Professional Email Marketer Needed - 04/01/2025 01:10 EST
- Status: Closed
- Prêmio: $50
- Inscrições Recebidas: 34

Síntese do concurso
I'm seeking an adept email marketer to help me connect with my current customers.
Key Tasks:
- Crafting emails that professionally announce new products.
- Ensuring the optimal and respectful use of my existing customer email list.
Ideal skills and experience for the job include:
- Expertise in email marketing and content creation.
- Proven track record in creating engaging, professional content.
- Competent in managing and effectively utilizing an existing customer email list.
Habilidades Recomendadas
Principais inscrições deste concurso
tamannaislam1235 Bangladesh
sumonishere Bangladesh
Resh35 Bangladesh
Suptechy Pakistan
Suptechy Pakistan
QasimRaza11 Pakistan
NurFatihah13 Malaysia
sherazgfx Pakistan
AinaaYahaya Malaysia
Ripamony Bangladesh
bibekro Bangladesh
MasturaIshak Malaysia
mdrajaul003 Bangladesh
supriyanikam232 India
esamm Egypt
laboniakter56 Bangladesh
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