Easy populate zencart install trabalhos


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    2,000 easy populate zencart install trabalhos encontrados

    ...to record a video so I can see and do in the next time. I want to migrate my account the current server to a new server. Both servers have CentOS 64bit installed. 3 will migrate the old server to the new accounts. Will be only these 4 sites that intend to migrate Being 2 magento shopping web site + 1 +1 common site installation and configuration below. Apache optimization Install nginx Configure the MTA - mail accounts of only one account: .1 The SMTP banner / helo is set to the hostname 2. The reverse DNS is set and matches the SMTP banner / HELO 3. SPF and DKIM records are in September Security: Firewall ConfigServer Security & Firewall Protection diretórioAntivirus Basic Rules Mod Security Clamav Note: It is considered complete...

    $139 Average bid
    $139 Média
    9 ofertas

    Necessito que seja criada uma aplicação android em que o usuário localize um determinado serviço em sua localidade, possa realizar um agendamento do serviço e o prestador de serviço confirme o agendamento e o usuário efetue o pagamento pelo celular, similarmente como acontece com o aplicativo easy taxy.

    $839 Average bid
    $839 Média
    9 ofertas

    Necessito que seja criada uma aplicação android em que o usuário localize um determinado serviço em sua localidade, possa realizar um agendamento do serviço e o prestador de serviço confirme o agendamento e o usuário efetue o pagamento pelo celular, similarmente como acontece com o aplicativo easy taxy.

    max $153
    max $153
    0 ofertas

    Desenvolver módulo de pagamento pagseguro com checkout transparente para oscommerce modificado padrão brasil Documentação: Observação: Precisaremos detalhadamente de um arquivo README / INSTALL com instruções de novos arquivos, arquivos alterados, linhas de programação adicionadas ou alteradas em cada arquivo, tabelas ou colunas inseridas ou atualizadas na base de dados mysql. Caso tenha algum bug, correções ou alterações após finalizar projeto, o mesmo não poderá ter custo adicional devido a estar incluso no desenvolvimento do projeto por completo. Por favor enviar orçamento ? Prazo

    $644 Average bid
    $644 Média
    8 ofertas

    Quero um aplicativo que exerça uma função parecida com a do easy táxi, com a diferença que não quero prestar um serviço de táxi.  A ideia é fazer um cadastro com clientes que desejam ter aulas particulares com professores, profissionais ou não, também cadastrados.

    $874 Average bid
    $874 Média
    13 ofertas

    Desenvolver módulo de pagamento pagseguro com checkout transparente para os e-commerce modificado padrão brasil Documentação: Observação:  Precisaremos detalhadamente de um arquivo README / INSTALL com instruções de novos arquivos, arquivos alterados, linhas de programação adicionadas ou alteradas em cada arquivo, tabelas ou colunas inseridas ou atualizadas na base de dados mysql. Caso tenha algum bug, correções ou alterações após finalizar projeto, o mesmo não poderá ter custo adicional devido a estar incluso no desenvolvimento do projeto por completo.  Por favor enviar orçamento ? Prazo de entrega

    $285 Average bid
    $285 Média
    12 ofertas

    Criar um aplicativo para contratar entregas Usar o modelo Easy Taxi, porém com outros profissionais. Um usuário pode contratar os serviços de entregas e o outro pode aceitar ou não Baseado em localização Cadastro dos usuários Cadastro dos contratantes

    $1276 Average bid
    $1276 Média
    14 ofertas

    Aplicativo de localização e chamada. Funciona assim: -cadastro de entregadores com localização via gps e sinalização de livre/ocupado. -o cliente acessa o app e segundo a sua localização fornece o entregador livre mais próximo. O cliente também fornece o local de entrega... o entregador fornece o custo da entrega. -exemplo: cl...de Copacabana a Barra da Tijuca, entregador cobra 50,00 e passa pro cliente Cliente aceita e entregador vai ate o cliente....fechado o negocio.... o app também precisa de taxa de manutenção paga pelo entregador. -exemplo: taxa mensal de 10,00 paga via boleto bancário ou outra forma de pagamento que o app acuse que esta pago habilitando o entregador a participar dos s...

    $554 Average bid
    $554 Média
    9 ofertas

    ...to search or browse for any item - Member Area: acccess to member area is easy and with user friendyl interface - Facility to contact seller (very important, see website!): classified ad script allows buyers to contact to sellers for queries about ads that sellers have posted - Photo upload option: sellers can upload photos while posting classified ads. 2. Security Features: - Secure Registration and Login - Form validations - Captcha Entry to protect from spam and hacking attempts - Block users - Word filters 3. Admin Options: - Approval to Registration: admin approves the registration by any user - List approvals: list of classified ads is approved by admin - Customize the design of application: easy to customize the complete design and add new features ...

    $1085 Average bid
    $1085 Média
    18 ofertas
    Criação de App
    Encerrado left

    Preciso criar um aplicativo aos moldes do Easy táxi mas que oferecerá um serviço de beleza. O profissional deve criar o app completo para plataformas android e ios. O app deve conter localização GPS (a localização do cliente e do profissional serão utilizadas pelo app), comunicação entre o profissional e o cliente (envio de mensagem), opção para cadastro do cliente, espaço para observações e considerações dos clientes, avaliação dos profissionais. Aguardo Propostas!

    $1092 Average bid
    $1092 Média
    16 ofertas

    Script "app" for instal iframe (url) and facebook automatically Script that automatically create and install an external url on facebook on the timeline, as well as automatic messages with timer to make posts on the timeline scheduled for several days and hours and possibility of after a while delete the post More references for PM thank you ------------- PT BR ----------- Script que cria e instala automáticamente um url externo no facebook na timeline, bem como mensagens automáticas , com timer para fazer posts na timeline programados por varios dias e horas e possibilidade de após um tempo apagar o post Mais referências por PM obrigado

    $155 Average bid
    $155 Média
    1 ofertas

    Development of a Virtual Store in responsive Magento template with theme provided by the contracting company . The store will have an average of 8 pages, including checkout . The store should follow exactly the layout that will be provided in PSD . The tasks should be : - Install the template , - customize the theme , - install checkout module , - deploy payment modules (Paypal , PagSeguro and MundiPagg ) program categories, products , video page and text page The project is 70 % complete , the programmer needs to finish the job which is focused on developing two pages and adjustments to other pages. --------------------------------------------------------------- Desenvolvimento de uma Loja Virtual em template responsivo Magento com tema fornecido pela...

    $1087 Average bid
    $1087 Média
    3 ofertas
    Desenvolvedor de app
    Encerrado left

    Desenvolver um app similar ao Easy Taxi.................................................................................................................................................................  

    max $615
    max $615
    0 ofertas

    Development of a Virtual Store in responsive Magento template with theme provided by the contracting company . The store will have an average of 8 pages, including checkout . The store should follow exactly the layout that will be provided in PSD . The tasks should be : - Install the template , - customize the theme , - install checkout module , - deploy payment modules (Paypal , PagSeguro and MundiPagg ) program categories, products , video page and text page The project is 70 % complete , the programmer needs to finish the job which is focused on developing two pages and adjustments to other pages. --------------------------------------------------------------- Desenvolvimento de uma Loja Virtual em template responsivo Magento com tema fornecido pela...

    $29 / hr Average bid
    $29 / hr Média
    1 ofertas

    Olá, eu tenho um script Php, Mysql para controle de empresa e gostaria de liberar ele gratuito na web. Por exemplo, um cliente se registra no site, aí o sistema automaticamente cria um subdominio e intala o script nesse subdomínio. Como se fosse o Quick Install fantastico etc. Caso alguén tenha interesse em fazer isso com um preço não tão alto favor entre em contato.

    0 ofertas

    Convert an existing Word Press template into a Web Site Customize the template as need. Install and configure plugins for reservation management, in Portuguese. Install and configure a plugin for accepting payments via Cielo. Integrated it with the reservation if needed. in Portuguese. Create slideshow banners and a gallery of photos The entire site will be in Brazilian Portuguese. Integrate it with social media Facebook, what's up.

    $604 Average bid
    $604 Média
    25 ofertas
    Criação de App
    Encerrado left

    Desenvolver um aplicativo nos mesmos moldes do easy taxi. Utilizaremos um geo localizador de veículos para celulares e tablets a fim de encontramos veículos desejados. O projeto será bancado por grupo, que o lançará em 2016 desta forma deverá ser concluído em um ano. Interessados, enviar propostas!

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Média
    13 ofertas
    Encerrado left

    Desenvolvimento de aplicativo mobile com sistema de localização de atletas nos mesmos moldes do easy taxi, que utilizará também uma geo localização. Projeto para ser concluindo em um ano. Interessados, enviar propostas!

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Média
    4 ofertas

    Precisamos de desenvolvedor mobile Android (Java) e iOS (Objective-C). Linguagem nativa, não aceitamos desenvolvedores híbridos como PhoneGap, Titanium. Aplicativo baseado em geolocalização, tendo como base a mesma lógica dos aplicativos de chamar táxis como Easy Táxi, 99 Táxi entre outros, mas para ramo diferente. Já temos o layout em .psd (Photoshop) e .png (Fireworks) prontos, com toda a lógica do aplicativo, precisando apenas ser adaptado ao mobile. Interessados, enviar propostas!

    $614 Average bid
    $614 Média
    14 ofertas

    Instalar, configurar e traduzir o para criar um sistema de marketing digital com página de captura e páginas de vendas.

    $138 Average bid
    $138 Média
    9 ofertas
    Website e app
    Encerrado left

    Site com localizador em tempo real (igual waze, easy taxi) e aplicativo com as mesmas funções Cupom Com Dashboard ( pra vendedor e consumidor) onde o vendedor entra e monta sua propria oferta de desconto, com relógio com o tempo que a oferta estara disponivel.  O consumidor entra no site e paga online pelo cupom que dá direito a oferta Esse cupom poderá ser imprimido ou o cliente mostra atraves do celular.  Alertas pelo celular sobre ofertas Parte de classificados

    max $1846
    max $1846
    0 ofertas

    Precisamos de desenvolvedor Android e iOS com experiência nas plataformas informadas. Necessário conhecimentos de geolocalização via mobile. O aplicativo é bem parecido com os app de solicitação de táxi (Easy táxi, 99Táxi) mas para ramo diferente com milhares de prestadores de serviço. Damos um percentual sobre os lucros. Se candidatar ao trabalho apenas pessoas com responsabilidade e que cumpram os prazos acordados. Teremos um enorme prazer em conversar sobre o projeto.

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Média
    10 ofertas

    Ola, Estou a procura de um Desenvolvedor de Aplicativos para um projeto inovador. Este aplicativo terá funções parecidas com o aplicativo já conhecido EASY TAXY, porém em outra área de negócios. Ofereço bons rendimentos! Sds, Carlos

    0 ofertas

    ...poucas linhas. O produto final seria um arquivo contendo 4 funçoes (1 para cada "software") com seus devidos parâmetros. O produto será reconhecido como válido depois de ser testado. OBS esses aplicativos so funcionam em linux. Portanto se o seu sistema operacional for windows, o VirtuaBox vai ser necessário. Para instalar o conjunto de softwares vc precisa ir no site de qiime->install (). Depois de intalados, verifique as pastas e os codigos desses softwares: 3-pplacer-1.1 4-guppy-1.1 Essa é somente uma fase de testes. O desempenho do profissional vai habilitá-lo a desenvolver todo o conjunto de softwares ao completo. Por esse trabalho inicial o nosso orçamento é de $100-$150 dolares

    $911 Average bid
    $911 Média
    5 ofertas

    ZenCart Issue as discussed

    $10 / hr Average bid
    $10 / hr Média
    1 ofertas

    Boa noite a todos, necessito de alguém que possivelmente seja um (hacker), para entrar em um site onde eu tenho cadastro e alterar algum dos meus dados. O processo é fácil para quem consegue. Fico no aguardo. ---------- Good evening everyone, I need someone who is possibly one (hacker) to join a site where I have joined and change any of my data. The process is easy for those who can. I'm waiting.

    $5481 Average bid
    $5481 Média
    6 ofertas

    Procuro desenvolvedor para criação de app nos mesmos moldes do Easy Táxi, 99Táxi, entre outros, mas para ramo diferente e algumas alterações nas funcionalidades, mas seguindo o mesmo conceito dos apps citados acima. Informo o ramo no andamento das negocia

    $244 Average bid
    $244 Média
    14 ofertas

    Tenho uma loja física de artigos variados para o lar, pretendo começar em breve o serviço de compra via internet, para isso preciso de uma plataforma que seja de fácil utilização para mim, com administração dinâmica com elaboração de relatórios e controle e integração com os meios de pagamento seguros. Também é necessário que seja simples e funcional para meus cl...variados para o lar, pretendo começar em breve o serviço de compra via internet, para isso preciso de uma plataforma que seja de fácil utilização para mim, com administração dinâmica com elaboração de relatórios e controle e integra&ccedi...

    $615 Average bid
    $615 Média
    21 ofertas

    Preciso de um site novo com loja virtual acoplada. O meu atual é em flash e não funciona nas buscas. Tem que ser um simples que apareça. Site em português . I need a site responsive, with virtual store, searchable and easy to handle.

    $250 - $750
    $250 - $750
    16 ofertas
    Encerrado left

    é crowdfunding direcionado a artes arquitetura e construção. O site esta no ar porem não estou conseguindo configurar o PayPal e configurar o painel Adm conforme o exemplo abaixo. Att Ivan

    $10 Average bid
    $10 Média
    1 ofertas

    I'm looking for a professional to install a Frappe-based Learning Management System on my server. The system should support various types of learning modules including quizzes and tests, video tutorials, and interactive lessons. Key Features: - Installation of Frappe LMS on my server - Integration of different types of learning modules - Implementation of user authentication with social media login Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Frappe - Experience with LMS installation - Knowledge of creating and integrating interactive learning modules - Skills in setting up secure user authentication systems Please only bid if you have the relevant experience and skills.

    $80 Average bid
    $80 Média
    13 ofertas

    ...developer to create a multi-quote website for residential construction projects. The website should be able to provide instant quotes for various construction services. Key Features: - Multi-Quote System: The website should be able to generate and display multiple quotes from different service providers for a given construction project. - User-Friendly Interface: The site should have an intuitive, easy-to-navigate interface for both service providers and potential clients. Ideal Skills: - Web Development: Proven experience in web development is a must. - E-commerce: Prior experience in creating e-commerce or multi-quote websites will be highly regarded. - UI/UX Design: Skills in designing user-friendly interfaces will be a significant plus. Please note that the instant roofing...

    $130 Average bid
    $130 Média
    65 ofertas

    ...company intranet and document management sharepoint. - Create a CRM dashboard, ideally something that can integrate with - Create a client portal for managing their user profile, payment information, and billings. - Create workflows and automations to assist with day-to-day business activities (undefined, could be priced separately as needs are identified). Secondary tasks: - Help setup easy user profiles, user groups, and security protocols. - Ongoing site management on a monthly basis. Ideal candidates should have an extensive background in SharePoint services, with a specific focus on site management and automation. You will also be in charge of implementing document management features, particularly access permissions. We would like someone who can then take on ongoing ma...

    $24 / hr Average bid
    $24 / hr Média
    36 ofertas

    I'm looking for a skilled web developer to create a landing page for my e-commerce website. The page should be designed to promote our clothing line and encourage visitors to browse our products. Key Requirements: - The landing page must embody an 'elegant and luxurious' style, reflecting our brand. - The primary aim of the landing page is to promote our products. - The page should facilitate easy navigation for visitors to browse our products. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in web development, particularly for e-commerce sites. - Strong understanding of UX/UI design principles. - Experience in creating visually appealing, brand-representative landing pages.

    $121 Average bid
    $121 Média
    25 ofertas

    ...Wave Accounting (Free) 7 Automation Hub → Self-hosted n8n Self-Hosted (Variable) Components: Cloud Hosting → Vultr VPS ($170/month) + Backup VPS ($15–$40/month) AI Chatbot & Lead Nurturing → Self-hosted Rasa AI Voice Calls & Speech → Coqui TTS + Whisper ASR + VoIP Integration VoIP/SMS Automation → Asterisk/FreeSWITCH (or hybrid with Plivo/Telnyx) Your Responsibilities: ✔ System Setup → Install & configure the full AI stack on our VPS. ✔ Workflow Automation → Connect components via n8n for seamless integration. ✔ Failover System → Configure backup VPS + Cloudflare Load Balancing. ✔ Testing & Documentation → Ensure system reliability & create a knowledge base. ✔ Ongoing Optimization → Maintain &am...

    $1141 Average bid
    $1141 Média
    32 ofertas

    I need a freelancer to install a PHP E-commerce script from Code Canyon on my Linux-based VPS server with HPanel. The database is already set up, so no assistance is needed for that. Key requirements: - Expertise in PHP and script installations - Experience with Code Canyon E-commerce scripts - Proficiency with Linux-based VPS servers - Knowledge of HPanel Additionally, I need assistance in setting up an app in Flutter. Ideal Skills: - Flutter development experience - Prior experience with e-commerce app setups in Flutter Please note: No customizations are required for the E-commerce script, just a straightforward installation.

    $23 Average bid
    $23 Média
    22 ofertas

    Looking for a logo design for our Company name Feast Farms Inc. Our company is focused on controlled environment indoor vertical farming of strawberries initially and eventually leafy greens. ...information from ChatGPT. ChatGPT said: Feast Farms Inc. is a great name, especially if you want to evoke a sense of abundance, nourishment, and bountiful harvests! The word "Feast" implies plenty, which aligns well with the idea of producing high-quality, abundant crops. It also gives off a warm, welcoming vibe, suggesting that your farm provides plenty of fresh produce for the community. The name is easy to remember, has a nice ring to it, and conveys a message of generosity and sustainability. It could work well if you want to appeal to consumers who value fresh, plentiful, ...

    $54 Average bid
    $54 Média
    117 ofertas

    I'm seeking an experie...seeking an experienced Excel professional to elevate my current Gantt chart. The goal is to make it more visually appealing, professional, and functional. Key improvements should include: - Advanced chart formatting: I want the Gantt chart to be meticulously formatted, showcasing a level of detail and professionalism that exceeds my current version. - Task assignment: I need a system that allows for easy task assignment via dropdown selection. This should be seamlessly integrated into the chart. Your proposal should demonstrate your expertise in advanced Excel techniques, particularly in chart formatting and data management. Previous experience with Gantt charts will be highly regarded. Please include examples of similar projects you've completed ...

    $27 Average bid
    $27 Média
    14 ofertas

    ...The primary focus of this site will be on generating revenue through ad clicks and views. Key Features: - User Roles: The website will have three distinct user roles: Admin, Advertisers, and Users. Each role should have specific access rights and functionalities tailored to their needs. - Referral Program: A referral program that incentivizes users to bring in more participants. This should be easy to understand and rewarding enough to encourage user participation. - Leaderboard for Top Earners: A dynamic leaderboard that showcases the top earners on the platform. This feature should be updated in real-time and should promote healthy competition among users. The ideal candidate for this project should have: - Proven experience in developing similar earning websites. - Strong un...

    $12 / hr Average bid
    $12 / hr Média
    16 ofertas

    We need to be able to use the eSIM account on the physical SIM card by copying the information of an existing eSIM to a physical SIM card. For users who do not have the knowledge to install an eSIM using a QR code, we would like to physically give the eSIM. We aim for a result in such a way that you insert the physical SIM directly into your phone and start using it. This issue requires knowledge of eSIM – physical SIM – Gsm communication, so before starting to work on this subject, the software developers who will bid should clearly inform me about how to apply the flow by answering my questions below. These issues will be taken into consideration during the evaluation phase. 1) Can eSIM information be uploaded to a physical SIM card? 2) Can a physical SIM card from any...

    $570 Average bid
    $570 Média
    45 ofertas

    ...or subjects (like Quizlet). Search & Filter: By title, subject, difficulty, or date created. Share Options (optional, if time permits): Let users share sets with friends or make them public. 4. Study & Quiz Features Flip-Based Study: Show front side first, then reveal the answer on the back (like traditional flashcards). Difficulty/Confidence Rating: After viewing an answer, user labels how easy or hard it was. This data can feed a spaced repetition algorithm so that harder cards appear more frequently. Progress Tracking: Display how many cards are left, correct/incorrect counts, or a progress bar. Multiple Question Types (optional): If possible, beyond just “flip cards,” we might introduce multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, etc. 5. AI/Spaced Repetit...

    $620 Average bid
    $620 Média
    72 ofertas

    ... Requirements: ✅ Develop a Bash (.sh) script or another suitable method for automatic deployment on two servers. ✅ Properly configure WireGuard, forwarding, and network settings. ✅ Enable seamless traffic forwarding between the two servers. ✅ Integrate a Telegram bot that allows users to: Attach an IP address upon authentication. Request a new IP from the available pool. ✅ Ensure the script is easy to use and deploy. ✅ Provide a clear manual/documentation for future use. Test Environment: We will provide two test servers for deployment and testing. The servers run Ubuntu 24.04. Preferred Skills: WireGuard VPN setup and configuration Linux networking & forwarding Bash scripting & automation Telegram Bot API integration Strong knowledge of Ubuntu server administration If y...

    $26 Average bid
    $26 Média
    28 ofertas

    I need an electrician to install a 15A GFCI outlet on a finished wall in my bathroom (to plug a bidet for the toilet). There is an existing outlet directly on the opposite side of this wall (see photos). The current electrical wiring is up to code and functioning properly. Key Requirements: - The new GFCI outlet should match the style of the existing GFCI outlets (see the photo attached) - After the installation, the wall should ideally look like new, or, if not possible, be patched properly but not painted (ceramic will be installed on this bathroom wall soon). Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in electrical work, particularly outlet installation. - Ability to match the style of existing outlets. - Proficient in wall repair post installation.

    $175 - $524
    $175 - $524
    0 ofertas

    ...Fiverr, Upwork, or other platforms that send email notifications for messages. What I Need: ✅ Screen Recording + Live Demonstration – Show how to install, set up, and use the software in real-time. ✅ Explainer Video – Clearly describe the tool’s features, benefits, and how it works with a professional voice-over in proper English. ✅ Highlight Key Benefits: Instantly notified via phone call when a new buyer message arrives. Helps freelancers respond faster and improve their response time on platforms. Works by monitoring email notifications from platforms like Fiverr. ✅ Professional Editing – The final video should be engaging, high-quality, and easy to understand. Video Requirements: Length: 1 to 3 minutes Voice-over in English (clear and professi...

    $291 Average bid
    $291 Média
    20 ofertas
    Podcast Booking Manager Needed
    6 dias left

    I'm seeking a dedicated individual to serve as a Podcast Booking Manager. Your primary role will be to call real estate agents in California, inviting them to feature on my podcast. Key responsibilities include: - Making outbound calls in the PST time zone. - Inviting real estate agents...communication. - Able to work 4 hours a day, 5 days a week. I will provide you with a detailed script for the calls, so you won't need to create your own. However, I am not interested in agencies or call centers. The ideal candidate for this role will be: - Persistent and resilient. - Able to communicate excellently. - Highly persuasive. Experience in appointment setting is not a must - this is a fairly easy process. What is most important is your ability to convince others and your c...

    $6 / hr Average bid
    $6 / hr Média
    4 ofertas

    ...research. The goal is to create a user-friendly and searchable directory, providing valuable climate information to researchers, NGOs, policymakers, and the public. The directory should include: • A repository of climate change and environmental documents (PDFs, reports, policies). • A categorized database covering adaptation, mitigation, food security, energy, finance, etc. • A search function for easy document retrieval. • A clean, mobile-responsive website with a simple CMS (Content Management System). • User engagement metrics (e.g., clicks, downloads, searches). Key Responsibilities • Web Development: Design and develop a website similar to the Kenya Climate Directory (). • Database Setup: Create a structured, searchable database ...

    $1204 Average bid
    $1204 Média
    53 ofertas

    ...minimalist yet slightly illustrative design representing strength, trust, and healing. - Use of elements symbolizing physiotherapy, movement, or wellness (spine, body motion, hands, abstract human figure) - A versatile logo suitable for both color and black-and-white, across digital and print media. - A calming and professional color palette (leaning towards blues, greens, or neutral tones) - Modern and easy-to-read typography I value a designer who can show me various types of potential elements for the logo, as well as a deep understanding of minimalist and illustrative styles. The ideal candidate would have a strong portfolio demonstrating similar work, and an ability to understand and incorporate our clinic's ethos into the design. Ultimately, I want a logo that conveys...

    $55 Average bid
    $55 Média
    147 ofertas

    I'm looking for a software application compatible with Windows that can assist me ...quizzes on Udemy. The software needs to: - Retrieve answers in real-time: This is critical for the software's effectiveness. It needs to be able to find the answers to quiz questions as quickly as possible. - Parse quiz questions: The software should be able to understand and break down the quiz questions for better comprehension. - Have a user-friendly interface: It's important that the software is easy to navigate and understand, even under the pressure of a timed quiz. Ideal skills for this job include software development, with a specific focus on creating user-friendly interfaces and real-time data processing. Experience with creating educational software or quiz assistance too...

    $13 Average bid
    $13 Média
    3 ofertas

    Purpose of the PPT & Graphical Representation We need a highly visual, infographic-style PowerPoint for our sales team to present during Zoom meetings with USA students. The goal is to sell our high-end IT training workshops by making the presentation engaging and easy to understand. Graphical Elements to Include: Infographics Instead of Text Use icons, charts, and visuals instead of long paragraphs. Example: Instead of writing "We offer visa assistance," show an icon of a passport & visa stamp. Flowcharts & Timelines Show the workshop journey in a step-by-step flowchart (from training to interview & visa assistance). Use a timeline graphic to represent course duration. Comparison Tables & Graphs Highlight the benefits of our workshop vs. competitor...

    $64 Average bid
    $64 Média
    20 ofertas

    ...Wave Accounting (Free) Automation Hub → Self-hosted n8n Self-Hosted (Variable) Components: Cloud Hosting → Vultr VPS ($170/month) + Backup VPS ($15–$40/month) AI Chatbot & Lead Nurturing → Self-hosted Rasa AI Voice Calls & Speech → Coqui TTS + Whisper ASR + VoIP Integration VoIP/SMS Automation → Asterisk/FreeSWITCH (or hybrid with Plivo/Telnyx) Your Responsibilities: ✔ System Setup → Install & configure the full AI stack on our VPS. ✔ Workflow Automation → Connect components via n8n for seamless integration. ✔ Failover System → Configure backup VPS + Cloudflare Load Balancing for high availability. ✔ Testing & Documentation → Ensure system reliability & create a knowledge base. ✔ Ongoing Optimization...

    $1058 Average bid
    $1058 Média
    26 ofertas