 0.50 - $ 3.00 where google will always see and to read the clicks on mule site will not be seen by him but rather for that high cpc site. 3 create invisible script to generate clicks computer and mobile phone, this script must be 1 Cick by ip for 24 hours. 4 Create adsense acc...

    $827 Average bid
    $827 Média
    3 ofertas

    Somos uma grande empresa, líderes em cupons de desconto e ofertas em língua espanhola e mercados na América latina. Agora estamos expandindo para Portugal e o Brasil, e estamos à procura de parceria a longo prazo com um tradutor de conteúdo para escrever simples artigos sobre lojas online como Amazon, Dafiti, Linio etc. em Português. Por favor, envie-nos um orçamento baseado em uma unidade de trabalho que serão um total de 12000 palavras, (entre 10 e 20 artigos mais ou menos). Orçamentos baseados em outros parámetros serão desconsiderados. Gostaríamos de um preço competitivo porque queremos ter relacionamento a longo prazo, temos de escrever mais de 500 artigos. O límite de orçam...

    $29 - $244
    $29 - $244
    0 ofertas

    Somos uma grande empresa, líderes em cupons de desconto e ofertas em língua espanhola e mercados na América latina. Agora estamos expandindo para Portugal e o Brasil, e estamos à procura de parceria a longo prazo com um tradutor de conteúdo para escrever simples artigos sobre lojas online como Amazon, Dafiti, Linio etc. em Português. Por favor, envie-nos um orçamento baseado em uma unidade de trabalho que serão um total de 12000 palavras, (entre 10 e 20 artigos mais ou menos). Orçamentos baseados em outros parámetros serão desconsiderados. Gostaríamos de um preço competitivo porque queremos ter relacionamento a longo prazo, temos de escrever mais de 500 artigos. O límite de orçam...

    $128 Average bid
    $128 Média
    61 ofertas

    Somos uma grande empresa, líderes em cupons de desconto e ofertas em língua espanhola e mercados na América latina. Agora estamos expandindo para Portugal e o Brasil, e estamos à procura de parceria a longo prazo com um tradutor de conteúdo para escrever simples artigos sobre lojas online como Amazon, Dafiti, Linio etc. em Português. Por favor, envie-nos um orçamento baseado em uma unidade de trabalho que serão um total de 12000 palavras, (entre 10 e 20 artigos mais ou menos). Orçamentos baseados em outros parámetros serão desconsiderados. Gostaríamos de um preço competitivo porque queremos ter relacionamento a longo prazo, temos de escrever mais de 500 artigos. O límite de orçam...

    $153 Average bid
    $153 Média
    56 ofertas

    ...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project complete system for web and google adsense, invisible script to generate clicks with 1 click per IP, 2 sites ... 1 site mule and the 2nd site with high cpc. 1 create mule site, which is an invisible site to google where will get clicks and your link will be released at that site mule can make any type of article and legal or inlegal post that google will not see. 2 create another site with high cpc $ 0.50 - $ 3.00 where google will always see and to read the clicks on mule site will not be seen by him but rather for that high cpc site. 3 create invisible script to generate clicks computer and mobile phone, this script must be 1 Cick by ip for 24 hours. 4 Create adsense acc...

    $1165 Average bid
    $1165 Média
    2 ofertas

    ...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project complete system for web and google adsense, invisible script to generate clicks with 1 click per IP, 2 sites ... 1 site mule and the 2nd site with high cpc. 1 create mule site, which is an invisible site to google where will get clicks and your link will be released at that site mule can make any type of article and legal or inlegal post that google will not see. 2 create another site with high cpc $ 0.50 - $ 3.00 where google will always see and to read the clicks on mule site will not be seen by him but rather for that high cpc site. 3 create invisible script to generate clicks computer and mobile phone, this script must be 1 Cick by ip for 24 hours. 4 Create adsense acc...

    $689 Average bid
    $689 Média
    3 ofertas

    1- download 2 vídeos (10 min total) 2- translate all text to english 3- subtitle it in english (be witty and fun) Tem que manjar português.

    $120 Average bid
    $120 Média
    29 ofertas

    ...em partes, porém integrado: Parte 1 - SISTEMA DE CADASTRO DE CLIENTES: Um sistema online onde eu possa ter acesso através de login e senha dos seguintes dados de cliente: DADOS DO CLIENTE: Nome Completo, Data de nascimento, Endereço, Bairro, Cidade/Estado, Cep, CPF, Identidade, E-mail, Telefone Fixo, Telefone celular DADOS DO EVENTO: Data do evento, Horário do evento, Horário da equipe Cyber Fun, Tipo de evento, Nome da casa de festas, Endereço Completo, Pacote contratado, Mapa (apareceria o mapa ou link para google maps conforme o endereço indicado acima, para que eu possa usar no celular e linkar já com o maps do android quando eu ...

    $634 Average bid
    $634 Média
    30 ofertas

    Write 1 article as discussed.............

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Média
    2 ofertas

    ...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project complete system for web and google adsense, invisible script to generate clicks with 1 click per IP, 2 sites ... 1 site mule and the 2nd site with high cpc. 1 create mule site, which is an invisible site to google where will get clicks and your link will be released at that site mule can make any type of article and legal or inlegal post that google will not see. 2 create another site with high cpc $ 0.50 - $ 3.00 where google will always see and to read the clicks on mule site will not be seen by him but rather for that high cpc site. 3 create invisible script to generate clicks computer and mobile phone, this script must be 1 Cick by ip for 24 hours. 4 Create adsense account manag...

    $5154 Average bid
    $5154 Média
    1 ofertas

    ...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project complete system for web and google adsense, invisible script to generate clicks with 1 click per IP, 2 sites ... 1 site mule and the 2nd site with high cpc. 1 create mule site, which is an invisible site to google where will get clicks and your link will be released at that site mule can make any type of article and legal or inlegal post that google will not see. 2 create another site with high cpc $ 0.50 - $ 3.00 where google will always see and to read the clicks on mule site will not be seen by him but rather for that high cpc site. 3 create invisible script to generate clicks computer and mobile phone, this script must be 1 Cick by ip for 24 hours. 4 Create adsense account manag...

    $5000 Average bid
    $5000 Média
    1 ofertas

    ...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project complete system for web and google adsense, invisible script to generate clicks with 1 click per IP, 2 sites ... 1 site mule and the 2nd site with high cpc. 1 create mule site, which is an invisible site to google where will get clicks and your link will be released at that site mule can make any type of article and legal or inlegal post that google will not see. 2 create another site with high cpc $ 0.50 - $ 3.00 where google will always see and to read the clicks on mule site will not be seen by him but rather for that high cpc site. 3 create invisible script to generate clicks computer and mobile phone, this script must be 1 Cick by ip for 24 hours. 4 Create adsense acc...

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 ofertas

    ...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project complete system for web and google adsense, invisible script to generate clicks with 1 click per IP, 2 sites ... 1 site mule and the 2nd site with high cpc. 1 create mule site, which is an invisible site to google where will get clicks and your link will be released at that site mule can make any type of article and legal or inlegal post that google will not see. 2 create another site with high cpc $ 0.50 - $ 3.00 where google will always see and to read the clicks on mule site will not be seen by him but rather for that high cpc site. 3 create invisible script to generate clicks computer and mobile phone, this script must be 1 Cick by ip for 24 hours. 4 Create adsense acc...

    $750 Average bid
    $750 Média
    1 ofertas

    as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed.

    $4 / hr Average bid
    $4 / hr Média
    2 ofertas

    ...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project complete system for web and google adsense, invisible script to generate clicks with 1 click per IP, 2 sites ... 1 site mule and the 2nd site with high cpc. 1 create mule site, which is an invisible site to google where will get clicks and your link will be released at that site mule can make any type of article and legal or inlegal post that google will not see. 2 create another site with high cpc $ 0.50 - $ 3.00 where google will always see and to read the clicks on mule site will not be seen by him but rather for that high cpc site. 3 create invisible script to generate clicks computer and mobile phone, this script must be 1 Cick by ip for 24 hours. 4 Create adsense acc...

    $1030 Average bid
    $1030 Média
    1 ofertas

    Want a article about how to use Test Framework like Selenium, Hudson etc. How to apply them with TDD talking about all TDD patterns by Kent Beck.

    $43 Average bid
    $43 Média
    3 ofertas
    $25 / hr Média
    1 ofertas
    Rewrite some article
    Encerrado left

    Project as discussed. Project as discussed. Project as discussed. Project as discussed. Project as discussed. Project as discussed. Project as discussed. Project as discussed. Project as discussed. Project as discussed. Project as discussed. Project as discussed. Project as discussed.

    $50 / hr Average bid
    $50 / hr Média
    1 ofertas

    ...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project complete system for web and google adsense, invisible script to generate clicks with 1 click per IP, 2 sites ... 1 site mule and the 2nd site with high cpc. 1 create mule site, which is an invisible site to google where will get clicks and your link will be released at that site mule can make any type of article and legal or inlegal post that google will not see. 2 create another site with high cpc $ 0.50 - $ 3.00 where google will always see and to read the clicks on mule site will not be seen by him but rather for that high cpc site. 3 create invisible script to generate clicks computer and mobile phone, this script must be 1 Cick by ip for 24 hours. 4 Create adsense acc...

    $607 Average bid
    $607 Média
    4 ofertas
    $40 Média
    1 ofertas

    ...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project complete system for web and google adsense, invisible script to generate clicks with 1 click per IP, 2 sites ... 1 site mule and the 2nd site with high cpc. 1 create mule site, which is an invisible site to google where will get clicks and your link will be released at that site mule can make any type of article and legal or inlegal post that google will not see. 2 create another site with high cpc $ 0.50 - $ 3.00 where google will always see and to read the clicks on mule site will not be seen by him but rather for that high cpc site. 3 create invisible script to generate clicks computer and mobile phone, this script must be 1 Cick by ip for 24 hours. 4 Create adsense acc...

    $3150 Average bid
    $3150 Média
    2 ofertas

    ...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project complete system for web and google adsense, invisible script to generate clicks with 1 click per IP, 2 sites ... 1 site mule and the 2nd site with high cpc. 1 create mule site, which is an invisible site to google where will get clicks and your link will be released at that site mule can make any type of article and legal or inlegal post that google will not see. 2 create another site with high cpc $ 0.50 - $ 3.00 where google will always see and to read the clicks on mule site will not be seen by him but rather for that high cpc site. 3 create invisible script to generate clicks computer and mobile phone, this script must be 1 Cick by ip for 24 hours. 4 Create adsense acc...

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    0 ofertas
    article writing
    Encerrado left

    Details as discussed

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Média
    1 ofertas
    Tourism Articles
    Encerrado left

    we are looking for someone who can write some articles on activities, culture, history, gastronomy and others of a particular region in Portugal. Each article will require a minimum of 250 and a average 300 characters more or less, and will be a work for a indefinite period of time and to be done with some frequency (between 2 and 3 articles per month)

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Média
    25 ofertas

    Article as discussed

    $9 / hr Average bid
    $9 / hr Média
    1 ofertas
    Article ASAP
    Encerrado left

    Article as discussed.

    $6 Average bid
    $6 Média
    1 ofertas

    I am looking for an Native Portuguese writer to write an article about5 methods you Never Know to recover HD in Portuguese Below is the article writing requirements, please have a look carefully. Topic: 5 methods you Never Know to recover HD keywords must be used in this article: recuperar hd, programa para recuperar hd, recuperação de hd The article contains 5 parts: Please make a table list first: list the following 4 different methods Pros and Cons; Software 3. Online Service 4. HD recovery Store Part 1: Top 8 programa para recuperar hd Please finish a table that list each program's Price, recover time, Data Security, Recovery Successful Rate, Recover File Types In this part, you are required to write the follo...

    $38 Average bid
    $38 Média
    10 ofertas

    I'm looking for someone to translate this project for me. I need him to do it fast. Estou procurando alguém que consegue traduzir esse projeto da melhor forma e que faça um trabalho rápido. Esse não será o único trabalho. Eu sempre preciso de conteúdo traduzido do portugues para ingles.

    $103 Average bid
    $103 Média
    14 ofertas

    Proofread article, as discussed....................................................................................................................................

    $2 - $8 / hr
    $2 - $8 / hr
    0 ofertas
    military pay chart
    Encerrado left

    article as discussed

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Média
    1 ofertas
    Build a Website
    Encerrado left

    Preciso de um website para uma escola de inglês com as seguintes páginas Institucional -------------------------- A empresa Trabalhe conosco Projetos sociais Certificados Cursos --------------------...-------------------------- A empresa Trabalhe conosco Projetos sociais Certificados Cursos -------------------------- Crianças Adolescentes Adultos Cursos especiais -------------------------- Intensivos e férias Cursos para professores (qualificação) Unidades -------------------------- Unidades Empresas Escolas e faculdades Eventos -------------------------- Agenda Links & Fun -------------------------- Wallpaper mensal Viagens Enviaremos o conteúdo de todas as páginas, o free...

    $1085 Average bid
    $1085 Média
    54 ofertas

    Procuro um profissional freelancer pra fazer article marketing com respeito à indústria imobiliária. Habilidades desejadas: - Escrever e falar em português perfeitamente.  - Experiência em fazer article marketing - Compreender inglês (basico)  - Saber um pouco da indústria imobiliária Interessados, enviar propostas com valores.

    $137 Average bid
    $137 Média
    11 ofertas

    as doing...

    $2 / hr Average bid
    $2 / hr Média
    1 ofertas
    Article writing
    Encerrado left

    as discussed!as discussed! as discussed ...............................................................................................

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Média
    1 ofertas

    as per discussed... as per discussed... as per discussed... as per discussed... as per discussed... as per discussed...

    $10 - $30
    $10 - $30
    1 ofertas

    as per discussed.. as per discussed.. as per discussed.. as per discussed.. as per discussed.. as per discussed..

    $100 Average bid
    $100 Média
    1 ofertas

    trial project sent via email................................................................................................................................

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Média
    1 ofertas

    Article 7- as discussed

    $60 Average bid
    $60 Média
    1 ofertas

    1 Article as discussed.

    $3 / hr Average bid
    $3 / hr Média
    1 ofertas
    Article Writing 3
    Encerrado left

    The article discussed...The article discussed...

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Média
    1 ofertas