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The Agricultural Reports ("Berichte über Landwirtschaft") published by the BMEL can be found here.

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Forest Strategy 2020

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Sustainable Forest Management – An Opportunity and a Challenge for Society

Cover Brochure Forest Strategy 2020

DART 2020: Fighting antibiotic resistance for the good of both humans and animals

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With many infectious diseases, the health of humans and animals is very closely interwoven. Animals and people are often infected by the same pathogens, treated with the same antibiotics and thus have a mutual influence on the problems of resistance.

With the German Antimicrobial Resistance …

Cover of the brochure "DART 2020"

National Action Plan on Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products

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The National Action Plan on Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products was adopted by the German government on April 10th 2013 pursuant to § 4 of the Plant Protection Act, and published in the Bundesanzeiger on May 15th 2013.

Cover of the brochure National Action Plan on Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products

DART 2020 Interim report on the occasion of the WHA 2016

Released as publication

By presenting this report, the ministries involved wish to show how antimicrobial resistance is being combated at national and international level.

Deutsche Version: DART 2020 Zwischenbericht anlässlich der WHA 2016

As of: May 2016

Cover of the brochure DART 2020 Interim report on the occasion of the WHA 2016

GFFA – BTF Political synergies in international activities

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The central topics of the GFFA are not restricted to a theoretical discussion, but are directly anchored "in the field" via the "Bilateral Trust Fund". The Fund is a programme operated by the BMEL and the FAO in which selected food security projects are carried out in a number of countries. Here, …

Cover Brochure

Bilateral CooperationProgramme

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BMEL projects with other countries

Titelbild der englischprachigen BMEL-Broschüre "Bilaterales Kooperationsprogramm - Projekte des BMEL mit dem Ausland"

Empowering Agriculture for Global Food and Nutrition Security - The 15th anniversary of the Bilateral Trust Fund with FAO

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The number of people suffering from hunger and chronic malnutrition is currently on the rise again, amounting to approximately 820 million people worldwide. This precarious situation is currently being exacerbated by the rapid growth of the world population, the increasing demand for energy and …

Cover Brochure Empowering Agriculture for Global Food and Nutrition Security - The 15th anniversary of the Bilateral Trust Fund with FAO.

Towards Sustainable Fisheries in Germany and the EU

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Our fish stocks are not unlimited: we can only catch what can be replenished. It is therefore important that we take action to preserve the stocks and use available resources with restraint. To this end we need to manage the fishing grounds sustainably. By doing so we will help protect not only …

Cover of the Publication

EU Common Agricultural Policy - 2014 to 2020

Released as publication

In 2019, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture had two reasons to celebrate. It was the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Reich Ministry of Food and Agriculture, and the seventieth anniversary of the creation of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture after the 2nd World War. The …

Cover of the Publication