Calculator science project trabalhos
Data Science Movie: desenvolvendo modelo de recomendação de filmes Projeto Você foi contratado como cientista de dados por uma plataforma de streaming de filmes, que está passando por um momento de expansão. O objetivo principal da empresa é aumentar o tempo de engajamento dos usuários e melhorar a satisfação geral com o serviço. Atualmente, os usuários estão sobrecarregados pela vasta quantidade de filmes disponíveis e muitas vezes têm dificuldades em encontrar títulos que correspondam aos seus gostos pessoais. Para resolver esse problema, você foi incumbido de desenvolver um sistema de recomendação de filmes eficiente, capaz de sugerir títulos relevan...
...the dietary supplement industry, I have dedicated the past few years to studying consumer needs and market trends. I believe that health should be accessible and understandable for everyone, and my goal is to facilitate this journey through effective and trustworthy products. I am committed to improving people's quality of life by providing them with products that truly work and are backed by science and research. With a solid background in nutrition and digital marketing, I have developed a deep understanding of how to position products in the market and which marketing strategies are most effective for reaching different target audiences. I have experience in successful marketing campaigns and know what it takes to convert leads into loyal customers. About the Product: S...
...the dietary supplement industry, I have dedicated the past few years to studying consumer needs and market trends. I believe that health should be accessible and understandable for everyone, and my goal is to facilitate this journey through effective and trustworthy products. I am committed to improving people's quality of life by providing them with products that truly work and are backed by science and research. With a solid background in nutrition and digital marketing, I have developed a deep understanding of how to position products in the market and which marketing strategies are most effective for reaching different target audiences. I have experience in successful marketing campaigns and know what it takes to convert leads into loyal customers. About the Product: S...
Projecto feito por uma equipa indiana mas não deixo como esperavamos, precisamos de retocar a pagina de calcular o peso das entregas Objectivo - Introduzir as informações de peso como no ultima pagina do figueiro enviado abaixo Link:
...mãos mais de 2000 dados obtidos em 20 anos de estudos de diferentes concretos e gostaria de verificar se com o aprendizado de máquina seria possível realizar a predição da deterioração para os anos seguintes. Entretanto, este projeto não se funda apenas na aplicação do machine learning, mas também no tratamento do banco de dados. Gostaria de encontrar especialistas em machine learning e data science para me dar suporte e realizar as etapas conforme estabelecido no projeto de pesquisa. O arquivo em anexo apresenta um artigo equivalente à proposta deste projeto. Ele mostra como os autores utilizaram o aprendizado de máquina para prever a deterioração do concreto, també...
Preciso de um desenvolvedor python Data science par desenvolver um robô de operações binárias, integrado a quotex, e/ou iqoption. *Robô de estratégias* IqOption e quotex Executar todas as estratégias em todos os pares abertos, em M1, M5, M15 para escolher a mais assertiva sem gale. - não entrar em Payout abaixo de x - Fazer ou não até x gale - Escolher fazer gale na próxima vela ou próxima entrada. - Fazer soros ou não, até x soros. - fazer soros somente após 3 wins, fazer x soros (soros conservador, usar apenas x% do lucro) *Após monitorar as estratégias mais assertivas* - fazer entradas na corretora no devido time M1, M5, M15. - Fazer entradas com % da banca....
...about and why is it so important? The science that has been produced in this area has come to the conclusion that the early human being had an omega 6 to omega 3 ratio of 3:1. With the changes in lifestyle and especially after the introduction of the food industry, which feeds animals with seeds, soy, flour (ie Omega 6), humans have been showing since 1960 (turning point), a ratio of 4 :1, and today 15:1 in Europe. In the US the ratio is 25:1. What's the problem with a 15:1 ratio? Our cells to summarize in a simple way can be compared to a filter. If this filter is clogged, nutrients have difficulty getting in and waste has difficulty getting out of the cells. This causes anomalies at the cellular level in the long term. A ratio of 1:1 or 3:1, as science says, is th...
Profissional com larga experiencia de uso de Inteligencia Artificial para leitura de imagens com objetivo de identificar elementos específicos na imagem. Solução semelhante:
A calculadora será inserida em um site existente em Wordpress. Funcionamento: *O Usuário seleciona o Estado; *A partir do Estado o Usuário Seleciona a Cidade; *O Usuário informa se sua instalação é Monofásica, Bifásica ou Trifásica; *O usuário informa o seu Consumo Médio de Energia (em kWh) apresentado em sua Conta de Luz; *Co...sistema calculará: - A potência estimada do sistema a ser instalado; - O custo estimado de instalação do Sistema; - A redução mensal prevista na conta de energia; - A economia anual prevista com gastos em energia; - O tempo estimado de retorno do investimento; - Os ganhos após o retorno do investimento até o tempo limite de vida...
Quero colocar uma calculadora ROI em uma página no wix. Pode ser via Corvid, só não sei como funciona. Outra coisa, gostaria que fizesse um chech no site e ajustes conforme o doc. O exemplo do calculo do roi esta em excel E segue um site de exemplo tb.
Veja por favor abaixo a carta a ser editada: No âmbito da V/ solicitação referente a carta enviada pela empresa JORAN (JOB RATE Calculator, Lda), com referência CARTA_AUDIÊCIA_LUMIER E.P – CARTA-Nº1, de 4 de Março de 2020, para se realizar um encontro entre representantes da ex- DTRP e a empresa ZORAN para abordar questões suscitadas na carta supramencionada, gostaríamos de informar que após concertações internas com a AZK P&P, foi realizado um encontro com a empresa Capex Liquid Calculator Lda., no dia 13 de Março de 2020. Durante a reunião a JORAN explicou que tinha dado entrada de uma proposta técnica e comercial para prestação de serviços ...
Olá Júlio pretendo ter um tutor para iniciação ao data science em particular usando Python e MySQL
Preciso de redator para criar 5 (cinco) artigos para blog cujo nicho é Data Science, Inteligência Artificial e Machine Learning, divididos da seguinte forma: - 2 Artigos falando sobre os avanços, benefícios e aplicações de Inteligência Artificial no mundo; - 1 Artigo falando sobre carros autônomos e como empresas como a Google, Tesla e Uber estão investindo no setor; - 1 Artigo falando sobre cidades inteligentes, e das soluções de Data Science/Inteligência Artificial para os problemas urbanos modernos; e - 1 O que é Deep Learning, uma técnica avançada de Machine Learning. Esses artigos visam atrair visitas para um site voltado para Data Science, e sdeve: - O redator dev...
Eu preciso de um novo site. Eu preciso que você projete e construa a minha loja online.
...aplicativos e consultoria de mídias sociais. Gostaríamos de algumas idéias com nomes de animais, ciência ou algo que seja interessante. De preferência em apenas 1 palavra. We are looking for a very creative, easy-to-read and write name. It is a new company that will meet in the creation of websites, web systems, applications and social media consulting. We would like some ideas with animal names, science or something that is interesting. Preferably in only 1 word....
Bom dia precisamos de algum com conhecimento de data science para projecto de machine learning. Experiência em PIO será obrigatório. Obrigado,
Preciso encontrar correlações entre os dados de um cliente e dados do IBGE, para isso preciso de uma pessoa que consiga fazer essas correlações e analises. Há urgência na contratação desses serviços.
Objetivo: Construir um processador web com capacidade de tratamento de big data e analytics e que seja flexível para criação de novos segmentos/mercados e novos controles de qualidade segundo demanda O projeto está inicialmente dividido em três etapas: 1-Input A-Consideramos nesta etapa a chegada dos dados de tickets(nota fiscal da boca do caixa) dos clientes varejistas, que podem ser de diferentes formatos e diferentes acessos. Formatos: Cada varejista trabalha com seu formato previamente definido em seu sistema, que podem ser diferentes layouts, com diferentes posições e tamanhos de variáveis, com mesma variável e nome diferente, e necessário atender a todos os formatos dos varejistas para não gerar custo...
Nesse projeto deve ser inserido um "Shipping Calculator" na página de carrinho. A plataforma utilizada é Shopify, o suporte não pôde ajudar, nem mesmo os desenvolvedores do tema. O "Shipping Calculator" foi adicionado à página recentemente, mas, ele não executa nenhuma ação para calcular o frete. Por isso, foi retirado e não consta mais na página. Também preciso de um trabalho básico de CSS/HTML para reposicionar alguns elementos (botões) da página do carrinho. Preciso de um desenvolvedor experiente.
É parte de um trabalho de conclusão de curso de gerencia de banco de dados O tema é "Es...palavras do aluno” acrescido das devidas referências conforme normas ABNT, ou seja, não será tolerada cópia parcial ou total de outros trabalhos (plágio), salvo trecho com citação direta. Foque em referências a partir de artigos científicos, no mínimo, 5 artigos nacionais e um internacional. Algumas fontes de pesquisa: • PORTAL CAPES • PORTAL SCIELO • PORTAL EMERALD • PORTAL EBSCO • PORTAL SCIENCE DIRECT • REVISTAS ESPECIALIZADAS DA ÁREA Quanto a orientação das referências (5 artigos nacionais e 1 internacional), estas são ...
É parte de um trabalho de conclusão de curso de gerencia de banco de dados O tema é "Es...palavras do aluno” acrescido das devidas referências conforme normas ABNT, ou seja, não será tolerada cópia parcial ou total de outros trabalhos (plágio), salvo trecho com citação direta. Foque em referências a partir de artigos científicos, no mínimo, 5 artigos nacionais e um internacional. Algumas fontes de pesquisa: • PORTAL CAPES • PORTAL SCIELO • PORTAL EMERALD • PORTAL EBSCO • PORTAL SCIENCE DIRECT • REVISTAS ESPECIALIZADAS DA ÁREA Quanto a orientação das referências (5 artigos nacionais e 1 internacional), estas são ...
I need a freelancer for my project. I need content for websites. The posts must contain between 500 and 800 words, with original content. The theme is quite varied, sometimes I can even let free to the author talk about what you want (counting with my approval). There is two different websites: Games and Apps / Curiosities, tech, science, etc. Content can be created in English or Portuguese. Contact us to talk better. '' Eu preciso de freelancer para o meu projeto. Preciso de conteúdo para websites. Os posts devem conter entre 500 e 800 palavras, com conteúdo original. O tema é bastante variado, algumas vezes posso até deixar livre para o autor falar sobre o que quiser (contando com a minha aprovação). S...
Já tenho o site desenvolvido em Wordpress, porém precisamos de um sistema de orçamento semelhante ao site , porém quem já tiver experiência com o plugin ez Form Calculator v2.9.5.4, para fazer apenas as configurações e deixar este funcionando. Será comprada a licença da versão completa caso ache necessário. Estamos abertos a sugestões ou outros módulos.<br /><br />Aguardo,<br />
Criação de um video promocional . 1- Estilo drawing( DRAW MY LIFE...ASAP SCIENCE) 2- Edição do video 3- Fotografia e filmagem 4- Gravação e edição de voz. Creating a promotional video. 1 drawing style (DRAW MY LIFE ... ASAP SCIENCE) 2 Video Editing 3 Photography and filming 4 recording and voice editing.
Criação de logotipo para uma empresa especializada em análise de dados. A empresa se chama "Sphaera Data" e nos propomos a trabalhar com Data Science (Big Data). Logo design for a company specializing in data analysis. The company is called " Sphaera Data" and we intend to work with Data Science (Big Data).
The Site currently has only one menu, but want to have a beautiful and inviting desigh. Our goal is to open franchises from the year 2016 and therefore must have an appropriate appearance and functionality. We can model the site We would like to have the pizza style calculator to their website as well. Our brand is registered and all image rights also nationally and internationally. In Portugueses ============================================== O Site possui atualmente apenas um cardápio, mas quer ter um desigh bonito e convidativo. Nosso objetivo é abrir franquias a partir do ano de 2016 e por isso precisa ter um aparencia e funcionalidades adequadas. Temos como modelo o site . Gostariamos
Criar um hotsite em javascript similar a este em javascript, html e css. É uma aplicativo simples, em língua portuguesa que deve ser inspirado neste exemplo abaixo: <br /><br /><br /><br />Favor verificar a fonte antes de se candidatar e enviar uma proposta.
Construção de sistema de coleta de dados (banco de dados) para educadores ambientais, que visa agregar dados de produtividade (indicadores de atendimento, atividades, projetos, campanhas, etc.) suas respectivas instituições e educadores para fins de avaliação quantitativa do ramo. O projeto em poucas palavras envolve entrada de dados em tempo real pelos usuários (educadores), e visualização dos mesmos por categoria, região, e outros identificadores. Interessados, enviar propostas!
Traduzir 5 laudas de informação científica, sobre ciências e biologia. Translate 5 pages of scientific information on science and biology
The MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology sends out christmas cards to their key stakeholders including government departments, universities and other science institutions. Please have a look a the website to find out more about us : The design should be no smaller than DLE and no larger than A5. The budget is $50
I'm looking to have a WordPress eCommerce website developed for selling physical products. The design should be modern and sleek, with a focus on smooth usability and contemporary aesthetics. Key Features: - Inventory Management: The site should be capable of keeping track of stock levels, with alerts for low inventory. - Shipping Calculator: An integrated shipping calculator is needed to provide customers with accurate shipping costs based on their location. - Product Customization Options: Some of the products will require customization by the customer, so functionality for this is necessary. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience with WordPress and WooCommerce - Strong background in eCommerce website development - Excellent understanding of modern web desi...
I'm seeking a seasoned full-stack developer or a dedicated team to create a dynamic Carbon Calculator website on a service-oriented model. This platform will empower users to compute their carbon emissions (CO₂, CH₄, N₂O) on a global scale utilizing emission factors. The site needs to be developed with: - React.js for the frontend - Node.js for the backend - MySQL as the database Incorporate cutting-edge technologies such as , TypeScript, RESTful APIs, GraphQL, and JWT-based authentication to ensure a modern, scalable, and secure solution. Key Features of the Website: - User registration, login, and subscription plans based on different tiers. - Advanced carbon calculation mechanisms influenced by distance-based methods and EF databases. - Data visualization primarily using ...
Badger Couriers, a motorcycle parcel delivery business is looking for a developer to create a parcel delivery webpage focused o...for a developer to create a parcel delivery webpage focused on local deliveries in Weston Syndey, to & from Airport with Express Same day delivery. The primary function of the site is to allow users to book deliveries by filling out a form. Key Features: - A user-friendly interface that guides users through the booking process - A form for users to fill out with their delivery details Cost calculator- size, weight, distance Online payment option Ideal Skills: - Web development and design - Experience creating e-commerce or booking websites - Understanding of UI/UX principles The aim is to have a seamless system for users to book their local parc...
I'm seeking a talented 3D animator to create engaging and educational animations aimed at women of all lift stages starting from teenage. The content will primarily womens health topics, with the goal of making complex concepts understandable, accessible and entertaining. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in 3D animation software - Previous experience creating educational content - Strong understanding of anatomy, the human body, women's health - Creating warm, pleasant, joyful content What I Need: - Animations that can simplify human anatomy and common womens health conditions. - Content that keeps the user engaged and interested and is trauma informed. - High quality production that can be used for educational series Please provide examples of previous similar work in your bid.
...whenever is best for you You may contribute your expertise by… Crafting and answering questions related to computer science in order to help train AI models Evaluating and ranking code generated by AI models Examples of desirable expertise: Currently enrolled in or completed a bachelor's degree or higher in computer science at a selective institution Proficiency working with one or more of the the following languages: Java, Python, JavaScript / TypeScript, C++, Swift, and Verilog Ability to articulate complex concepts fluently in Austrian German. Excellent attention to detail, including grammar, punctuation, and style guidelines Payment: Currently, pay rates for core project work by coding experts range from USD $30 per hour. PLEASE NOTE: We collect,...
I'm seeking a professional who can proofread and edit a scientific book I've written and also design an appealing cover for it. Proofreading & Editing - The primary focus is correcting grammar and spelling mistakes. Improve flow and readability. - Familiarity with the MLA or APA style guide is essential, as this is the style guide to be used for the proofreading process. Cover Design - The cover needs to be visually engaging and appropriate for a scientific book, yet accessible to a wider audience. - Previous experience designing covers for books, especially scientific ones, will be a plus. Skills & Experience - Strong command of English language for proofreading and editing tasks. - Experience with the MLA style guide. - Demonstrated ability in book cover design. - Pr...
About the Company: BEQ Science is a digital health startup focused on improving senior care through innovative balance monitoring and early intervention solutions. Our app helps doctors remotely monitor patients’ balance and fall risks, aiming to reduce falls, address opioid misuse, and slow neurological decline in aging populations. What You'll Be Working On: We are looking for an experienced grant writer to help us secure funding from federal, state, and foundation grants. You will collaborate with our CEO, product development team, and external clinical advisors to craft compelling grant proposals that highlight our innovative technology and its potential to transform senior care. Key Responsibilities: Research and identify relevant grant opportunities, including fe...
I'm seeking a skilled writer with a strong background in Biology and science research to help me pen an experimental-based research paper. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in Biology - Proficient in academic writing - Experience in writing research papers - Understanding of experimental research methodology - Ability to articulate complex concepts clearly - Understanding of pesticides, mode of action, exposure to pollinators
I'm in need of a professional writer who is well-versed in Computer Science, particularly in the field of Artificial Intelligence, to help me write a research paper based on an experimental study. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive knowledge and experience in writing Computer Science related papers, specifically on Artificial Intelligence. - Proven track record of conducting and writing about experimental studies. - Exceptional research skills to support the paper and provide a comprehensive literature review. - Ability to present complex ideas clearly and concisely. - Strong understanding of academic writing conventions and standards.
We are looking for an expert-level proofreader to proofread our technical document. Ideal candidates for this project should have extensive experience in proofreading Technical papers, particularly in the Science and Technology field. A strong command of English and familiarity with technical terminology in this area is crucial. Key focus areas for proofreading: - Grammar and punctuation: Ensuring the paper adheres to the highest English language standards. - Clarity and readability: Enhancing the overall flow and comprehension of the paper. - Technical terminology accuracy: Verifying the correct use of discipline-specific language and terms.
I'm in need of a professional writer who is well-versed in Computer Science, particularly in the field of Artificial Intelligence, to help me write a research paper based on an experimental study. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive knowledge and experience in writing Computer Science related papers, specifically on Artificial Intelligence. - Proven track record of conducting and writing about experimental studies. - Exceptional research skills to support the paper and provide a comprehensive literature review. - Ability to present complex ideas clearly and concisely. - Strong understanding of academic writing conventions and standards.
Description: I’m looking for a reliable and knowledgeable Teacher’s Assistant to support me with occasional tasks related to teaching university-level science and math. Responsibilities: • Assigning homework questions based on lesson content. • Assisting in creating lesson plans or supplementary teaching materials. • Researching and summarizing additional resources (e.g., practice problems, readings) for students. • Managing student queries related to assignments or coursework, when needed.
Description: I’m looking for a reliable and knowledgeable Teacher’s Assistant to support me with occasional tasks related to teaching university-level science and math. Responsibilities: • Assigning homework questions based on lesson content. • Assisting in creating lesson plans or supplementary teaching materials. • Researching and summarizing additional resources (e.g., practice problems, readings) for students. • Managing student queries related to assignments or coursework, when needed.
I'm in need of a professional to create engaging and curriculum-aligned weekly lesson plans for my Pre-K students. Details: - The plans should cover a variety of subjects, including Math, Language Arts, and Science. - Each plan should include a diverse range of activities, such as hands-on activities, storytelling sessions, as well as music and movement. - Incorporate (SWBAT) - 'Students Will Be Able To' and (IOT) - 'In Order To' statements for each activity. - Each lesson should align with the Pennsylvania Pre-K learning standards. Ideal candidates should have a background in early childhood education, with specific expertise in Pre-K curriculum development. Experience with Pennsylvania's educational standards is a plus. Creativity and a pa...
I have an Academic/Technical Sanskrit text pertaining to the field of Science that I need translated into English. The primary purpose of this translation is to serve as a reference for my research. Hence, precision and accuracy are paramount. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Fluent in both Sanskrit and English - Proven experience in translating academic and technical texts - Background in science is highly desirable - Strong attention to detail and ability to maintain the original text's meaning and intent I'm seeking a translator who can deliver a high-quality, precise translation that can support my research effectively.
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...mix. Curate Recipes: Develop 20 unique recipes per mix (e.g., starters, main courses, snacks, fusion dishes). Suggest Serving Ideas: Recommend accompaniments, sides, or beverages to complement each recipe. Document Recipes: Provide clear instructions, portion sizes, yield calculations, and optional variations. Key Requirements: Passion for Food: Strong interest in ingredient research and flavor science. Experience in Recipe Development: Preferably with ready-to-cook or premix products. Logical and Creative: Ability to create practical, scalable, and innovative recipes. Attention to Detail: Clear recipe documentation, including yield and portioning. Adaptability: Capacity to create diverse recipes for varying cuisines, occasions, and dietary needs. Deliverables: 320 Recipes: 20 un...
Job Title: AI & Machine Learning Mentor (Co-PI Role) – NIH Grant Proposal on Stress and Health Equity ________________________________________ Job Description: We are seeking a highly qualified Ph.D. holder in Computer Science with expertise in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to join our NIH-funded research initiative as a mentor and strategic advisor. Our research focuses on leveraging AI and machine learning models to address health disparities among underserved populations by analyzing stress markers and developing predictive models that improve diagnostic accuracy while addressing algorithmic bias. Key Responsibilities: • Mentorship and Guidance: o Provide strategic oversight and mentorship to a team of researchers and developers working ...
Consultant – SAC / BW Developer Experience Level: 3–7 years Location: Remote Employment Type: Contract (12-months) Shift: UK hours ...SAP BW Modeling and Query Design • Hands-on knowledge of Data Acquisition Tools in SAC and BW. • Experience in Finance Planning and Performance Management using SAC. • Experience in integrating SAC with SAP BW/4HANA and S/4HANA. • Basic scripting knowledge (e.g., JavaScript in SAC Analytic Designer). Academic Qualifications: • Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (e.g., , B.E. in Computer Science, IT, or related fields) or Commerce(e.g., , ) with a focus on Finance or Analytics. • Postgraduate degree such as MBA (Finance or Analytics) is desirable. • Certifications: o SAP BW/4HANA Certification o SA...