Drawing projects for college students trabalhos
Hello, I want a job to make a small injection mold. Here is an example of the drawing I want to make
tenho o modelo no tekla de algumas estruturas e preciso de projeto detalhado para fabricação (shop drawing) e modelo para corte das peças.
...em SIG Desktop (1) e SIG Web (2). 1 - Dever ser software SIG multiplataforma, que permita visualização, edição e análise de dados georreferenciados. Deve permitir integração com outros pacotes open-source, tais como GRASS e MapServer, bem como estende funcionalidades através de plugins, desenvolvidos preferencialmente em Python e C++ e permitir conexão e uso de dados geoespaciais em formatos Drawing Exchange Format's, shapfiles, coverages, Mapinfo, PostGis, Image Files, entre outros, além integrar-se a Webservices no formato WMS e WFS. 1.1 - Além do módulo base que compõe as funcionalidades do software. 2 - • operar e ser compatível com todos os browsers (navegadores de ...
It is intended the integral development of an audio communication system with bidirectional communication. There is a design of the plastic box where it will be installed. The supplier shall provide: electrical schematic, component list, pcb drawing, gerbers and firmware. It will be for car use, with power from 12 to 24V.
Olá pessoal, estou com um projeto de detalhamento de caldeirarias para serem detalhadas, são 568t de caldeirarias para serem feitas projetos shop drawing e diagrama de montagem, por isso estou recrutando uma equipe freelancer para me auxiliar no desenvolvimento deste trabalho. As pessoas precisam ter experiência em detalhamento de caldeiraria ( chutes, tanques, caixas de polpa, silos, moegas). Interessados devem enviar um portifólio de trabalhos realizados, após selecionados iremos trabalhar com pacotes, após o términos e aprovação do pacote liberaremos outro pacote.
...to streamline the classification and ranking of students in the Network and Computer Security class to the results of the Group Work for the subjects of Programming Languages and Algorithms and Data Structures, you were asked to develop an application that collects the following information of each student: • Name • Gender • Email contact • Date of birth • Final Note Functionalities: 1) Collection of information a) Reading and storing in array the information related to n students. 2) Listings: a) Production of a list with data related to the class b) Production of a list of students approved for the course (Final grade> = 10) c) Production of a list of students who failed the course (Final grade <8) d) Produ...
...facil entender o conteudo. Estou procurando uma pessoa que tenha um comprometimento de me ajudar sempre. Prefiro pagar por cada serviço feito. Quero uma pessoa que saca bastante de Wordpress. I am a Portuguese private teacher and I created a website to show my work and get new students. There is a paid membership area where the students access extra content and I need somebody to add new material for me on a regular basis. I'd prefer a Brazilian because it would be easier to understand the content. I am looking for a person who can commit. I prefer to pay by each service done. I need someone who is really good at Wordpress....
Boa tarde. Preciso de edição em vídeo em estilo drawing. Vídeo original tem 1 min. de duração. Será necessário mudar algumas frases do texto e áudio do vídeo. Além de acrescentar logomarca.
Preciso de desenhos exclusivos de animais que será utilizado na minha logo. Tenho três padrões destintos para o desenho. Três desenhos serão desenvolvidos. É necessário experiência. I need exclusive designs of animals that will be used in my logo. I have three distinct patterns for the drawing. Three designs will be developed. Experience is required.
preciso de alguem qui saiba desenhar para fazer um video de drawing my life para o profissional que for escolhido estarei enviando o roteiro terá preferencia aquele que tenha amostras de seu trabalho como desenhista o valor pode almentar ... porfavor fassam suas ofertas
the need for an animator to make a story like a drawing
Olá, Estou precisando de uma tradução do inglês para o português brasileiro de um e-book de 66 páginas e 70mil palavras. Gostaria de solicitar valor e prazo de entrega visto que tenha urgência no projeto. O nicho do ebook é desenho. Obrigada, Ana Hi, I need an ebook translation from English to Brazilian Portuguese. The ebook is about drawing and has 66 pages and 70.000 words. I'd like to ask for total price and deadline as I have hurry in the project. Thanks, Ana
...the various IPC mechanisms, and traffic lights are required. The application must meet the following functional requirements: 1. The park can be used by students, teachers and staff. Vehicles entering the park as they arrive are on a first come first served basis (FIFO). 2. When the park is full, priority is given to students first, teachers second, and staff last. 3. Park capacity is limited to a maximum number of trips, defined by MAX_VIATURAS. Use a small value for testing purposes. example 5. 4. Using semaphores and other IPC mechanisms you deem necessary, program in C as functions that control an input and output of vehicles that use, for example, the following requirements: input_Victure (user_type) and exit_Viature (). Developed an application that all...
...vestibulares para progredir em uma estrada/caminho, similar a um jogo de tabuleiro. O jogo deve permitir customização básica dos personagens, como: cor da pele, sexo, cabelo, olhos e vestimentas. Os personagens/avatares serão no estilo mangá ou similar ao buddy poke (Orkut). I need a 3D game developer for android and iOS platforms with the ability to draw. The game to be developed consists of a multiplayer online RPG of up to 4 players or local single player, in which the goal is to get you through college entrance exams to progress on a road / path, similar to a board game. The game should allow basic customization of the characters, such as: skin color, gender, hair, eyes and clothing. The characters / avatars will be manga style or...
...jogadores ou single player local, em que o objetivo é acertar questões de vestibulares para progredir em uma estrada/caminho, similar a um jogo de tabuleiro. O jogo deve permitir customização básica dos personagens, como: cor da pele, sexo, cabelo, olhos e vestimentas. I need a 3D game developer for android and iOS platforms with the ability to draw. The game to be developed consists of a multiplayer online RPG of up to 4 players or local single player, in which the goal is to get you through college entrance exams to progress on a road / path, similar to a board game. The game should allow basic customization of the characters, such as: skin color, gender, hair, eyes and clothing....
Hi, I have an application in php with MYSQL My MYSQL has a table with polygon of type date (~ 350k lines) and a table with points of the town houses. we have a page with googlemaps API with control polygon, when drawing a polygon, shows the points inside. what I need is to show the base of the polygon (mysql) too and make it quick to query
...01/06/2019 - Photo of the group gathered, about 2 hours long in the morning. (local to be defined) - send the official photo in real time by e-mail to the project owner. Sunday - 02/06/2019 - Photo of each of the athletes going through the 35 km of the race, about 5 hours long. (The atlets identification will be done by the tee shirt colour) Tuesday 04/06/2019 - We need to get the photos of the students taken in the marathon this day. We are very excited about this work. Thank you! ___________________________________________ Oi, Precisamos de um fotógrafo, super animado para cobrir nossos atletos que comandarão a Maratona de Porto Alegre. Nossa empresa é a maior consultoria esportiva do Brasil e estaremos com 120 atletas amadores começando a co...
...feito com o PHPMaker (um CRUD em php) e mysql Preciso de um especialista para customizar e implementar funções. Tenho o desenho do APP. Sistema em construção em usuario : augusto senha : augusto PHP : Production Control Project. Partially done with PHPMaker (CRUD) and mysql I need a specialist to customize and implement functions. I have the APP drawing. System under construction in User: augusto password: augusto...
Olá, gostaria de ter um video sem fundo de meu logotipo. Um video de ate 10s para adicionar em vários anúncios. queria com 2 cores, sendo um video com letras pretas e outro com letras brancas.
...(se for possível). Segue alguns anexos caso deseje usar Bom Trabalho! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Automatically Translated Need: Hello, I need to create a logo for a signature club; Information: Club Name: 'Special Box'; Website: What is: is a signature club specializing in people with special needs, such as Down Syndrome for example, we will eventually put meet other types of special needs. Ideas I had: Colors closer to the purple, and lilac. Font that refers to affection and tenderness, lightness or something. Maybe have a box design, because customers will receive a box every month. I wish I could use only the writing, sometimes the writing with the drawing and som...
English: I need a system to generate certificate / diploma courses. The system must have the option to register: 1 - Student / user 2 - Courses 3 - Hours. The certificate should be printed in pdf format. You should have the option to query the certificate externally by the number. Summary: The school will register the certificate for the students, each certificate with their respective number. Anyone can check the certificate online for the registration number. Português Preciso de um sistema para gerar certificado/diploma de cursos. O sistema deverá permitir cadastrar: 1 - Aluno/usuário 2 - Cursos 3 - Carga horária. O certificado deverá ser impresso em pdf. Deverá ter opção de consulta ...
...of video lessons; 3 Marketing the web system to attract students and other teachers who want to use the system to advertise their classes online. The investment for the founding member will be of time and skills for those who are selected, among the following profiles: Android Application Developers Webdesigners Web Developers Video editors Teachers of different disciplines (Portuguese, Mathematics, Languages, Law, etc) Make your offer if you show interest and we will contact you as soon as possible. If you do not want to be a founding member, but only use the system to post your classes online, make that clear in your offer. In this case you will be charged a fee to be set on the amount of your course. Valid for people in any country....
The client sends a manual sketch, after that I do the 2d drawing and 3d modeling. reviewing as many times as necessary. O cliente envia um croqui manual, após isso eu faço o desenho 2d e a modelagem 3d. fazendo a revisão quantas vezes forem necessárias.
English Description Design a results report for web and mobile. I need a MOBILE and WEB model very user friendly design to see the results of that report. No need to program, just need the Mock-up design with the elements, texts and colors. Must be modern and focus on Mobile First You need to be creative to imagine a college student getting this report. They can even be split into some view screens of the phone. The report is attached. Descrição em Português Realizar o design de um relatório de resultados para web e mobile. Eu preciso de um modelo MOBILE e WEB muito user friendly design para ver os resultados desse relatório. Não é preciso programar, somente preciso do Mock-up do design com os elementos, tex...
English description I want a landing page that aims at a conversion to purchase an online Career Test. In this landing page we need to have: - Modern and clean design for University students public - Area for explanation of what is the career test - simple way to view the report and access to a purchase - Area for what to expect from the career test (benefits) - button for purchase - integration with Paypal payment system (within the site) After a purchase: - Immediate link to a surveygizmo page (external link already done), with its user name and password for access after purchase If the student does not buy the test, think about how to capture the email Today we are doing the following way: Descrição em por...
...Benefícios:Orçamento máximo por artigo individual é de R$ 6,00;Divulgação do produtor no final artigo, biografia e links sociais;Méritos e indicação de desempenho no outras dúvidas, entre em contato sorte! ========================================================================= Search for content producers for school research portal, launched in January 2015. The portal is based on school support content for elementary and middle school students. The work should be delivered in articles The research disciplines of the portal are: Arts, Biology, Sciences, Physical Education, Spanish, Philosophy, Physics, Geography , History of Brazil, General History, English, Literature, Mathemat...
PT Natural da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, designer formada pela PUC-Rio. Em meu trabalho, valorizo a linha de pesquisa e experimentação mediante...resultado. Nos meus estudos pessoais, tenho o foco na aplicação das cores e da luz por meio de experimentações de materiais, técnicas de desenho, fotografia e história da arte. EN Natural from the city of Rio de Janeiro, designer graduated by PUC-Rio. In my work, I value the research line and experimentation by mixing concepts, languages and techniques, in order to reach a real result for the proposed project. I also reach its possible outcomes, not holding myself in a unique way as a result. In my personal study, I focused on the colors and light application, mater...
Olá!<br />Estou procurando um profissional que faça um booktrailer para o meu livro. A ideia é fazer um vídeo estilo drawing of my life, contando a história da minha personagem principal. Além de fazer os desenhos no papel e filmá-los, teria que ter uma narradora para contar a história como se fosse a personagem do livro.<br />O roteiro do vídeo será feito por mim. <br />Eu gostaria que o profissional, de preferência, já tivesse trabalho com vídeo nesse formato (drawing of my life) ou que tivesse experiência em algo similar. <br />Agradecida!
Olá!<br />Estou procurando um profissional que faça um booktrailer para o meu livro. A ideia é fazer um vídeo estilo drawing of my life, contando a história da minha personagem principal. Além de fazer os desenhos no papel e filmá-los, teria que ter uma narradora para contar a história como se fosse a personagem do livro.<br />O roteiro do vídeo será feito por mim. <br />Eu gostaria que o profissional, de preferência, já tivesse trabalho com vídeo nesse formato (drawing of my life) ou que tivesse experiência em algo similar. <br />Agradecida!
Eu tenho as plantas em jpeg e preciso das plantas em dwg. Trata-se da Estação Ferroviára Leopoldina, no Rio de Janeiro. Preciso de 3 fachadas, 2 cortes e 4 plantas baixas.
1) I need an SEO expert to optimize a Wordpress platform to get on Google's first page (3 projects in 3 websites) 2) From what I've seen, the average time is 3 to 4 months. I want to know if this is possible. If not, how long will I be in the Top 3? 3) What is included in your work? 4) How much per month? Project 1 - Website 1 - Key words in Portuguese (Brazil) - Practitioner em PNL - Curso de PNL - Formação em PNL - Formação Practitioner - Treinamento em PNL - PNL Curso - PNL - Curso de programação neurolinguistica - Programação neurolinguística Project 2 - Website 2 - Key words in Portuguese (Brazil) - Formação em Coaching - Curso de Coaching - Curso de Coachin...
Digital Signage projects pra serem colocados em displays de 42" . Serão vários projetos envolvendo images e animações se necessário. Não será necessário o domínio do idioma inglês, porem e um "plus" te-lo.
Criação de um video promocional . 1- Estilo drawing( DRAW MY LIFE...ASAP SCIENCE) 2- Edição do video 3- Fotografia e filmagem 4- Gravação e edição de voz. Creating a promotional video. 1 drawing style (DRAW MY LIFE ... ASAP SCIENCE) 2 Video Editing 3 Photography and filming 4 recording and voice editing.
Hello I would like to learn how to configure inbound route in Elastix with my voip provider. And a job for college. At this time I can configure outbound routes. Basically I need a tutorial or see the setting for indbound routes with my voip provider
Estou em busca de redat...autentico e as imagens usada devem ser livres de direitos autorais. O post não precisa ser extenso (se for tudo bem), mas o conteúdo deve ser bem elaborado e que chame a atenção principalmente de estudantes de engenharia e profissionais da área, sem deixar de ser interessante para os demais públicos. I'm looking for copywriters to a blog that is starting, I need a post or two a week in Civil engineering, architecture, interior designer, etc. The language adopted is Portuguese. The content must be 100% authentic and images used should be free of copyright. The post does not need to be extensive (if OK), but the content should be well prepared and that draws attention mainly engineering students ...
Eu tenho trabalho contínuo relacionado ao nosso projeto anterior 'Caricature drawing'
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as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed.
as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed. as discussed discussed. as discussed. ed. as discussed. as discussed.
...de pagamentos Add no skype para duvidas: andersonsilvaengenharia English: I would like to develop a distance learning platform, where the customer can enter the site, schedule a class and at first this class can be via skype, but the ideal would be a learning environment ... something like the Google Hangouts. Considerations for the site: - School Presentation and methods. - Area to register students - Area to present the teachers. - Area for scheduling classes clearly show teachers and their appointment time available. - Integration with payment systems Add on skype to talk about: andersonsilvaengenharia ...
Por favor, Cadastre-se ou Faça Login para ver os detalhes.
Por favor, Cadastre-se ou Faça Login para ver os detalhes.
Por favor, Cadastre-se ou Faça Login para ver os detalhes.
I need to turn a drawing created by me in a logo for a T-shirt softball team my sister. Name: Rockstars I need as fast as possible. Paid $ 30 by the level of difficulty. Please send me also the logo on a shirt. Follow the image that is attached instead of having the red line below Please enter a baseball bat Portuguese Preciso de transformar um desenho criado por mim em um logo para uma camiseta do time de softball da minha irmã. Nome: Rockstars Preciso o mais rápido possivel. Pago 30$ pelo nivel de dificuldade. Por favor me mandar o logo também em uma camiseta. Seguir a imagem que está em anexo ao invés de ter o traço vermelho abaixo por favor inserir um bastão de baiseball
Desenvolver APP ...download da equipe de administração e publicação de conteúdos (equipe de comunicação e marketing do cliente). Develop APP for ANDROID to a health club with audience of women and men 20-35 years. Functionality to facilitate training at the gym, promote interactivity among students: training worksheet update, challenge between friends of the academy by the frequency, feeding records, location of nearest academies, the type of flow of people (high, medium, low ), perform check-in. Possibility to upload content with institutional material for customer marketing team and also allow users to feed with information as well. The APP shall also provide tools metrics and statistics for download manageme...
Desenvolver APP ...download da equipe de administração e publicação de conteúdos (equipe de comunicação e marketing do cliente). Develop APP for ANDROID to a health club with audience of women and men 20-35 years. Functionality to facilitate training at the gym, promote interactivity among students: training worksheet update, challenge between friends of the academy by the frequency, feeding records, location of nearest academies, the type of flow of people (high, medium, low ), perform check-in. Possibility to upload content with institutional material for customer marketing team and also allow users to feed with information as well. The APP shall also provide tools metrics and statistics for download manageme...
Desenvolver APP p...download da equipe de administração e publicação de conteúdos (equipe de comunicação e marketing do cliente). Develop APP for iPhone to a health club with audience of women and men 20-35 years. Functionality to facilitate training at the gym, promote interactivity among students: training worksheet update, challenge between friends of the academy by the frequency, feeding records, location of nearest academies, the type of flow of people (high, medium, low ), perform check-in. Possibility to upload content with institutional material for customer marketing team and also allow users to feed with information as well. The APP shall also provide tools metrics and statistics for download manageme...
Pretende-se a criação de um logo para um alojamento de estudantes universitários. A empresa vai proporcionar um leque de oferta de serviços para além do alojamento e daí a ideia que se vai proporcionar umas boa experiência com a estadia no alojamento. O nome da empresa será Students Experience Fico à espera das vossas propostas