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    2,000 etsy website developed trabalhos encontrados

    ...uma seleção. Isso vai economizar muito tempo no preenchimento manual de cada campo, porque já há varios registros no banco de dados com informações similares. É possível alguém me ajudar? - - - - - The work will be done using the form available at the link The form already works by filling out and sending to the database. But I need an improvement. This page is developed in PHP, Mysql. I will provide the Cpanel data to access the page source code and database. The form registers all information in a single table, but I would like that when the user fills in the first field "CARGO", the database table with that same term is consulted and the other fields below are auto-filled if there was a selection. ...

    $70 Average bid
    $70 Média
    3 ofertas

    Boa tarde Procuro uma pessoa com experiência em vendas nas plataformas eBay, Amazon, Etsy, Catawiki, entre outras. Tenho vários produtos a venda e gostaria de me lançar nestas plataformas de vendas.

    $121 Average bid
    $121 Média
    8 ofertas

    ...types (e.g., projects, learning paths). 1.3.3 WP REST API for integrating custom features or external systems. 1.3.4 WPML or Polylang for multilingual support, if needed. 1.3.5 WooCommerce for monetizing features like premium job postings or course subscriptions. 1.4 Good Practices 1.4.1 Modular Development: Ensure features like job management, social features, and profile customization are developed modularly to allow for future updates without disrupting the system. 1.4.2 Security First: Always use secure, updated plugins. Implement SSL and SSO securely, using strong encryption protocols. Use security plugins like Wordfence or iThemes Security. 1.4.3 Scalability: Optimize the database and consider caching plugins like W3 Total Cache. Use a managed hosting service like WP En...

    $626 Average bid
    $626 Média
    50 ofertas

    ...needs and market trends. I believe that health should be accessible and understandable for everyone, and my goal is to facilitate this journey through effective and trustworthy products. I am committed to improving people's quality of life by providing them with products that truly work and are backed by science and research. With a solid background in nutrition and digital marketing, I have developed a deep understanding of how to position products in the market and which marketing strategies are most effective for reaching different target audiences. I have experience in successful marketing campaigns and know what it takes to convert leads into loyal customers. About the Product: Sugar Defender Sugar Defender is an innovative supplement formulated to help regulate blood...

    $3500 Average bid
    $3500 Média
    1 ofertas

    ...needs and market trends. I believe that health should be accessible and understandable for everyone, and my goal is to facilitate this journey through effective and trustworthy products. I am committed to improving people's quality of life by providing them with products that truly work and are backed by science and research. With a solid background in nutrition and digital marketing, I have developed a deep understanding of how to position products in the market and which marketing strategies are most effective for reaching different target audiences. I have experience in successful marketing campaigns and know what it takes to convert leads into loyal customers. About the Product: Sugar Defender Sugar Defender is an innovative supplement formulated to help regulate blood...

    $969 Average bid
    $969 Média
    16 ofertas

    Olá Artur Sou o Tiago vivo no Porto. Tenho um projecto artistico há três anos, vendi obras para todos os continentes no Etsy, mas este ano estou a tentar viver em exclusivo do meu trabalho "artistico". Com isso em mente tentei profissionalizar e criei um site no Shopify com o dominimo proprio. Já tentei os anuncios no Facebook ads, Pinterest mas sem sucesso Google ads, Facebook ads, qual é o adquado para o meu negocio ? Qual é o preço ?

    $20 Average bid
    $20 Média
    1 ofertas

    Application development for team and event management. Back and Front-end, development preferably using languages ​​and technologies most adopted in the market today (ReactJs and NodeJs). Please make estimates in three scenarios: 1. Simplified Estimation (Responsive Web Only) The system will have different "types" of users: managers volunteers The platform will be developed in order to have the flexibility to add new types of users in the future. For managers we will have the following features: Login Register Password recovery (via email) Editing personal data Events view Register events (associate volunteers) Use past events as a template for registering new ones Edit events (not yet held) Remove events (not yet performed) Register volunteers (...

    $2707 Average bid
    $2707 Média
    62 ofertas

    The main goal is to finishing a incomplet program developed in C++ with the FFmpeg library to capture streams (Audio and Video). The program is almost finished (~80%), thus it is required to finishing the program and perform extensive tests to find bugs and to ensure the program robustness. The program runs on a Linux server and its processing is control via Cgroups, due to the high load processing of streams. Advanced knowledge of C++ coding is required and it is also required at least a basic knowledge of the FFmpeg library. Basic Linux knowledge is also desirable. The payment may be discussed. _______________________________________________________________ Finalizar um programa desenvolvido em C++ com a biblioteca FFmpeg para captura de streams (Áudio e Vídeo). ...

    $4333 Average bid
    $4333 Média
    3 ofertas

    I need to build the frontend of a project with about 15 screens, where the backend will be done in Java. The screens are highly complex and are being defined. In the future this project will be kept in wavemaker and therefore it needs to be developed in this tool. If there is another tool to create easy-to-maintain angular screens, it can be suggested. This project is open-scoped, so I need an hourly rate.

    $17 / hr Average bid
    $17 / hr Média
    15 ofertas

    ...supplements given their importance in the development of the fetus. Why is this oil better and more efficient than other oils? Its formula introduces polyphenols from the best quality extra virgin olive oil (Picual Olive) into fish oil to restore the anti-oxidant qualities lost during the oil refining process. How do we know it works? A few years ago, the VITA AS Laboratory located in Oslo (Norway) developed innovative technology in the area of ​​blood analysis. It introduced the possibility of analyzing dried blood. Among many of the applications, the scientists behind our product saw in this scientific development a great opportunity to help customers identify how their ratio of omega 6 to 3 and following its evolution during the consumption of the oil. With the analysis perf...

    $16 Average bid
    $16 Média
    3 ofertas

    We need to finish a website developed in CodeIgniter.

    $491 Average bid
    $491 Média
    32 ofertas

    Preciso de uma logótipo para minha loja virtual, será vendido macramê. Tem que ser uma cor fechada (verde escuro, verde musgo, azul indigo ou vermelho bordô ) pq vou usar um papel branco para embrulhar as peças, vou usar no Instagram, embalagens e na loja virtual etsy.

    $18 Average bid
    $18 Média
    25 ofertas
    Art Animal
    Encerrado left

    Preciso de desenhos exclusivos de animais que será utilizado na minha logo. Tenho três padrões destintos para o desenho. Três desenhos serão desenvolvidos. É necessário experiência. I need exclusive designs of animals that will be used in my logo. I have three distinct patterns for the drawing. Three designs will be developed. Experience is required.

    $24 Average bid
    $24 Média
    11 ofertas
    Site wordpress
    Encerrado left

    I need a website for a construction company with 5 pages. Home, who we are, services, portfolio and contacts. the website must be developed in wordpress. attached some examples of intended pages. Necessito de um website para uma empresa de construção com 5 páginas . Inicio , quem somos, serviços, Portfolio e contactos. o site deve ser desenvolvido em wordpress. em anexo alguns exemplos de páginas pretendidas

    $184 Average bid
    $184 Média
    14 ofertas

    The entrance of vehicles in the university car park is now controlled by an application with the knowledge of the Curricular Unit of Operating Systems. The application can be developed in C language. To solve the problem, use the various IPC mechanisms, and traffic lights are required. The application must meet the following functional requirements: 1. The park can be used by students, teachers and staff. Vehicles entering the park as they arrive are on a first come first served basis (FIFO). 2. When the park is full, priority is given to students first, teachers second, and staff last. 3. Park capacity is limited to a maximum number of trips, defined by MAX_VIATURAS. Use a small value for testing purposes. example 5. 4. Using semaphores and other IPC mechanisms you deem necessary, ...

    $103 Average bid
    $103 Média
    1 ofertas

    ...acertar questões de vestibulares para progredir em uma estrada/caminho, similar a um jogo de tabuleiro. O jogo deve permitir customização básica dos personagens, como: cor da pele, sexo, cabelo, olhos e vestimentas. Os personagens/avatares serão no estilo mangá ou similar ao buddy poke (Orkut). I need a 3D game developer for android and iOS platforms with the ability to draw. The game to be developed consists of a multiplayer online RPG of up to 4 players or local single player, in which the goal is to get you through college entrance exams to progress on a road / path, similar to a board game. The game should allow basic customization of the characters, such as: skin color, gender, hair, eyes and clothing. The characters / avatars wi...

    $3308 Average bid
    $3308 Média
    16 ofertas

    Preciso de um desenvolvedor de jogos (game developer) 3D para plataformas...multiplayer online de até 4 jogadores ou single player local, em que o objetivo é acertar questões de vestibulares para progredir em uma estrada/caminho, similar a um jogo de tabuleiro. O jogo deve permitir customização básica dos personagens, como: cor da pele, sexo, cabelo, olhos e vestimentas. I need a 3D game developer for android and iOS platforms with the ability to draw. The game to be developed consists of a multiplayer online RPG of up to 4 players or local single player, in which the goal is to get you through college entrance exams to progress on a road / path, similar to a board game. The game should allow basic customization of the characters, such as...

    $2500 Average bid
    $2500 Média
    5 ofertas

    ...portfolio management that allows managing customer profile and investment portfolio information both individually and in aggregate (html, ccs, java), storing and manage features of financial instruments and financial data series (html datagrid, charts), web data capture, reading and extracting data from extracts in different formats to store in the database, interface with Microsoft Excel, formulas developed in C ++ or Python and other mathematical applications like R or Matlab, and issuing statements and reports (html, adobe acrobat). --- Desenvolvimento de uma base de dados (mySQL, PostgreSQL) para gestão de carteira de investimento de clientes que permita gerir a informação do perfil dos clientes e do portfólio de investimento de cada cliente ...

    $4370 Average bid
    $4370 Média
    12 ofertas

    I need only that through the browser I can print a report generated by my web application. Application that was developed in php language When I say print through the browser. And from a mobile browser. ---------------------------- Preciso apenas que através do navegador eu possa imprimir um relatório gerado pelo meu aplicativo da web. Aplicativo que foi desenvolvido em linguagem php Quando digo imprimir através do navegador. E de um navegador móvel.

    $158 Average bid
    $158 Média
    2 ofertas

    ...with a new layout and include some new information fields. All queries to obtain the data of the new fields will be provided, so that the work will be focused on the layout. In addition to the new layout it is necessary to introduce the automatic "paging" feature so that all information can be displayed if the amount of information exceeds the limitation of the screen. The current screen was developed in PHP and Ajax. Attached picture of current screen....

    $183 Average bid
    $183 Média
    9 ofertas

    Preciso de 10 desenhos sobre uma historia que desenvolvi, em banda desenhada. I need 10 comic draws of a story I developed.

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Média
    7 ofertas

    Desenvolvimento de servidor para jogos online , slots e jogos de carta . Servidor sera integrado com clientes desenvolvidos com unity3D Server development for online games, slots and card games. Server will be integrated with clients developed with unity3D

    $1304 Average bid
    $1304 Média
    4 ofertas

    I need a complete web site developed.

    $376 Average bid
    $376 Média
    34 ofertas

    ...Adicione no MENU um relatório com pedidos pendentes e pedidos pagos. Estes implementos são apenas no Dashboard / Firebase. Não há necessidade de editar o aplicativo. ***************************************************************************************** English: We Have: - An Android APP that inserts data into a firebase. - This APP send orders to a Dashboard WEB - A Dashboard Web was developed with Bootstrap - The Dashboard has some CRUD's to manage APP products + manage orders. What we need: - Implement the new functions in the Dashboard, Example: - In dashboard is possible create a PDF with the order, but need make some improvement in the file to otimize space in each A4 - Each product must have a SKU in DashBoard / Firebase - Som...

    $7 / hr Average bid
    $7 / hr Média
    4 ofertas

    I need two scripts developed in python.

    $12 Average bid
    $12 Média
    9 ofertas

    I need you to develop some software for me. I would like this software to be developed for Linux using Java. Me chamo Fabio de Jesus Almeida Faço parte de publicidade da informação Sou Anunciante gostaria de aperfeiçoar tudo que eu Faço na minha jornada de publicidade da informação tenho 9 Paginas no Facebook Life pagina comerciais e treiler de filmes e videos clips , pagina do esporte , @gmail , Noticias em geral e estúdio cenematrografico , , pagina ferramentas e equipamento e assesorios @fabiodejesusf, youtube,chrome,google,desenhos @fabiodejesusf, pagina musicas nacionais e internacionais , @gmail , pagina retrospectiva 2017 , @, pagina filmes e videos e comedias , @fabiodejesusf, youtube,Google, chrome

    $16944 Average bid
    $16944 Média
    4 ofertas
    Encerrado left

    Preciso que você desenvolva algum software para mim. Gostaria que esse software seja desenvolvido para Windows. I need you to develop some software for me. I would like this software to be developed for Windows . Boa tarde Tenho uma estrutura já feita em Access 365 que necessita de ser completada em reports, formulários e outras funcionalidades que serão bem vindas para gestão de agenda de supervisores numa empresa de limpezas. Falta criar gestao de utilizadores e introdução de dados via mobile. Obrigado Nuno

    $148 Average bid
    $148 Média
    9 ofertas

    I need you to develop some software for me. I would like this software to be developed for Windows . Boa tarde Tenho uma estrutura já feita em Access 365 que necessita de ser completada em reports, formulários e outras funcionalidades que serão bem vindas para gestão de agenda de supervisores numa empresa de limpezas. Falta criar gestao de utilizadores e introdução de dados via mobile. Obrigado Nuno

    $8 - $29
    $8 - $29
    0 ofertas
    Write some software
    Encerrado left

    I need you to develop some software for me. I would like this software to be developed using Javascript. Procuro desenvolvedor para usar a web service da caixa para consulta às simulações imobiliária da caixa

    $319 Average bid
    $319 Média
    17 ofertas
    Write some software
    Encerrado left

    I need you to develop some software for me. I would like this software to be developed using PHP. Sistema e sistema de cotação de seguros em webservice. Site modelo

    $1314 Average bid
    $1314 Média
    45 ofertas

    Eu tenho um site/blog em Joomla e ele contém alguns erros responsivo, gostaria de ajustar esses erros, adicionar uma menu para inclusão de Revista em PDF, e algumas mudanças específicas no layout. Darei mais detalhe quando fechar com o profissional. I need you to develop some software for me. I would like this software to be developed for Linux

    $116 Average bid
    $116 Média
    21 ofertas

    I need you to develop some software for me. I would like this software to be developed using PHP. Procuro programador PHP, para trabalhar em regime de part-time (de preferência Sábados), local de trabalho será em Portugal (Leiria, Caldas da Rainha, Alcobaça ou Nazaré).

    $456 Average bid
    $456 Média
    38 ofertas
    Write some software
    Encerrado left

    I need you to develop some software for me. I would like this software to be developed for Windows . Um programa que convertesse áudio, através de um headset, em texto digitado, em programas como word, por exemplo. Semelhante ao que se faz em empresas de televisão, como closed caption, por exemplo.

    $763 Average bid
    $763 Média
    7 ofertas razões não-venda, deerá haver tela para input e update manual dos motivos de nao venda. Depois de uma atualização (venda ou não venda), o aplicativo irá apresentar o painel do vendedor com o total de vendas fechadas durante o dia e do mês a data - quantidade de vendas realizadas e valor total acumulado no dia e do mes até a data.<br /><br />I need to have a simple CRM web application to be developed in PHP + Maria/DB.<br />It is very simple, having basicly: customer data input manually and csv files upload, products & services master file to be inputed and updated manually, orders, sales (customer x product) records, sales per salesperson on-line inquiry with printable version.  The appli...

    $387 Average bid
    $387 Média
    3 ofertas

    O projeto consiste em uma plataforma marketplace que atuará no mercado nacional e internacional.<br />Foi desenvolvido com programação da plataforma Gesty Scripts (gesty clone versão 1.15) <br />O site esta em funcionamento no domínio definitivo e "pronto" para lançamento, porém há alguns...onde foi alterado o código fonte.<br />O sistema é integrado com o paypal e pagseguro.<br />Preciso de um profissional para realizar estes ajustes, e se estiver de acordo, assumir a manutenção e administração do site.<br />Procuramos desenvolvedor PHP com experiencia em customização de projetos utilizando padrão de Scripts "Etsy C...

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Média
    4 ofertas

    ...CEP de cada vendedor. Pois o produto será enviado de cada vendedor, com CEPs diferentes. > O Wc Vendors somente aceita pagamentos com STRIPE (que ainda não está disponível no Brasil) ou com Paypal. Preciso criar uma integração do WC VENDORS com o MOIP. ------ Please read it to know if you really can solve the two problems I have. I have a marketplace already developed, in its final phase and there are two problems to be solved. I use Wordpress / Woocomerce and toilet Vendors at Marketplace. Not for e-commerce but to Marketplace, ie several sellers and buyers on the same site. > When installing the plugin post office (delivery used in Brazil), he seeks the standard ZIP code registered because it brings the idea of...

    $123 Average bid
    $123 Média
    2 ofertas
    Write some Software
    Encerrado left

    ...drop-down com razões não-venda, deerá haver tela para input e update manual dos motivos de nao venda. Depois de uma atualização (venda ou não venda), o aplicativo irá apresentar o painel do vendedor com o total de vendas fechadas durante o dia e do mês a data - quantidade de vendas realizadas e valor total acumulado no dia e do mes até a data. I need to have a simple CRM web application to be developed in PHP + Maria/DB. It is very simple, having basicly: customer data input manually and csv files upload, products & services master file to be inputed and updated manually, orders, sales (customer x product) records, sales per salesperson on-line inquiry with printable version. The application must have a sign-u...

    $84 Average bid
    $84 Média
    3 ofertas

    ...local de dados será replicado para uma base de dados online. Deverá armazenar de maneira segura uma chave de acesso que terá validade. Caso esteja fora da validade deverá comunicar com a base de dados online e bloquear até que o pagamento seja feito e uma nova chave seja liberada. The project goal is to develop a desktop application for sale of food delivery in person or table. The Delphi be developed and should have caller ID to micDTMF DA330C adapters. The local database data will be replicated to an online database. Should safely store an access key that will be valid. If you are out of date should communicate with the online database and block until the payment is made and a new key is released....

    $1008 Average bid
    $1008 Média
    6 ofertas
    Software Atendimento
    Encerrado left

    The project goal is to develop a desktop application for sale of food delivery in person or table. The Delphi be developed and should have caller ID to micDTMF DA330C adapters. The local database data will be replicated to an online database. Should safely store an access key that will be valid. If you are out of date should communicate with the online database and block until the payment is made and a new key is released. O objetivo do projeto é desenvolver um aplicativo desktop para venda de comida delivery, pessoalmente ou mesa. O desenvolvido será em Delphi e deve ter identificação de chamadas para adaptadores micDTMF DA330C. A base de dados local de dados será replicado para uma base de dados online. Deverá armazenar de maneira segu...

    $689 Average bid
    $689 Média
    4 ofertas

    Application was developed in the following technologies : Java 1.6 Hibernate 3.1 EJB Quartz 1.5.2 JasperReports 1.2.2 Postgresql Hoje já possuímos um software todo funcional completo que funciona jboss 4 gostaria de migrar a mesma solução para o jboss wildfly (versao 9). O trabalho seria colocar a mesma aplicação para rodar na versão 9. Aplicação foi desenvolvida nas seguintes tecnologias: Java 1.6 Hibernate 3.1 EJB Quartz 1.5.2 JasperReports 1.2.2 Postgresql

    $373 Average bid
    $373 Média
    8 ofertas
    Write some Software
    Encerrado left

    , , ,, ,,any other website and software developed

    $71190 Average bid
    $71190 Média
    6 ofertas
    Encerrado left

    Need to create a B2B and B2C application developed in html5, C # and platform with webservices in xml and sql database, optimized for mobile devices, and compatible with all operating systems (Apple iOS, Android, Windows Phone). API to incorporate into websites Create an online platform for centralized management of reservations and sales type "concierge agency" of various services / tourism activities in real time and with guaranteed availability. steps: 1 Confirm the availability of services or ask advice from the best option 2. Select the services that meet your needs 3. Make a reservation under the conditions set of services selected by the system in Safe Certificate System, 4 With online payments. 5 Sending voucher to purchase the reserved activities ...

    $3685 Average bid
    $3685 Média
    17 ofertas futuro, seja com que o nosso projecto seja também o seu! English: innovative project in the field of digital platforms, with international scope, aims to young graduates or who wish to have a part time, with knowledge for the development of mobile applications for all major operating systems of smartphones and tablets, as well as expertise to the websites developments. The work is to be developed in the household, no schedules and no need to travel to the organization's office. This project is a cultural organization that aims to create an area for the emerging market and future and mark a position in the national and international market with a young, creative and dynamic team. Be part of the future, is that our project is also yours! ...

    $368 Average bid
    $368 Média
    4 ofertas

    portugues preciso de um sistema que envio de sms e whatsapp, ja tenho varias chipeiras funcionando com um software que eh gerenciado via webservice. o que preciso is de um software que permita eu cadastrar clientes e revendedores de sms e whatsapp. A tecnologia para envio eu ja tenho o que falta is o gerenciamento, para eu poder bilhetar e vender os pacotes de sms/whatsapp...sending sms and whatsapp, already have several chipeiras working with software that eh managed via webservice. I need is a software that allows customers and I sign sms whatsapp and resellers. The technology for sending I already have what is lacking is the management, so I can bilhetar and sell sms / whatsapp packages. Accepted a garden ready system, because I know a lot of people already developed such...

    $682 Average bid
    Destacado Urgente
    $682 Média
    9 ofertas

    [portugues] Sistema comercial com as seguintes funcionalidades: - cadastro de clientes, - cadastro de representantes, - atendimentos - negociações. o sistema deve ser desenvolvido em tres camadas: - dados - SQL server - negocio - WEB API com Entity ...funcionalidades: - cadastro de clientes, - cadastro de representantes, - atendimentos - negociações. o sistema deve ser desenvolvido em tres camadas: - dados - SQL server - negocio - WEB API com Entity - UX - - MVC 5 - HTML 5 responsivo [english] Commercial system with features: - client register - negotiator register - attendances - negotiations The system must be developed in three layers: - data: SQLK server - server: WEB API com Entity - client:...

    $649 Average bid
    $649 Média
    8 ofertas

    Aplicativo IOS/ANDROID para calculo de valores médios. O aplicativo consiste num banco de dados que será alimentado por cada usuário e ao solicitar uma cotação de um determinado produto ou serviço o mesmo baseado em sua base de dados fornecera um valor médio. Todo layout e design será desenvolvido por nós. Application IOS / ANDRO...mesmo baseado em sua base de dados fornecera um valor médio. Todo layout e design será desenvolvido por nós. Application IOS / ANDROID for calculation of average values​​. The application consists of a database that will be powered by each User and to request a quote for a particular product or service the same based on its database had provided one mean value. All layout a...

    $1235 Average bid
    $1235 Média
    10 ofertas

    ...with the developer always need doing. Some points about this project, I would like to mention now is that he, like I said, it integrates sales systems (POS and ERP), carrying shopping information to our servers, which account points and deliver benefits to customers taking into account some definitions of the establishment. In addition, the software has marketing automation resources to be developed, and many other features that will gain space in new versions. Developers who communicate in Portuguese or Spanish, or are in Brazilian territory, is a differential, but this is not a requirement Intellectual property and confidentiality agreement are necessary requirements *** (Por favor, perdoe o meu inglês. Não é bom o suficiente) Preciso d...

    $18 / hr Average bid
    $18 / hr Média
    24 ofertas

    Procurando desenvolvedores brasileiros! Plataforma: Getsy (), marketplace código-aberto baseado no Etsy. PHP. Requisitos: - Experiencia com modulo de calculo de frete Correios - Experiencia com MOIP

    $664 Average bid
    $664 Média
    5 ofertas