Bosch eBike adviser

Find your perfect eBike

Are you new to the world of eBiking?

The eBike market is incredibly diverse, with literally thousands of models on offer. Which eBike suits you best? What equipment is most important for your use-case? We'll familiarise you with the basics, show you what makes an eBike an eBike, and tell you everything else you need to know. From drive unit to display, from eCity to eCargo, from asphalt to trail. With the interactive eBike advisor, you can find out with just a few clicks which eBike type you are and get an initial orientation for choosing the right eBike.

What is an eBike?

An eBike is much more than a bicycle. The power of the electric motor enables you to pedal with ease. In the city, across the countryside or in the mountains. An eBike gives you a power boost precisely when you need it and makes you independent of timetables or parking spaces. eBikes require little space and cause neither noise nor exhaust fumes.

So it's no wonder the eBike is booming. We explain everything you need to know about eBikes here.

5 good reasons why it's worth switching to the eBike:

You enjoy the ride

The drive provides support on challenging climbs and conserves energy on long rides.

You're improving your health

Regular exercise keeps you fit and puts you in a good mood. Studies have found that eBikers get on their bikes more often and cover much longer distances than conventional cyclists.

You're saving the environment

With an eBike, traffic can be relieved just as much as the climate. It often makes the car redundant.

You can all ride together

The electric assistance compensates for differences in performance and makes the tour a shared experience.

You save time

On a distance of up to 10 kilometres (just over 6 miles), the eBike is the fastest means of transport in the city.

eBike variants

There are actually three types of electric bikes. The generic term 'eBike' has become accepted, but conceals the differences between the variants. These varients lie in the motor power, the type of support and the legal requirements. To keep it simple, we refer to 'eBikes' always as a synonym for a pedelec.


Strictly speaking, most eBikes are pedelecs ("Pedal Electric Cycle") – i.e. a bicycle with an electric supporting motor. It supports you with a maximum permissible rated continuous output of 250 watts when you pedal. Up to a maximum speed of 25 km/h. If you want it to go even faster, you have to do it with pure muscle power. As a result, pedelecs are legally considered bicycles. You don't need a licence or insurance to ride them.


The S in S-pedelecs stands for "Speed". They operate in the same way as pedelecs, their more powerful electric motor, however, provides acceleration to a speed of 45 km/h. They are therefore classed as mopeds. For their riders this means that a driver's licence is required and, in addition to an insurance obligation, a helmet must be worn. Caution, in many places, the use of cycle lanes is also forbidden – obtain information on what the laws are in your particular country.


With eBikes in general, you don't control the motor through your pedalling frequency or intensity, but through a twist grip or shift knob. You don't have to pedal for motor support. This makes them fundamentally different from bicycles and pedelecs, and there is mandatory insurance and a helmet must be worn.

eBike components

Drive unit, display and battery are the components that make an eBike an eBike. These are supplemented by digital services and apps. All of these components are most effective when thought of as a unit and designed as a system: In this way, they work together in harmony. This results in maximum efficiency and comfort – and a unique riding sensation.


Important information in view

The display is the control centre on the handlebar. It allows you to display various information such as range or selected riding mode and gives you the option of changing the riding modes/assistance levels. Displays are available in many variations and with different functions. 

Rechargeable battery

The energy source

The eBike motor draws its energy from the eBike battery. It supplies the eBike motor with power and has a key influence on the range That is why there are eBike batteries for different requirements as well as for different installation and mounting variations.

Drive unit

The [mid] motor of your eBike

In 90% of pedelecs, a mid-motor is responsible for propelling you forward. This is for a good reason: it is located at the bottom bracket in the middle of the bike, which lowers the centre of gravity and leads to a balanced weight distribution. This makes bike handling easier, and the direct power transmission to the chain conveys a natural riding feeling. And because the Bosch eBike motors, also called drive units, measure important riding data over 1000 times per second with their sensors, they always provide you with the optimum power: precisely delivered and tailor-made for you.

Apps & portal

Digital extensions

Digital apps enhance your eBike experience with a variety of digital features. Whether for navigating or route planning, whether with range information or important training data: You're always sure of getting there and can enjoy pure riding enjoyment. Whether it's elevation or heart rate, speed or cadence, you can have your performance automatically recorded and evaluated using various apps. Use your favourite apps such as Strava, komoot, Apple Health or Google Fit to monitor your riding performance and share your progress with friends.

eBike types

For the commute to work or the adventure in nature, from transport to trail, from clean to functional: eBikes are available in a wide range of variants. We show you the most common types here.

The classics

eCity bike

City eBikes are the perfect way to avoid traffic jams in a congested city.

eTrekking bike

Trekking bikes with electric drives are the perfect choice for recreational cyclists and adventurers.

eMountain bike

eMountain bikes are made for powerful eBiking in the mountains and on rough terrain - guaranteed fun on any surface.

eCargo bike

Whether picking up the kids from kindergarten or carrying the weekly shopping, cargo bikes are the alternative means of transport.

The specialists

Urban eBike

eUrban bikes are stylish eBikes that take you safely through the urban jungle - perfectly connected to the digital world.

Speed Pedelec

Speed Pedelcs are up to 45 km/h fast and ideal for longer distances, such as your daily commute to work.

SUV eBike

eSUV bikes or crossover eBikes are sporty all-rounders that make you feel just as comfortable on asphalt as on off-road trails.

eGravel Bike

eGravel bikes are the off-road version of the eRoad bike: The wide tyres provide plenty of comfort even for sporty riding.

eRoad bike

eRoad bikes are the racing bikes among eBikes and the perfect training partner for sporty and longer rides on asphalt.

Things to know about eBikes


What is the range of a single battery charge? This is a common question for many eBikers. There is no definitive answer. The number and variety of influential factors is simply too great. Sometimes a single battery charge will take you less than 50 kilometres, while at other times it will take you much further than 100 kilometres.

Range is influenced by the rider and the chosen support mode, as well as the drive unit or battery installed in the eBike. Environmental factors such as temperature, wind conditions and riding surface also play a key role in how far you can get on a battery charge. Our range assistant tool makes it possible to estimate a typical range under various parameters.

The range assistant

Support levels

eBikes supplement your muscle power with electric power. However, the amount of extra power delivered is up to you: simply by using your own strength and selecting the desired level of assistance. Whether you want to exhaust yourself, arrive at the office without breaking a sweat or go for a long ride - your eBike will do the job. All it takes is the simple touch of a button. The fun of riding, however, always remains at its maximum.

More about support levels


We really care about your safety. You can only really enjoy the flow on your eBike when you feel safe. That is why we are focusing all of our attention on this topic in all its aspects. After all, there are many different factors that influence how safe you feel: a safety-conscious and responsible riding style, physical conditions such as the cycle path network and infrastructure and, last but not least, suitable product solutions.

Every day we work passionately to develop innovative and inspiring products as part of our commitment to safe and responsible eBiking. This means you can relax on the road, confident in the safety of our products.

More about eBike safety


Whether you're using a connected on-board computer or a smartphone, Bosch has intelligent solutions to connect you to the digital world when you're riding your eBike. This opens up a whole new range of options for eBiking - whether for navigation, fitness, communication or entertainment. 

Thanks to Bluetooth and Wi-Fi in combination with smart features such as navigation, route planning, fitness and environmental conditions, you are now even better informed. Performance data such as altitude, speed, cadence and heart rate profiles can be recorded and evaluated. You can share information and stay in touch with friends on the go - that's what online services like Strava and komoot are all about. 

More about Connectivity


Sustainability is a community project. Everyone can contribute to protecting resources and reducing emissions - out of respect for nature and future generations. Our mobility, specifically traffic-based mobility, is responsible for more than a fifth of all CO₂ emissions worldwide. Using an eBike helps to lower this value.

It enables us to reduce traffic and relieve the environment. An eBike makes the journey to work more relaxed and allows us to do without our cars more often, whether for transporting people or loads. It requires little space and causes neither noise nor exhaust fumes. The switch is a win for the environment. And therefore for every one of us.

More about sustainability


Physical activity is good for you. The World Health Organisation recommends 150 minutes of exercise each week to strengthen the cardiovascular system and prevent disease. This doesn't necessarily mean having to work up a sweat. Moderate exercise is enough to promote health. Anyone riding an eBike is not just keeping the body and mind active, but also enjoying plenty of fun.

Why choose an eBike with a Bosch system?

Bosch eBike Systems stands for …

... a perfectly coordinated system
The drive unit, battery and display are designed as a single system and interact seamlessly. This results in maximum efficiency and comfort – and a unique riding sensation.

... individual combination options
With a modular product portfolio, Bosch offers eBikers the ideal drive system for every requirement.

... innovative solutions
From the first series-ready ABS for eBikes to the first fully connected on-board computer in the bicycle industry and the dynamic Performance Line CX: we develop solutions with which we advance our customers' mobility.

… Connected Biking
Our connectivity products add a digital dimension to the eBiking experience, making it even more comfortable, richer and more individual.

...Maximum reliability
Our products stand for maximum quality and reliability.

... an extensive range of services
Every product is only as good as its service. Bosch eBike Systems trains retailers to become eBike specialists through intensive training courses.

... a large selection of manufacturers
More than 100 renowned bicycle brands trust in products that are 'Bosch ePowered' and install our drive systems in their bicycles.

Which eBike suits you?

Our interactive eBike guide will help you find the right eBike for your needs. Try it out right away!

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